Oath of Solemnity

The sudden realization was soon sealed by the biting pain she felt on her lips. Devon was madly devouring her! Anne wanted to push him away, he just would not let her go! His hand around her waist tightened.

Anne was being ruthlessly pleasured. She did not know what to think of it. The moment she thought that the pain was becoming unbearable, Devon would become mild, as if sensing her emotions. He would lick the blood off her lips and then, once her chapped lips were nearly healed due to her intrinsic healing powers, he would once again bite her!

The pain and pleasure alternated, leaving Anne breathless. She did not have the energy to respond to him. Even her hands which were adamantly pushing him away at the start, had gone limp by now. Had it not been for Devon's iron embrace, she would have fallen to the ground by now!

Once Anne had given in to Devon's passion, Devon became more demanding. He softly caressed her lips with his at one time and then furiously explored her mouth in the next second.

He was mindful enough to stop every now and then to let Anne breathe. But that was that. Other than giving the liberty to her to catch her breath, nothing changed. His tongue kept playing with hers. After almost half an hour, he begrudgingly removed his lips from hers.

Anne was taking in a mouthful of air by now as Devon kept her in the confines of his arms. His lips moved from her face to her neck, and shoulders and then settled down on the hollow of her collarbone.

Wherever his lips went, a red mark of a gentle bite appeared. After marking her exposed parts with his lips, his face settled down in the nook of her neck.

"Have I given you too much freedom?" He huskily whispered.

"Huh?" Anne still has not recovered from the pleasure

"Have I given you too much liberty that you do not even think of me before taking any extreme measures?" He hoarsely elaborated. Undoubtedly, he was mad at her! Not because she hurt herself, but because she did not even think of him before being so ruthless with herself!

It was not only her hand that bled at that time, it was also his core! He could not help but punish her! For a moment, he wanted to hide her in his arms, shielding her from every harm. But then dread soon crept up inside him. He could protect her from the outside, but what about protecting her from her own ruthlessness?

For Arella, she was ruthless enough to offer her hand. He noticed it himself. Any deeper and her hand might have suffered from a permanent injury if not treated in time. The gash was deep enough to leave a scar. When she picked up the knife, she was ready to be scarred for life!

A girl who does not even think about herself before doing anything reckless. What if one day, she took some extreme measures and something irreparable happened to her? What would he do then? Even thinking of such a possibility left him in a cold sweat! No. no, he could not allow that!

By now, Anne had gained some rationality. She has already recovered from her hazy pleasure. And the first thing she noticed after being mindful, was that Devon was trembling!

She immediately held him tightly. Her limp hands have gained a sense of strength. She held him in a strong embrace and was just about to ask him what happened when he heard his pleading voice. 

"Promise me! Promise me that you would never do anything so reckless in your life. Even if it is for me!" Devon pleaded in a heavy tone.

A flash of understanding glinted in her awake eyes. Without a moment's delay, she responded affirmatively. Devon did not look convinced at all. Helplessly, Arella once again stressed the fact, that she would not be so reckless in the future. But Devon did not respond.

"Or do you want me to take an Oath of Solemnity?" Anne spoke lightly.

Listening to the words, 'Oath of Solemnity,' Devon's eyes widened. He lifted his face from her neck and looked into her eyes, denying frantically.

"No, no, no! You do not need to! You simply promise me and I will believe." Devon hurriedly added with the shaking of his head. 'Oath of Solemnity!' How could he ever let her take it?

It is said that once a powerful beast spoke words of promise with solemnity, but later, he backed out, breaking the promise. And the next instant, Beast God took his soul away!

It is said that the powerful beast's soul is now trapped and can only be replaced when someone takes an 'Oath of Solemnity' and breaks it. It is like a cycle. The soul of the one who takes the oath and breaks it, gets trapped, waiting for the next person who takes and breaks the Oath of Solemnity.

How could Devon allow Anne to take the Oath of Solemnity? Even if he trusts her that she will not do it, what if the circumstances do not allow it and she ends up breaking the Oath of Solemnity? How could he ever let her soul be trapped for ages? No, no, no. He was lost in his chaotic thoughts when a soft kiss woke him.

Anne was kissing him softly and lightly as if she was touching a fragile thing. It was not a kiss filled with passion, but it was a kiss of comfort.

Now thinking back, they have not kissed very often. The first time was in the healing center, minutes after the proposal. Since then, they would kiss every now and then but it was always him who took the initiative. This was the first time she took the initiative. And it was all for him.

The dread was soon replaced with a sweet feeling. His Anne was smart and brave. Hence, leaving behind all the inhibitions, he let himself drown in the sweetness of her comforting kiss.

Meanwhile, Arella was in a deep sleep in the bedroom. After healing Anne, an exhaustion had taken over her. She slept as soon as her head hit the pillow. It was only when she heard a soft knock, that she woke up in a daze from her slumber.

Outside was the cook, asking if they wanted to have lunch. Their lunch had been delayed by an hour by now. And the cook was not sure what to do. The doors of both, the guest room and the bedroom were tightly shut. She waited for a while and then decided to ask the Madam for further instructions.

Listening to the cook, Arella asked her to set the table. She also told her to inform Devon and Anne. Then, she went in and washed her face.

When she went down, she saw that the table was set and Devon and Anne were yet to come. Looking at the table decorated with mouth watering food, Arella looked at the cook and told her something.

After a minute, Devon and Anne descended. Anne's face was flushed a little. It was because when she was kissing Devon, the cook knocked! Anne was suddenly hit with the embarrassment of doing inappropriate things at inappropriate times.

Her core which was only filled with comforting the trembling husband was now filled with embarrassment to the brim! Thankfully for Devon, the marks he had left on her body had disappeared by now. Otherwise, he would have to accompany Anne in experiencing first hand embarrassment!

After coming down, she awkwardly greeted Arella to which she readily nodded. They sat down. The cook was setting plates for them. But Anne soon noticed something different. The cook was only serving food into the plates of Devon and Arella!

A wild thought came to her mind. Arella was not going to starve her, right? She was not that mad, right? Confusion appeared in her eyes. Quietly, Anne extended her hand to serve the dishes herself but was soon stopped by the cook.

"Ma'am, you have bled a lot. It would be best if you did not consume anything spicy or oily. Here, Madam has especially asked us to prepare this for you!" The cook proudly boasted of her Madam's kind nature.

But Anne's face soon paled at the arrival of her food.

Because it was nothing else, but that tasteless nutritious soup, which they had in the breakfast!

Anne looked as if a thunderbolt had hit her! She glared at Arella who was immersed in enjoying the delicious delicacies.

Everybody had said that she was the ruthless one! But now look at Arella! Could anyone compare to her in ruthlessness?

Not even allowing food to the guests! Heck! And she got injured because of her! She was not expecting any thanks anyway, but what is the deal with this cold shoulder treatment? At least, let her have some snacks!