Devon’s Aptitude


The more Arella thought of it, the more reason it made to her. The hound that had attacked her was fierce. But started howling as soon as it was surrounded by the flames. Strength was power.

But the only problem was, she didn't have enough strength! She couldn't make her father or stepmother sprout the truth! She wasn't powerful enough!

She was sitting on the bed and thinking of a solution. If Stella knew something, then her stepmother should have known something too. Stella was too dangerous now, she shouldn't be approached, but her stepmother was different.

She should begin with her stepmother. But how! How would she let her speak the truth?

Arella was lost in her thoughts and soon fell asleep.

As she remained asleep, the door to her ward opened.

The cook went out for a while to report the situation.

A figure rushed in and stopped near her bed.

Its entire being was covered with a huge black robe. One couldn't tell if it was a beast or a tamer. It extended its hand and lightly touched the sleeping girl's head.

Faint golden light poured out of its palm and quickly got absorbed by the sleeping beauty. Arella purred a little in her sleep. And then, she was back into the depths of dreamland.

Meanwhile, the being retracted its hand and then started to leave. It disappeared as quietly and quickly as it had appeared. Nobody knew of its intrusion.

When Arella opened her eyes, it was the same white ceiling that welcomed her.

She was still in the ward.

"Oh! Madam! Do you feel better now?" The cook immediately saw her waking up.

"I am fine. Water." Arella croaked.

Since the accident, she was constantly feeling parched. It was comfortable but dry. She craved water and anything cold.

The cook hurriedly brought water. And reported the happenings.

"Madam, when you were resting, Both of your friends had come to pay you a visit. They sat for a while and then left."

"Okay." Arella felt much better after having some water.

After some time, she sat in the wheelchair and wheeled to Anne's ward.

"Arella! Thank goodness you are awake! You scared us! Why did you take so long to wake up?" The loud and concerned voice of Anne surrounded Arella as soon as she entered her ward. Both Devon and Anne were there.

"I am fine. What about you? How is your leg? Any pain?" Arella stopped the cook outside and entered the ward alone.

"I am good. The wound was deep, but it will recover soon. I am afraid I no longer will be able to go to work with you people! This makes me so sad!" Anne's voice was filled with ups and downs. Looking at the normally excited and chattering girl, Arella felt relieved.

"Oh! come to think of this! I don't think Devon would be able to work with us too!" Anne's excited voice once again filled the room.

"Why? What's wrong? Are you still feeling unwell? Was there any deeper damage?" Arella moved towards Devon and started examining his pulse. It looked fine. On the contrary, it was powerful.

"No, I am fine, and I have recovered well. Thank you for your concern and timely assistance." Devon spoke less, but his every word was measured and revealed a heartfelt gratitude towards his benefactor.

"No, no. As long as you are okay, it is all worth it!" Arella hurriedly responded to his words.

"Fine? He is more than that! Don't you know? His aptitude has leaped from E rank to C rank! He can now join the military!" Anne's tingling voice interrupted the polite exchange between them.

"C rank! Oh my God! Congratulations on the upgrade! I am really happy for you!" Arella was more than glad to see her friend becoming more powerful!

"Do you know how many people from E and D ranks have visited him by now? They are saying that Devon is the only person to jump from E to C rank directly! Think of his future! He won't have to struggle for anything any longer! I am so envious!" Anne blatantly revealed her emotions. She was happy, but she was jealous too.

"Arella, I was told that all this happened because of your spiritual energy. It not only helped me stabilize mine but even pushed it a little further. I don't know what would have happened to me if you were not there!" Listening to Devon speaking so much at the same time, even Anne was shocked.

Arella was also shocked, but not because of the length of the sentence but because of his words.

"No, Devon. You upgraded because you fought with all your might. You wanted to save Anne. You had a purpose, and you had strength. I just helped you buy some time by transferring the energy." Arella didn't want to take the credit.

"Arella, I owe you my life. So, here, Anne as our witness, I pledge that I will be loyal to you forever. Whenever you need me, I will be there." Devon spoke solemnly.

"No, no, no. Devon. You don't have to say so! I did what I deemed right at that moment. We don't owe anything to each other!" Listening to such formal words of loyalty, Arella became flustered.

A pledge of loyalty. That is what Devon had referred to just now. Though it was only valid when the master was in higher rank than the servant, Arella knew that Devon meant every word of it just now. Devon looked so serious that he could kill himself on the spot to prove his loyalty. Such a scene was terrifying!

"Arella, please. Promise me that if you need me, you won't hesitate. And I promise that I won't shy away from fulfilling my promise ever." Devon was firm in his resolution.

"Accept it, Arella. He is serious." A deflated voice belonging to Anne could be heard in the room. Arella was still flustered. Inside, she was thanking the beast God that she was of lower rank. Otherwise, a mark would have appeared on Devon's wrist signifying the unbreakable pledge.

"I helped you as a friend. And I hope that in future, if I am in need of my friends, you both will be there." Arella calmed herself down a little and accepted. She knew that Devon was not going to back up.

"Of course! Once a friend, always a friend!" Anne's voice regained its vigor while Devon nodded to show his affirmation.

Anne was happy, but Arella could feel that something was troubling her. She was right. Anne was elated to see Devon upgrading, but at the same time, a thought crept inside her mind and was plaguing her.

Devon! He was now a C ranked beast. With a sudden upgrade, he has become the best catch for all the E and D rank tamers. Anne was afraid. She didn't want to lose him, but she didn't have the courage to approach him either.

The thought of losing him was eating her away.

"While we are at it, Arella I implore you to be my witness." Pulling Anne out of her thoughts, Devon's low voice reverberated in the room.

Both the girls tilted their heads and stared at him.

Arella noticed that his hands were shaking a little. Was he nervous?

"Anne, I have always admired you. You are the only color in my black and white life. Earlier, I was afraid of not being able to give you the life that you deserve. But now, when there is brightness ahead, I wish for you to walk with me. Till eternity. If, if, you feel it is okay, can we get married?"