Letter (2)

When Arella opened her eyes, she found herself on a soft bed. She recognized it at a glance. Soon, the door of the cubicle opened and Adrian entered.

Finding her awake, his tensed muscles relaxed visibly.

"You are up? Does it hurt anywhere?" He asked as he made his way to her bed. He checked her body temperature, it was normal.

Arella nodded, quietly looking at her arms and ankles. All scars and lumps have disappeared. Her ankle was back to its usual size, the redness was not there, and even the pin point blood leaking scars were long gone.

As soon as she wanted to say something, an announcement disturbed her plans.

"We have arrived." The speaker buzzed.

Adrian took her in his arms and started walking to the door.

"I am fine! I am fine! put me down!" Arella frantically claimed. She really was fine. There was no point in carrying her!

"Hmm," Adrian hmmed but continued to walk while steadily holding her in his arms.

The pilot has become used to it now, so, he did not react. But Arella still felt shy, being carried in the military compound! She shyly hid her face in his sturdy chest.

In her mind, she only chanted, 'Out of sight, out of mind.'

Adrian steadily walked into the villa and took her straight to their bedroom, gently putting her on the bed.

"Want to take a shower?" He asked considerately.

Arella shook her head. She had noticed one thing, Adrian was too quiet today. What happened? And about Princess Anna…Arella didn't even know what to say.

Her mind shifted to her novice mission, she passed right? What was her score? She wanted to ask a lot, but Adrian's quietness made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Then read this." Adrian unhurriedly took out an envelope from his pocket.

He was too serious. Arella saw at a glance that it was the same envelope carrying a blank letter inside. She accepted it quietly.

'What was he up to? Isn't the letter blank? What's wrong with him all of a sudden?' Thoughts swirled in Arella's mind, but everything came to a standstill as soon as she unfolded the supposed blank letter.

Seeing her reaction, Adrian became sure of his conjectures.

"You can read it, right?" He asked with certainty.

Arella neither accepted nor denied. She continued to stare blankly at the letter. On it were words dipped in red ink. Beautiful and elegant cursive handwriting filled her vision. It looked like a piece of art, especially pleasing to the eyes, but how was that possible? Where did the content come from? Wasn't it blank?

She confusedly shifted her focus from the letter to Adrian. He sat patiently next to her.

"I can't see the words. Neither can anyone else, other than you the recipient." Adrian spoke slowly.

Listening to his words, the confused Arella became bewildered. What was this? The content wasn't visible to others?

"This paper is made from the bark of the Mother Tree. A letter from such can only be deciphered by the recipient." Adrian tried to address the unasked questions.

"But then, why wasn't I able to read it before?" Arella asked in a daze.

"Because the letter needs to recognize the recipient. It could be through touch, tears, or blood." He voiced calmly.

Arella's mind churned quickly. Blood. The red ink was blood. And it was her blood? But when did she bleed? Oh! The mission. So, that means…

Arella understood in a flash. She wasn't there for the weekend training only, it was also a way to collect her blood. Under normal scenarios, any wound would get healed within seconds, but in the simulation center, where her body couldn't use her healing powers, she could bleed.

"I tried using mine, but the paper rejected it. It only absorbs your blood." Adrian's low voice stopped her chain of thoughts.

She looked at him with complex feelings. Why didn't he tell her? Maybe he wasn't sure. For how long was he trying to unlock the letter? Hasn't he always been like this? Helping her at every step. But what could she do in return? Nothing.

Arella's mood was complicated. She felt as if she was a burden to him. Unable to help him, unable to solve her own problems, and always dragging him. She wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say. In the end, it was Adrian who broke their silence.

"I am going to take a shower. You take your time to read it slowly." He kissed her forehead gently and then went to the bathroom, giving her enough space.

She pursed her lips and shifted her focus from his back to the letter. On it, bold red inked letters stood proudly, demanding her attention.

Dear Ella,

If everything happens as it should, then today should be your 16th birthday. Congratulations on coming of age. I wish I were there in person to hug you.

Today would also be the day for you to find out your kindred Beast spirit. No matter what you become- a beast or a tamer, remember one thing, your strength or category does not define you, your will does.

As long as you know what you want to do, and try your utmost, you can do anything.

We are descendants of the Beasts. Even without a blessing ceremony or a system of ranks and aptitudes, we are inherently Beasts. Don't get trapped in the web of constraints. You can be both- a Beast and a Tamer, you don't have to choose.

This world is but a fleeting place. The truth is the Beast within you. Let it be free. Train your senses. Try to connect with your Beast. It will listen to your call. It will guide you.

I hope you have had a comfortable life. I wonder how that skinny partner Luke is treating you. Has he grown up? Does he treat you well? I can only hope he does.

Too bad I am not around. But if he doesn't treat you well, don't be afraid to kick him aside. He is just an option. I wanted to find other suitable ones, but unfortunately, I didn't have enough time.

If you like him, keep him, otherwise, throw him away. You deserve the best. Don't settle down for any less.

I hope society and Arthur have treated you well, but just in case, if you ever feel lonely or troubled, look for the Cat clan, they will protect you.

I have a million things I want to say, but I know this isn't the right time. The only thing that you need to know is that I am still alive, and am waiting for you, your family is waiting for you.

Ah right! Did you get the Ruby? Always keep it around. It's a lock and your Beast is the key.

With the right training and attitude, once you awaken your Beast, it shouldn't be hard for you to level up before the Eclipse.

Star Allegiance will always be your home.

Reach the pinnacle, I will meet you there.

Waiting for you

Your mother
