
She instinctively struggled, but the more she struggled, the tighter the hold became.

"It's me." A whisper softly landed in her ears. And she became still.

Her mind took seconds to register his voice. And once registered, she became unsatisfied with his hold. It was because he was not holding her tight enough! Why was there still space between their bodies?

She wanted to be closer to him! She wanted to turn around and embrace him too! But he was not giving her any chance! He kept her trapped in his arms. Once she found a little opening, she loosened his hold and swiftly turned around.

Before Adrian could understand anything, her arms were around his body, holding him in a firm embrace. Unlike him, she left no space between their bodies. Their upper and lower body were both firmly affixed without any gaps.

Just like the fated pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, they fit perfectly. Her hands were around his neck, and her head was comfortably buried in his strong chest.

And against all his thoughts, one of her legs was stealthily climbing, till it found itself wound around his waist, bringing them closer.

Because of her initiative, the fire he was trying to avoid went up in flames! Damn! He wanted to give her some time to adjust to her new surroundings first! But, now, it was not possible for him to leave her softness.

So, burning all rationality, both of them found each other lost in passion.

Craving in, their hands started moving swiftly. Clothes came loose, and their bareness was at each other's perusal. God! She missed his comfort so much! Her hands did not leave his body even for a second.

He was just the same as her. His hands touched every nook and cranny of her softness. No skin was left unattended. Especially her tout bewitching buds. Time and again, his hands found their way into her softness.

Arella was drowning in pleasure. His hands kept stroking her pleasure points. She was at the cusp. But the caresses stopped momentarily. Unsatisfied, she opened her eyes and found herself on a soft bed.

When did he pick her up and put on the bed? She remembered not. All she wanted right now was his divine touch. In the darkness, she tilted her head a bit and found him kneeling between her legs.

Unconsciously, she opened her legs a little more. Her minute action registered in Adrian's mind, and he looked at her.

Passion swirled in his eyes. But there was something else as well. Nervousness? Fear? Before Arella could pinpoint it, she found Adrian looming above her, and her mouth got bitten gently. The sweet pain brought her back into the realm of pleasure.

He rained gentle kisses at first, but soon madness wrapped him. More than kissing, he started devouring her madly! His tongue snaked in her mouth and kept exploring, and his hands kept moving downward, into her unexplored depths.

Double stimulation trapped her senses in the extremity. His fingers went deep into her cave. His thumb kept stimulating her. His tongue kept assaulting her. Breathing was becoming harder and harder for her. But she did not want him to back off. She loved to see him being enamored with her.

As a tamer, it fulfilled her vanity of being desired. But, it was more than vanity to her. To her, it was the ultimate union. The sacredness of being one with your partner.

Her hands snaked around his. Something was coming. She felt like exploding. Sensing her tightness, instead of slowing down, he worked his magic at a faster pace. His fingers were gliding happily inside her. Her hold on his hand tightened, and the next second, she felt a numbness overcoming her senses.

Strength left her body, and explosions of pleasure stirred her soul. A quietness descended on both of them. His hand was on her thighs now. And his mouth was on her neck, planting fields of strawberries.

His hardness poked her now and then, but he never entered.

A moment later, when she gathered her senses, she held him tightly. He stilled for a while, and his body tensed at her touch. After a while, he raised his head from her neck, lay on his back, and brought the soft girl into his embrace.

She too, compliantly kept her head on his chest and wound her hands around his waist. His hardness still stood proud and erect.

"You okay?" His husky voice was horse and edgy, but sexy.

"Hmm." She weakly affirmed. She was okay, but he surely was not. And she knew it. So, her hands started their journey towards his proud member. But her hands were grabbed in between.

"No need." His grip around her was too tight, as if he was trying to restrain too hard.

Arella could not make head or heels of it. She squirmed a little, but his hold on her kept becoming tighter and tighter. Unsatisfied, she looked at him and found that he was already staring at her.

Alarm bells started ringing in her head! Something was wrong! What was that look in his eyes? Passion, yes, but it was also pain. Was he in pain?

"Are you hurt?" Alarmed, she wanted to check his body, but his grip never allowed any movement.

"No. Just tired. Let's sleep?" He looked pleadingly at her. His eyes were brimming with gentleness, and the pain was no longer in sight. It disappeared without a trace as if it had never been there.

Was she hallucinating? Or was he hiding something? Was something troubling him?

Arella was sure that something was up with him. But she did not want to pry. She knew that he would tell her when he wanted to.

With the vigor he had moved his limbs earlier, he did not look hurt either. He must have had a reason. So, she ignored his abnormality and shifted her focus to a more pressing issue.

"Are you sure you can sleep with that?" Her voice was weak and sweet with a nasal tinge. When she spoke near his ears, the hardness she was pointing to became more erect, as if waiting to be touched and satisfied.

"Ignore it." So he said, but the member refused to bow down! It stretched its proud head and stood tall.

She wanted to help him out. And she could not be the only one being pleasured. She wanted to satisfy his needs as well. Hence, she tried to move her hands out of his deathly grip, but with just a little movement, his hold around her became more secure.

Arella sighed and then became still giving him the illusion that she had given up. And then, the moment his hold loosened, her hands quickly went to satisfy his pride.

A grunt escaped his throat. And his hand went to hold onto her wrists. He wanted to take her hand back, but she refused to loosen her hold around his member.

When he applied pressure on her wrist, she began going up and down his member. His hold weakened, and groans of pleasure escaped his gut. He looked at her hand on his member.

Arella wanted to calm his member down, but under her care, she found that instead of going down, it swelled!

Damn! He abruptly closed his eyes. Meanwhile, she kept on caressing him. She also minutely noticed his expressions. One indication that he was in pain or he did not want it, and she would stop. Fortunately, all she found on his face was nothing but pleasure.

His guttural moans cheered her, and her jerkiness became smoother. It was her first time doing this. She was not sure if she was doing it correctly or not. But looking at his face, she abandoned all inhibitions and focused on satisfying him alone.

Her fingers marked his length and tip and at times, touched his balls, which earned her enough moans.

A few minutes later, she felt her hands becoming heavier and heavier. She could not find any inch of pain on his face, but damn! Her arm was starting to hurt! Why was he not cumming? Was she doing something wrong? And why was he still so swollen and erect?

Her pace was starting to stall, and her hands were almost numb, but his member refused to give in. Sensing the change, he raised his hand and covered hers. Her hand was already numb now.

He covered her hand and started guiding her to stroke him.

"A…few more…Arella…"

He tried to convince her in his pleasure wrapped voice. And his hands began stroking faster and faster. Arella found herself a support at being guided by him, and her strength came back a little. Seeing that he was almost at the edge, she stroked him faster and faster.


He kept chanting her name, and soon she found his member swelling more. Arella was flabbergasted! Why was he swelling more instead of going down? Damn! Her arm was already at her limit!

Thankfully, her bewilderment was overtaken by a numbing hot splash. She took her hand back and let him cum. He kept moaning her name till the end. After the stupor, he opened his eyes and found the soft girl slumped near him.

Gentleness, warmth, and something more than like, filled his core to the brim. He raised his hands and caressed her sweaty face. Then, he found a few tissues on the nearby table and started meticulously cleaning her fingers.

Arella refused to open her eyes, but the blush became more and more evident on her cheeks.

He cleaned her fingers and then started massaging her numb arm gently.

"Sleep." His strained voice gently caressed her ears, and she soon drifted to sleep.

Adrian kept looking at her peacefully sleeping face and then sighed a little. Sure enough, he has no restraint when it comes to her. How in the world could he stop himself from touching her? Why was he even trying? But he had to.

He must be cautious! He should start putting a distance between them from now on.