The Real Jinx 

"Hypnotized?" Arella asked with bewilderment.

"Yes Madam, they have two conflicting memories. One is fabricated, while the other should be the truth. According to my interpretation, it has been a long time since they were hypnotized. That is why they can come out of it."

Arella looked at Brian with uncertainty.

"Madam, chances are that they were hypnotized when they were young. Now, with the span of time and them becoming stronger, it is obvious that the hypnosis will start losing its hold. To be honest, they still believe that both memories are true. Meaning that the original hypnosis was extremely powerful."

"With time, their mind has become alert, questioning the rationality, therefore, finding the weak link in the fabricated theory." Brian put forward his knowledge and theory.

"Hmm. Good job. How did you infiltrate the mansion?" Adrian knew the result, now he wanted to know the process.

"I went with the medical team. Stella, I mean, Madam's step sister and her stepmother have weaker minds due to the sudden turmoils. It was easier to charm them. They voluntarily shared everything with me." Brian revealed his cards submissively.

Arella's face scrunched up. What were they talking about? How come she could not understand anything?

"Okay. Go to Arthur next. He might know better." Adrian gave another instruction to Brian, and he clenched Arella's hand.

"Yes Sir, Madam." Brian politely bowed and went out of the office.

Once Brian was out of sight, Adrian brought Arella into his arms.

"What is going on with the Williams family?" Arella asked quietly. She was out of touch with everybody. Not like she regretted it, but with the sudden news, her interest was piqued.

"Stella miscarried." Arella pulled her head out of his arms and looked at him unconvincingly.

"Stella what?" She mumbled again.

"She miscarried. I do not know the particulars. But it is said that she was stimulated and miscarried. Her mental state is not fit to be in the army. So she was offloaded, demoted to menial jobs."

Adrian did not know that it was the sensual photos sent by multiple mistresses of Luke that had stimulated Stella into losing her child. A lot of ambitious women were eying her official position. So, they harassed Stella every now and then by sending her Luke's intimate gestures with themselves.

It was the same trap that she had dug up for Arella that devoured her sanity in the end, making her lose her child.

"She miscarried, and her mental state is not right?" Arella's mouth hung open. Stella had miscarried? At first, Arella found it unbelievable, but on deeper thinking, it did make sense.

Luke was parent-less and had a flirty nature. It was obvious that he would not have taken care of the pregnant and impulsive wife. But what could stimulate her to lose her sanity? After all, she was a B ranked tamer, she should have been fairly stable!

"Luke has hit a rough patch as well." Adrian's slow voice brought her to reality. She looked up and stared at him with curious eyes.

"He had applied to become a member of my elite team but could not survive the training. He was sent back to his original team. He had a non-committal attitude and was pushed back in the army." Adrian slowly informed her of the happenings.

He kept staring at her face so as to not miss any expression. He was glad that she did not show any pain, distress, or concern for her ex lover. A sigh escaped his mouth.

"Is there anything else?" What else did she not know? Even Anne and Devon never told her anything!

"Nothing much, Luke has filed for a divorce. He has laid claims that she is incompetent as a mother and wife. Considering the situation, they should get divorced soon." Adrian unconsciously started stroking her hair.

Arella maintained her inquisitive stare. She knew he was not done. There was something else, which he hesitated to share.

Looking at her blatant glare, Adrian heaved a little.

"And when they were in the court, he accused her of being a jinx. He claimed that she was a broom star. She took away his peace, child, position, and his childhood sweetheart." Adrian closed his eyes as he spoke with gritted teeth.

Arella was shocked! Where did this childhood sweetheart come from? She looked at Adrian and caressed his pursed lips with the pad of her thumb.

Sensing her touch, he opened his eyes.

"In fact, after you got married, he regretted losing you and wanted to get in touch with you again. He called you multiple times and sent various messages. He once came to meet you." He stoically informed the dazed girl.

"Why do not I know of it?" Arella did not want to believe it. She had blocked his number, so of course his calls and messages would not get through. But he came to visit her? When did that happen?

"I had him sent away without meeting you, and I instructed them to not let him meet you while I was away." He put his head on the nook of her shoulder. He did not regret any of his actions.

He knew that she never thought of him after they had cut ties. But Luke's one sided attention and affection gave him headaches.

He would never tell Arella that it was him who had Luke fall out of favor with his seniors. It was he who had assigned him the most difficult terrains to search. No, he did not regret anything at all.

"Hmm, okay. I would have done the same." Arella helplessly stroked the back of the head. He was acting like a stubborn child, who refused to accept that he had done something bad.

"Now everybody thinks that Stella is a jinx. She is the real jinx. You should not concern yourself with her words." Adrian mumbled after a long pause.

Understanding his intent, warmth flooded her insides. He was still worried about her being called a jinx. A thing that did not even matter to her. But he took it so seriously. He did not want her to get wronged one bit at all.

Happiness bubbled in her core. His entire face was hidden in her neck, only the ear shivered lightly. She kissed the exposed ear lightly, making it twitch more fervently.

She wanted to tell him that everything was fine, that she never minded it, but before she could open her mouth, a beep sounded from Adrian's watch.

He was still at work! What were they doing with hugging and kissing in his office? Damn! A flush appeared on her face. She hurriedly put a distance between them. She gave a flustered reply and walked back to the villa without looking back!

Watching her disappear back amusingly, he checked the message on his watch. There was one simple line.

"The hound is brain dead. Should we keep its body? Or do you want us to feed it to the inmates?"

A slight smirk appeared on Adrian's face.

"Pathetic hound, could not even survive the torture for a month and dare to attack my Ella!" Adrian spoke aloud in an empty room.

'Anybody who tried to hurt her would face the same consequences. I will not let any harm touch my beloved!' Adrian thought with certainty. A dangerous glint appeared in his eyes.