
Dedicated to the daily motivators! Sunny_Shumail and Vidya_Vahini, your involvement means a lot! Thank you for cheering me up!


The next morning, when Arella woke up, she found that she was the only one lying in the bed. She shifted a little, and it hurt profoundly! Her entire body was sore. She couldn't even lift her fingers. Right in front of her eyes, was the window, and it was so bright that it hurt her eyes!

What time was it? Slowly, the memories of last night straightened her buzzing head. A blush crept up on her cheeks. She wanted to hide her face in the pillow, but alas! She didn't have enough strength.

All her life, people had told her that she was too weak. But frankly speaking, she never felt the same. She was of the mind that if she trained hard, she could easily become powerful.

But today, she felt weak to her bones! Was this supposed to hurt this bad? How was Adrian? Was he feeling sore too?

Her reverie broke with the sound of the door opening.

"Are you awake?" A tempting voice reached her ears. It was this voice that had made her lose control last time over and over again.

"Hmm," a weak confirmation made it to her throat. She wanted to speak, but her lips were hurting too. And by the looks of it, her lips should be swollen. She couldn't look at her body, but she knew whatever transpired between them must have left marks on her.

Soft footsteps could be heard walking in her direction. She kept her eyes closed. She didn't know what state was she in. She didn't want him to see her in an embarrassed state.

Her body was covered with a feeling of silk like clothes. So, she knew she wasn't bare. He must have helped her last night. But what about her hair? By now, it must have become a bird's nest! And how could she forget about the morning breath?

No, no, no! She couldn't let him see her like this! What if he saw her unkempt appearance and lost interest in her? The spring had just begun, she didn't want to face autumn so soon!

She wanted to hide, but she didn't have enough energy. So, she kept her eyes tightly closed. Out of sight, out of mind. It was silly, but she had no other options! While she was dilly dallying, strong hands held her waist. He swooped her in his arms and slowly took her to the bathroom.

He wasn't feeling sore? Was the difference between a high and low aptitude this huge? For a moment, she madly wanted to advance too! She wanted to become a high ranking tamer! Then, she wouldn't have to feel so sore!

She found a stable, firm, and smooth table under her. She was seated firmly on something. It was slightly cold.

"You can open your eyes now." Adrian's alluring voice was too close to her ears. Sexy! So sexy! Was his voice always this mouth watering?

She slowly opened her eyes. And found Adrian staring at her! She wanted to close her eyes instinctively, but his eyes had a different charm. So mesmerizing! His eyes were always enchanting, but today, his eyes sparkled with light.

In his eyes, there was nothing negative. He didn't mind her unkempt appearance at all. There wasn't a shred of lust, something that was driving him mad last night. There was only concern and comfort.

"Are you still feeling sore?" He softly whispered.

She only stared at him without responding. She took her surroundings in. She was still in the bedroom and on the side table! The room was perfectly made. No signs of the turbulent storm that had shaken the room last night could be seen!

"Here, have some water first." He offered her a glass of water.

She was thirsty. She felt as if there were thorns in her throat. She badly wanted to drink some water. But her hands refused to lift up. Thankfully, he was mindful and brought the glass to her mouth. She drank slowly. One glass after another. In a row, she had taken five glasses of water!

She wanted more, but he refused. "You better take it slow."

"Hmm." She felt more comfortable after having water. Her throat felt better. 

"Does it still hurt?" He once again asked her the same question. He was genuinely concerned.

"Hmm." She weakly put her head on his shoulder, and immediately, his arms covered her in a comforting embrace.

"Sorry, I was too beastly last night." He didn't know what else to say. He just wanted to apologize. He should have held himself back, but he didn't. He was too rough! Reproach tainted his apology.

"Be...gentle… next time." She managed to speak a full sentence. She knew that he was blaming himself. And she didn't like it at all. Whatever happened was what both of them wanted, desired, and maybe needed. She was equally responsible for it.

Was it too much? Yes. 

Was he too rough? Yes. 

Did she regret it? No.

In fact, she was glad. Because his desperation revealed that he wanted her as much as she craved him.

"Hmm, I will." His hands kept holding her in a firm embrace. After some time, he once again lifted her and walked straight to the bathroom. He put her on the platform near the basin.

He noiselessly prepared the things required to brush one's teeth. He handed it over and kept looking at her.

"I …I can do it…You go out." She was feeling a little awkward. Nobody had helped her with her morning ritual since her mother passed away.

"Sure?" Looking at her feeble state, he wasn't comfortable leaving her alone, even for a moment.

"Yes." She was firm.

"Okay." He reluctantly moved out to give her some space.

Once he went out, she looked up in the mirror. A flushed face stared back at her. Her eyes were misty, her cheeks and ears were flushed, her lips were swollen, and the looming parts of her neck and collarbone had a plethora of marks.

No wonder he felt so bad. She really looked like a good girl who was badly bullied by a ruffian!

She washed her face thoroughly. It is okay if he saw her like this, but what would happen if anybody else saw her like this? Her face right now was like an open book with a bold text! Anybody could read it and know what had transpired last night! Although she would love to flaunt, she was a private person. It's better to keep these things under wraps.

She washed her face over and over again and then brushed her teeth thoroughly. Last night, she had sweated a lot, not to forget the stickiness that had filled her to the brim.

But today, she felt nice and fresh. Her hair was perfectly tied, and not a speak of stickiness could be felt anywhere. He must have washed her. Also, the room. He must have changed the bed sheets and prepared the room as well. Pleased with this, a smile bloomed on her face.

Satisfied with her face, she touched the ground with her legs. Thankfully, the platform wasn't too high. She wouldn't have to jump. She could simply stand up.

She reached the ground with her legs, and bam, a loud voice of something falling echoed in the bathroom.