Andrew’s Company

After breakfast, as Adrian had claimed, Andrew knocked on the door to greet Arella. He was just the same, polite, fun loving, and quick witted. She had not had enough chances to familiarize herself with him yet, but she was sure of one thing, that is, Andrew was reliable.

Otherwise, Adrian would not have left her in his care. Being the personal assistant of Adrian, Andrew should be a person of importance, but something caught Arella's eyes, making her baffled.

The helpers treated him with the exact mechanical coldness that they had treated herself with! But why? Was Andrew not a part of their elite team? Should his position not be higher than theirs? Why the lack of respect then?

"Madam! It is a pleasure to be at your service! What would you like to do today? A look at the villa? Or a look at the compound?" Andrew's cheerful voice woke Arella from her contemplative thoughts, only to throw her into the chasm of another idea.

What would she like to do today? She had a lot to do. She wanted to talk to Adrian, try connecting with her beast, familiarize herself with the staff, check up on her luggage, and the like. But at the same time, she felt a little down due to Adrian's cold shoulder and felt like doing nothing at all.

So, what should she do? Rest? She thoughtfully looked at the beaming Andrew. He looked as if he was about to burst with enthusiasm! His eyes were shining! Arella could feel that he really wanted to lead her somewhere.

Arella could feel a tussle of want and obligation brewing in her chest. She basically wanted to do nothing at all, but in front of her stood Andrew, brimming with energy to show her around.

She sighed a little and softly spoke, "Let us explore the villa for today."

"Villa, it is then! Hope you have had a sumptuous breakfast because this villa is too huge! So, as you can see, it had five floors. The ground floor is to entertain the clients. It has an office, dining area, and a waiting room, the first floor is for the guests, with three guest bedrooms…."

Andrew zealously introduced each and every corner to her. He was meticulous enough to point out the areas she should avoid if she did not want to suddenly bump into anybody. 

She had access to every room, even the private office, which the helpers were forbidden to enter. It was as per Adrian's wish.

She found the gloom melting away by listening to Adrian's careful considerations. As per Andrew, Adrian had meticulously requested for her favorite essentials, clothes, and other necessary items. He even went as far as to ask for matching outfits and couple accessories.

According to Andrew, for almost a week, everybody could feel his sulky mood. Everybody was aware that he was waiting for her with bated breath! Rumor has it that he took her permission papers and got them signed by the royalty on an urgent basis!

A blush crept up on her face, and a slight smile bloomed. The despair that she had felt earlier due to his avoiding glance, disappeared as soon as she heard of Adrian's careful preparation for welcoming her.

Sweetness permeated her core, filling to the brim. Maybe she had misunderstood? Maybe he really was engaged in something urgent and that is why was avoiding her.

Positive thoughts bloomed in her mind. But at the same time, she was afraid of Andrew discovering her flushed face! So, she had to put a stop to his remarks on Adrian's thoughtfulness.

"When you find your mate, you could do the same." Arella tried to divert his attention by nonchalantly intervening in his monologue.

Andrew's steps halted for a moment. Arella was only privy to his back, so she could not the sadness looming in his eyes. But the halt was only for a few moments, small enough to escape Arella's notice.

"Oh! Madam! Not everybody is as lucky as Chief! You have no idea how many unamated beasts and tamers envy him for finding a soul companion! Some of us had even put a bet that he would remain unmarried for an eternity, only to lose it miserably!" Andrew's cheery voice easily swayed as they explored the villa.

The blush that she was trying to dampen resurfaced due to Andrew's silent complaints. Though she was still skeptical of his remark, she still found her vanity being satisfied by his words. She knew that Andrew was just putting on a show.

Some people might have found it surprising, but there were a lot, who absolutely despised their union due to the huge difference between their aptitudes.

"Why don't you take the spiritual connection test with the person you like? Why wait for a soul companion? Don't you have anybody you like?" Arella quickly spoke to stop the fermentation of negative thoughts.

This time, Andrew's steps stopped for more than a few moments. Arella could gauge that Andrew had things that he was not sharing with her. She could hear his breathing deepen as soon as she mentioned 'Don't you have anybody you like?'

This was a giveaway. Andrew had someone he liked. Before she could probe further, Andrew dazedly stared at the nearby painting and voiced lightly.

"It does not matter if I like someone or not. What matters is my aptitude."

Then he looked at Arella and spoke determinedly, "Madam, no matter what others say or feel, I truly feel envious of Chief for finding his soul companion so swiftly."

Arella could feel the weight of his words. He was speaking from the bottom of his core. She wanted to comfort him, but she knew not how. At the back of the mind, she understood that he must have somebody he liked and that somebody was surely of high aptitude, somebody way out of his league at present.

"Why don't you check the spiritual connection? What if it is above 90%? You would have to get married, soul knot or no soul knot." Arella weakly suggested.

Huh! A despondent chuckle escaped his throat. And then, he was back to his cheery cheeky self.

"Madam! This is the military compound of the elite team. Even the flies here have an aptitude of B or above! You and I are probably the only low aptitude ones! Who would agree to go on a spiritual connection test with me!" Andrew announced freely as he moved to show other rooms.

"Are you not ranked C? And you are Adrian's personal assistant as well. It should be enough to make them acknowledge your presence!" Arella hurriedly provided a piece of solace to the depressed beast.

"Madam, if you do not mind, C or D ranks, both are equivalent to trash to these high and mighty elite members!" Andrew calmly uttered. By now, no trace of sadness could be found in his demeanor.

"I am grateful to the Chief for bringing me under his wings. Had it not been for him, I do not know where would I have ended up being." 

Andrew started climbing the stairs and then abruptly looked back and said.

"I hope I am not boring you!"

"No. no not at all!" Arella shook her head and followed him quietly. As soon as he stopped speaking, a sudden quietness descended upon them. It was a little stuffy.

"What about your parents? Where are they?" Arella spoke to dispel the stuffiness.

"Oh! I am an orphan Madam! I do not have parents." Andrew replied nonchalantly.

Damn! Arella fought the urge to face palm herself! What was she doing? Unintentionally, poking his sore spots over and over again! She wanted to speak something but was afraid of pulling yet another painful nerve.

This man, he looked all cheerful and happy, but he had his own troubles. He was the lowest ranked member in the compound. He must have suffered a lot in silence. Ah! No longer, now she was the lowest ranked person, she could help him share the burden.

His love life was in shambles, and he had no parents. Did he have anybody to depend on? She had hardly seen him with any friends. Adrian and the pilot were the only ones she had seen him speaking to.

"And this is the fourth floor, this is where your bedroom is. Next to the room, is a dressing room, cloakroom, and another bathroom. It also has a spare bedroom." Andrew did not forget his duties. He kept on explaining.

"Above this, is the fifth floor cum terrace, which has been developed as a huge private garden. Whenever the Chief wants to change into his beast form, he goes there." 

"Also, the fourth floor and fifth floor and out of reach for helpers. They are forbidden to enter unless asked for. So you can rest assured. You can both have your privacy without anyone's interference." Andrew cheekily spoke and winked!