
Young Arella looked at the barely alive boy and stretched her hands to hold his. A mark soon appeared on their wrists. It was the mark of acceptance. Both their Beasts had accepted and acknowledged each other as soul companions.

The boy's hand lay limp by his side, looking as if a simple gesture of holding hands had left him breathless. 

Young Arella did not think twice before finding a sharp stone nearby and cutting her palm ruthlessly. Blood dripped endlessly from her fresh wound. She extended her hand and grabbed his limp one in a tight grip.

Soon, their blood mingled together. Young Arella, without any second thoughts, licked their combined blood and then, smeared his lips, teeth, and tongue with the same.

Older Arella watched all of this with a silent gaze. She knew what the Beast manipulating young Arella wanted to do. Frankly, if she had been there, she would have done the same, to make a blood contract and trade her life for his.

Older Arella and the Beast in young Arella, both had the same thoughts, without an ounce of doubt or hesitation. Young Arella performed the steps skillfully. Then, she closed her eyes, offering her Beast as a sacrifice in exchange for the life of her lover. 

The Beast God, as if hearing her pleas, responded to her. The cold body of the still boy started twitching. His brows furrowed and relaxed alternatively. His wounds began healing at an astonishing rate visible to the naked eye. 

Even older Arella felt stunned for a while, but she sighed in relief. So, this is how it was. A slight smile appeared on her face. She was internally glad to know that both herself and her Beast had the same thoughts.

So, she met young Adrian, took a blood oath, and exchanged her Beast for his life. No wonder she failed to awaken her Beast, but to her, it was a good bargain. She did not mind losing her Beast. Not one beat.

Because she had Adrian, and Adrian to her, was more important than her Beast. She could live without her Beast, but not without him. She saw everything with her own eyes, she thought that that was it. 

But she did not know, there was more to their story. 

The boy's whimpers of pain stopped, his frown disappeared and his furrowed eyebrows relaxed. He clenched and relaxed his fists unconsciously before opening his confused eyes.

When he fluttered open his eyes, young Arella finally showed a hint of a smile. But before they could speak, a strong fire engulfed her.

Both older Arella's and the boy's eyes widened in horror and shock! 

The boy's dull eyes reflected a burning flame. Inside the flame, young Arella stared at him silently. She did not move, did not fight, and did not even scream. She looked as if she was in shock, as still as a statue.

Older Srella couldn't make a head or a tail of the situation. It was not supposed to be like this! At most, she should have fainted and woken up without a Beast! Then what the hell in Beasts God's name was happening to her?

Older Arella tried to blow out the fire, but nothing worked. Meanwhile, the boy blinked, as if coming out of a trance, and his eyes became extremely cold. 

Before older Arella could register anything, the still boy sat straight and hugged the burning girl!

Soon, she found an Ice Dragon wrapped and coiled around the burning girl. It released an icy breath trying to appease the fire. But it was not enough. The Dragon tried again and again and again without giving up, till a thin sheet of ice started forming around the flame, counterattacking it.

Older Arella stared with a daze at the tussle between the flame and the Ice Dragon. The Dragon tightened its hold around the girl as if trying to cover her form with his. He wanted to shield her from the flame. 

But the source of the flame was the girl itself, so, how could he keep her away from the flames? But he did not give up. Soon, the entire girl was trapped in a thin sheet of ice.

The Scott family's ancestors came at this time. Seeing the entanglement in front of them, they stood helplessly. They knew it would only aggravate the children's Beasts if they intervened. 

They were already in shock from seeing the dead body of the current Scott ruler. They went into the villa to check upon his wife and child, and as expected, on the bed was another cold body, of his wife.

They understood at a glance. The heir's life was in danger! They ran out only to find the current scene. They saw the girl burning and the ice dragon coiled around it, trying to extinguish the flame. 

The Ice dragon kept a strong hold around the girl, untill he felt her heavy body falling unconsciously on his scales. He quickly turned, letting her body fall on his soft stomach.

A heaviness surrounded his senses. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard a sharp scream.


'So, her name is Ella,' this was the last thought he heard before darkness consumed his consciousness.

Older Arella looked up at the owner of the voice. A beautiful maiden with anxious steps was running towards her. She had blue hair flowing like a river with an ethereal charm around her body.

Even her anxiousness couldn't cover her beauty. She was a beauty that could cause a calamity. She quickly ran toward the children and hurriedly separated them. 

The Scott family's ancestors took the ice dragon, fearing the newcomer would harm him. But the newcomer was only focused on the unconscious girl.

She picked the unconscious Arella up, cradling her cold body in her arms. The thin sheet melted within a few minutes and the name suddenly appeared in older Arella's mind.


If she was not wrong, then this woman was Liliana, her mother.