The Kind Passersby

Lucinda caught the unconscious girl before her head could hit the solid ground. Seeing that a beautiful girl had collapsed and another pretty lady was trying hard to hold her, a lot of people gathered around to lend a hand.

Unlike the passersby, Lucinda was calm. She could faintly detect that this girl was undergoing some spiritual transition. But was she successful? Lucinda knew not. She could only detect the fluctuations and nothing beyond that.

The kind passersby helped them to a resting place. They even offered a ride to the healing center, but Lucinda tacitly avoided it. She knew that Arella only needed some rest to calm down her disturbed core. Her breathing was normal. Hence, Lucinda promptly informed the kind people that her friend was just exhausted and only needed some rest.

But the problem was, the kind people were just too kind! They insisted upon taking them to the healing center! Lucinda wasn't used to such clamor and a huge crowd. She could feel the onset of a faint headache. Fortunately, to her rescue and Arella's, of course, Devon and Anne appeared as knights in shining armor!

Both Devon and Anne were having the time of their life by getting their wedding photos clicked. After multitudes of shots, Anne finally agreed on one particular image. She asked Devon, and he, too, felt that the picture was perfect. He did the formalities and unconsciously released a sigh of relief. Because to him, every picture was practically the same!

Satisfied, Anne and Devon planned to walk a little. They were just around the corner when they found the gathering of people in a particular spot. Out of curiosity, they went to explore. But what appeared in their sight, left them speechless!

Why was Arella lying on the floor? Wait, had she fainted? What just happened? Wasn't she fine before?

Anne was immediately struck with panic, worry, and anxiousness! And Devon became alert. Both, without any second thoughts, went to Arella. Anne skillfully brought her to her own safe embrace.

Looking at the arrival of yet another beautiful girl, the kind passersby became more interested. Lucinda was speechless! Why was everybody so free? How come they had so much free time on their hands to poke their noses in other's business?

Devon stood close to Anne, firmly shielding her from the eyes of the passersby. Lucinda turned towards both of them and was about to speak when whirls of wind blew above them.

Instinctively, everybody looked up. An airship was hovering just above their head! One of the passersby became annoyed at the intrusion. Was the temple premises the place any airship could land on? What was wrong with the pilot?

He was about to voice out his thoughts when another passerby sprouted a sentence that was enough to silence everyone present.

"It's the private airship of the Major General."

Every army airship had different markings for different levels. The airship in front of them was besmeared with a bright silver color, a color reserved for the Major General! Ordinary passersby didn't know this, but the people in the army were well aware of the color codes.

"It has the right to land anywhere." The same passerby announced shortly afterward.

The airship pilot skillfully maneuvered the airship and landed nearby. The cleaner came out and respectfully and protectively stood near the fainted Madam.

The kind passersby, who insisted on helping the damsel in distress, inadvertently distanced themselves from the group of beautiful ladies. 

Devon had heard the commotion earlier, so he knew that this pilot could be trusted. Anne too, was of the same mind.

"We should take her to the nearest healing center!" Anne spoke hurriedly. But before she could take any steps, Lucinda stopped them.

"I have some healing skills. This girl only fainted out of exhaustion, and she only needs some rest in order to recover." Lucinda was a stranger, but she had such confidence and calmness, that even Anne loosened up a bit.

"We have a healer at our place." The pilot informed them timely.

So, as a result, Devon carried Arella and boarded the airship. Anne followed closely behind. Lucinda bid farewell to them and left. She knew that Arella was in safe hands. Hence, she turned around and left for her abode. 

She was already late, by the time she would reach, it would be dark. She just hoped that her cheeky son would calmly wait for her without causing any ruckus! Thinking of her son, she softly sighed as she silently walked away.

Afterward, the kind passersby saw the airship fly away and the beautiful lady's back became more distant. Looking at the disappearing figures, they were filled with mixed emotions. 

Some felt awe at the airship. Some felt saddened at losing the chance to become a hero for such beautiful girls, and some simply found this whole scene entertaining. Slowly, they dispersed, in search of some other entertainment.

The pilot flew steadily, and within minutes, all three of them were in front of Arella's residence. The cook came out to greet them. Noticing the unconscious Madam, she guided them to the guest bedroom. Meanwhile, the pilot cum cleaner had informed the gardener cum healer.

By the time Devon put Arella in bed, the gardener arrived and started checking on her professionally. The cook was on standby. She was only a few seconds away from informing Sir.

The gardener checked everything and informed them that Madam was only exhausted and would be better after resting for a while.

Listening to the analysis, all of them took a sigh of comfort. The cook dropped the idea of informing Sir. She would wait for Madam to wake up first. If she woke up within three hours, then fine. But just in case she didn't, then she would be left with no other option than to inform Sir.

Devon and Anne relaxed after hearing the words. At first, since Arella was already home, they wanted to leave. But later, coming to know that Adrian wasn't around and there were only three helpers, they decided to wait till she woke up. They would leave once they made sure that Arella was truly fine.

The cook treated them very gently. She even congratulated them on their wedding and informed them that Madam had asked to prepare a lavish celebratory feast for them. This came as a surprise to both of them. Because they had informed her on such a short notice. So, they weren't expecting anything in return.

The cook was polite enough to ask them to enjoy the meal. But both Devon and Anne resolutely declined. They said that they would eat once Arella was up and running. Inwardly, the cook felt pleased with the friends of Madam. Indeed, good people kept good company!

So, she offered some snacks to cushion their stomach, books to pass the time, and then left the room. Devon and Anne sat next to Arella. They were ready for a long wait, but to their solace, Arella woke up shortly after an hour or so.