
Adrian's vision spiraled out of control. It was already hard to control his impulses, and now that he had received a green flag, he decided to let nature take its course.

He carried her and rushed towards the bedroom. The moment they reached their bedroom, his hands started stroking and exploring her. Their breathing hitched.

She was trapped between the cold door and his burning body. Or it was her body that was burning? She knew not! They were firmly and passionately clinging to each other. Where her body ended, and he began, she knew not.

His hands were all over her. And his mouth was busy devouring her. Not a moment was wasted. Her hands were clutching his bare waist. And his was touching her neck, and then, soon, his hands started the descend.

His hands traced her slender neck and butterfly collarbones. Kisses followed. His hand was dangerously nearing her softness. But the fabric was stopping his advances. In his hurry, he couldn't be bothered with patiently taking it off. So, he simply tore it.

A rip was heard in the room that only had the sound of their breathing in it. She felt that she was burning up. Wherever his hands moved, a strong sensation followed. She felt as if a raging, maddening, and consuming flame was engulfing her.

He removed the torn pieces from her bosom. And an enchanting image got imprinted in his mind. He was in a hurry, but his touches were gentle. It was the kisses that were ravenous.

His hands made way to her suppleness. Soft. That was his first thought. And then, as his mouth closed in, all his thoughts ran amok. He became incapable of thinking. Only sensations and her alluring image remained.

She wasn't idle either. Her hands moved as if they had a mind of their own. His chest, shoulders, stomach, wherever she touched, firm muscles welcomed her. His body was totally opposite to hers. If she was soft, then he was hard.

Thinking of hardness, she couldn't help but look in a certain direction. He was hard. All over. A moment ago, she felt poked. Her curiosity was fueled. She wanted to touch him.

As she moved her hands in a particular direction, soft kisses touched her bosom. Her mind crashed, and she felt a numbness sweeping through her.

Soft moans made their way to her mouth. Heavenly. That's what it felt like. She didn't know that a touch could be so electrifying. He gently kissed her unexplored spots. But listening to her sweet hmms and moans, it was becoming harder for him to control his gentleness.

He couldn't hold back and started madly devouring her hardened spots. She was craving him. And he was craving her. His mouth covered one part while the other was attended to by his hands. Both spots were being stimulated simultaneously.

Being a maiden, she wasn't privy to the affairs of the bed chamber. Whatever he did to her, was bringing her different sensations. Pleasure, numbness, and breathlessness coursed through her.

Once he became satisfied with the marks of possession on her, he moved further. His hands probed deeper and deeper, and his mouth went lower. She couldn't make heads or tails of it. She was delirious.

He removed the fabric from her lower body. They were both touching each other's bare bodies. His hands were on her thighs. She felt a shiver run down her. She inevitably and instinctively became scared and nervous.

When his hands reached her in between, he found that she was clenching her legs tightly. Her sweet spot was hidden securely. His mouth went straight to her mouth. And once again, he began kissing her.

Once her senses were focused on her mouth, his hands swiftly started stroking her. Her tensed leg muscles relaxed a little. He found an opening and then, his restless fingers rushed inside.

It was too late for her to tighten or close her legs. But in her nervousness, when she did, it trapped his fingers inside instead. Her move counter attacked. His fingers were gliding, sliding, and grinding inside her now.

Strange sensations erupted inside her. Too much! It was too much to handle for her! Her legs started trembling furiously. His one hand was snaked around her waist, holding her upright. If not for it, she would have slipped by now.

His other hand was unobtrusively exploring her insides. If her body temperature was high, then her insides were akin to burning. Wetness made it easier for him to move. It was so soft, warm, and comfortable. His fingers reached deeper and deeper.

She was feeling a tension rising inside her. Two contradictory forces fought in her mind. One was craving his touch and wanted it to keep doing whatever he was doing. While the other just wanted to remove his hands from her.

His kisses started descending. He went on his knees. She wasn't aware of anything outside of her body. When did his hand leave her waist, why was he kneeling, and when did his mouth come in close proximity to her womanhood, she wasn't aware of it at all.

His fingers were doing their magic inside her. But soon, she felt that something was wrong. His fingers were trying to move out. Before she could protest, his mouth touched her navel. She abruptly opened her eyes.

He was at her knees. His eyes were closed, and he was kissing her navel like a devout being. The way he treated her body made her feel ecstatic. It wasn't a beast performing the mating ritual but instead, a devout believer praising a Goddess.

Her eyes were fixed on his moments. He was moving instinctively. His mouth started going lower and lower. From her navel, his mouth had reached a place which was always kept hidden.

Even she herself wasn't brave enough to reach there. To see his mouth going there, a part of her wanted to run and hide. While the other part just wanted to completely offer herself to him. 

She wanted to give him everything that she had. From her body to her soul. Everything belonged to him and only him.