
Dedicated to Sunny_Shumail, Apple_Deswari and catleyavillaflor! Thank you for your continued support! Much appreciated!


Panic settled in Adrian's core. 

"Don't cry, don't cry." Other than repeating it over and over again, he did not know what else to say. He had no idea why she was crying or how to comfort her. He found himself at a loss. 

Contrary to his expectations, Arella started crying more fervently! 

He did not know what to do, so he hugged her tightly and kept on repeating like a broken record, don't cry. But clearly, it was not working. So he did what was in his best interest to stop her, he kissed her, passionately and ardently.

He did not give any opening to Arella for either crying or sobbing. His lips kept on hovering over hers. The salty taste was a constant reminder that she had cried. After a few moments, when he realized that her tears had stopped, he cautiously left her lips.

The moment she found an escape, she put her face on his chest and started breathing deeply. Satisfied with his tactic, he held her in his arms and once again hoarsely said, "Don't cry."

"You are so bad, so bad." She muttered under her breath with a nasal tinge.

"Hmm, I am." Frankly, at this moment, whatever she said would be the ultimate truth to him. Only a fool could refute her and risk another tidal wave of tears!

"Why did you not tell me?" Arella, once calming down, asked quietly.

"I was afraid. I would have told you, but only after becoming better at controlling myself." He sighed and admitted.

Both refused to leave each other's embrace.

"Don't be afraid, and don't push me away." Arella pouted.

"Hmm." He complied obediently.

"Good," Arella claimed and then kissed the man. 

She wanted to deepen the kiss when she found him resisting his impulses. His body became stiff. It was like he wanted to indulge but refused to give in. But true to his words, he did not push her away this time.

Looking at the tough fight he was putting on with his impulses, sweetness, and warmth filled her core to the brim. Ultimately, he was doing it for her. He was wronging himself for her sake. But she knew there was no need for it.

"Adrian, look at me." Arella stopped kissing him and created a distance between their closely knit bodies. She could easily trace the changes in his body. 

When she caught his attention, she spoke, word by word.

"Adrian, I have always been an unloved child. I have never been anybody's priority. When on that day, you held me in your arms, baring your truest passion for me, I realized what being loved meant."

"Your love is like a ray of sunlight, guiding me out of the darkness that has surrounded me all my life. To me, your passion is something that I need. Something that I cannot live without now that I have experienced it."

"The tighter you hug me, the more secure I feel. The closer we are, the more lovable I feel. The deeper you crave me, the more desired I feel. So, don't deny your urges, and don't deprive me of my happiness." 

Arella spoke her mind without breaking down. She remained calm throughout. She spoke as if she was stating a fact. As if it was the ultimate truth. As if only this was her reality and nothing else mattered.

Adrian kept on looking at her hypnotic eyes. Her every sentence struck him deep within, fueling his desire to possess her passionately. Her inviting words were tempting yet comforting. From her words, he could understand one thing very clearly, she needed him as much as he needed her.

"Then don't complain later." He said and picked her up in a princess carry. He did not want to deny his impulses any longer. He did not want to push her away. Whatever would be happening was something that both of them wanted.

True to their words, both of them burnt all their inhibition in the fire of their passion. Their clothes came undone within seconds, and his hands started caressing her softness.

Arella also actively opened herself to his exploration as his fingers trailed downwards. Both of them indulged in their primitive desires, but not like a sex deprived maniac. It was in the true sense, a night of lovemaking.

Their touch comforted each other. His proud member filled her to the brim. Both released a moan of comfort at their union. His hands continued touching her valley of softness as his lower body continued his thrusts.

Arella was not one to be left behind. She met with each thrust with equal passion. Together, their body moved in harmony. Their moans and groans of satisfaction created a symphony. 

It was not a frenzied night of passion, but both of them felt satisfied. 

After he was spent, his member still retained it's pride. She knew that he wanted more, and so did she. One time was not enough. They needed more. So they continued on and on, till the dawn. They tried different positions but with the same energy.

She lost the count after four. Evidently, she came more often than him. But she refused to let him go. It was like the void inside her could only be filled with him, his essence, length, and touch.

Adrian did not feel the mad obsession and the intense urge to ravish, invade, or possess her. Instead, he felt that joining with her was like a bird finding its home. A place where it belonged. A place of comfort where no negative emotions could harm him.

At first, Adrian was concerned about her. But she did not show any signs of weakness at all. She remained as active as he was. Throughout the night, they remained in each other's body. Sweat and other fluids covered their bodies but they refused to stop.

After cumming one more time, he could finally feel his member becoming soft. He was over her and was about to pull out, when she embraced him weakly and said, "Stay, Rian."

Adrian stopped his actions. When he heard her calling him Rian, something inside him stirred. He was exhausted and satisfied, but after listening to her sweet voice calling him Rian, he regained his vigor. 

He, instead of pulling out, pushed it further inside her, into her deepest cave. She moaned at his sudden attack but let him have his way with her. This time, it was only he who was moving, but that did not diminish his passion.

Strokes after stroke, he could feel himself swelling within her. 

"Ella…" he whispered lightly and then came once again. Ella, the one he wanted to call out for, was already fast asleep. Looking at her sleeping face, he too, fell on her body and stayed inside her. Both remained in that position until Adrian sensed her even breathing.

He tilted his face and looked at her sleeping face. His eyes were filled with obsession. He was glad that she did not faint in between. He felt sorry for her body, but if given a chance, he would still do the same.

He kissed her forehead, and then, as if not satisfied, he lightly kissed her full lips. Then, he pulled out and flipped to the other side of the bed. After a while, he got up, went to the bathroom, and found a cloth to clean her body.

He wiped her body piously until there were no more wet stains on her. Her body was filled with red and blue marks of his passion. Last night, he had groped her. Every skin of her body had his mark. Some were marks of kisses, some were scratched, and others were simply from holding too hard.

He cleaned her up, washed himself, and changed the bed sheets. All the while, Arella did not stir from her deep sleep. When done, he got a blanket and covered their naked forms. He took her in his arms and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.