
Dedicated to the silent readers! I don't know who you are, but I know that you are there. Your involvement is as much appreciated as the active readers! Thank you for your support! If you like something, do leave a comment or review, and keep supporting!


The next morning was a twin face of yesterday for Arella. Her legs were numb, and her entire body hurt. But maybe she had become used to him, so that is why, she felt that the soreness and pain were bearable today.

It was just like yesterday. She was the only one lying in the bed. After she woke up, he entered and carried her to the bathroom. The only difference was unlike the first awkward day, his movements were more intimate and natural. Even she didn't blush as furiously as she did last day.

The breakfast was full of nutrition. Sometimes he fed her himself. He wouldn't let her do the work at all. She was only responsible for sleeping in and working hard at night.

But once burnt, twice shy. So, she decided to not sleep in the afternoon. But her plan backfired. Because he ravished her in broad daylight too! In the end, she was so exhausted that she immediately fell asleep.

It was evening when he woke her up. Her stomach was growling from hunger! By now, both of them had shed the politeness and gentleness of strangers. All they had between them was trust, love, respect, and unquenchable hunger for each other. Both enjoyed their moments to the utmost. There was no distance either between their bodies or between their thoughts.

Thanks to their soul knot, both of them felt unprecedented joy and comfort at their union. She was unable to feel so during the first few encounters because of the overwhelming soreness. But once the pain subsided and her body became used to him, she realized why he was so madly obsessed with her.

It was because of the soul knot. The kind of heavenly joy they felt when they were intimately together was beyond words. No wonder, during the entire week, he looked at her like a predator!

A week passed in a flash. Their rendezvous continued during the day and night without interruptions. She had thought that he would feel less attached once he was satiated. But she was so wrong! The closer they got, the more he wanted her!

A week wasn't enough for him. And to be honest, it wasn't enough for her either! She never admitted it, but being with him felt just right. As if, in his arms, was where she belonged.

Unbeknownst to her, there were certain changes taking place inside her. It was not only her body that was becoming used to his touches but also her core. Her eyes were brighter now. The red was glowing like embers every time. The ice was losing its gleam slowly and steadily.

And thanks to his personal fitness program, her stamina had improved leaps and bounds by now. She had believed that her tedious walking job must have made her stronger, but she was mistaken. When she fell prey to him, she realized that her stamina was non existent in front of him.

After every rendezvous, she found herself crumbling while he stood firm and straight. She envied him for it. But slowly and steadily, due to his continuous efforts in training her in bed, she was now able to reach a quarter of his stamina.

At least, she wouldn't collapse now. Every time they ended, she felt like a fish without water, breathless and on the verge of death. But every time, he hugged her tightly, she felt saved. And then, a burning flame would consume her, transferring life to her dying self.

For the entire week, both of them were in a trance like daze. They found it unbearable to stay apart. Every time, either her hands were caressing his body or his hands were all over her. She was either in his lap or his head was in her lap instead.

It all ended with the week. Though reluctant, he had to go back and report to his military duties. Thankfully, his current assignment would keep him in the city for almost a month. Unlike the expeditions, where he had to go out of the planets.

He was now in charge of military training of the exceptional seedlings. These were the beast clan members who had shown exceptional virtue and had the potential to become a member of their elite team. He had to train, judge, and evaluate them on his own for a month.

His current assignment was comforting, but it was still hard for both of them to leave each other's embrace. But duty calls could not be neglected. No matter how reluctant he was, he had to go. But one month was just too much for both of them!

He didn't want to go. It was written all over his drooping face. She tried to comfort him. She claimed that the week had passed in a flash. So, the month won't take too long at all! They were both in the same city. After a month, they could meet.

He desperately wanted her to go with him. But her permission letter hadn't arrived yet. Their marriage took place abruptly, and afterward, he had to leave for the expedition. This gave him no time to process her permission letter to stay in the military area.

The place where he resided in the military was highly secured, and nobody could enter it without proper permission. It followed a protocol that could not be breached by anyone. Even the Royalties had to get their permission slips before entering the area!

The permission slips should be approved by the head of security, a royalty, and the board of higher members. This was the reason for the delay. And according to the process, it would take another fortnight to receive that slip.

That is why he was sulking. Once he entered, he couldn't leave his post without any emergency. So, he couldn't sneak out either. She couldn't come because of the lack of permission slip, and he couldn't sneak out because of the restrictions of the area. It was a dead end.

So, in the end, they had to part ways. But before leaving, he made sure that she wouldn't miss him much for the entire day. So, he teased her the entire day and played with her the entire night. Maybe it was because of the parting, but she was equally and enthusiastically contributing to leaving her marks all over him.

Seeing her so energetic pushed him to the edges. And both of them continued till the dawn, until the moment she could maintain her consciousness. Then, she fell asleep without knowing when he left and how long he had looked at her before leaving.

When she woke up, she habitually looked out of the window. It was bright again. She checked the other half of the bed, it was cold. He was out for too long. She thought he must be preparing lunch at this time.

She walked towards the bathroom, took a refreshing bath, and then moved towards the kitchen. The clinks of dishes were loud enough for her today. She happily made her way to the kitchen to give him a loving back hug.

But the moment she stepped into the kitchen, she stilled.