
Arella watched Liliana meet the soothsayers, asking for her future. She saw Liliana creating a barrier for the protection of the cat clan. She followed her leaving that place after saying that the barrier would hinder the growth of Arella's Beast.

Whenever Liliana moved with the unconscious Arella, the older Arella felt a force pulling her, keeping her attached to the pair.

She watched everything silently. Her mind turned quickly, deciphering the happenings around her. 

Adrian was in a precarious situation, so she took the blood oath and sacrificed her Beast. 

The Beast should have died, but perhaps, it was the Ice Dragon who fought with the destiny and froze her Beast, unconsciously putting a seal on it, trapping it forever. The Ruby was indeed the crystallization of the seal. Everything connected seamlessly.

But several questions still plagued her.

Why was Adrian in such a dangerous situation? Was that the dead body of his father? Didn't he say that his father died on duty? And what was with the ancestors? Knowing why she became Beastless, they still refused to take her in!

Adrian was right! They were a bunch of power hungry people! Even her mother was right! They were vulgar, greedy, and ruthless. 

Liliana moved out of the forest, slowly and steadily, contemplating her next action. She looked up into the sky. The moon was only half covered with the shadow now. She didn't have much time left. She quickened her steps with a determined gaze.

Arella followed Liliana quietly, thinking they would now go to the Williams mansion. But familiar terrain came across her eyes and a burnt ground greeted her. They were back in the Scott residence, but now, it was only a burnt ground and an abandoned villa with no breathing people.

Confused, she looked around. So did Liliana, but she couldn't find any traces! It's like the entire Scott family had vanished into thin air!

Haha! A scornful laugh attracted Arella's attention.

"They knew I am from the inner world and can't stay more than a night! They knew that my daughter wasn't strong enough to cross the barrier of the inner world. Yet they left." A dejected and disappointed sound broke out of her throat.

She looked at the unconscious child. She couldn't leave her daughter in an abandoned place. Her daughter was still unconscious and needed care. Her future and life were uncertain. 

"My daughter braved life and death for him and what did his family do? Left her all alone! I will not leave my daughter in the care of such ruthless people! They are not worthy of her!" Liliana uttered under her breath.

Considering that the boy was her soul companion, Liliana had second thoughts. But seeing the situation clearly, she realized that if she really left her child in the care of these shallow people, her child would definitely die!


She turned quickly and ran toward the city. It was dark, but Liliana never faltered. Soon, they reached the area where people lived. It was dull and quiet with everyone fast asleep.

Arella saw a blue mist covering the entire area as if surveying the surroundings. A few seconds later, Liliana called back the blue mist and walked toward the Williams mansion.

Arella didn't know what criteria Liliana used to pinpoint William's family. It wasn't the richest or the most influential. The only thing that separated it from others was perhaps the presence of a child.

Liliana approached Arthur William, who was wide awake at the moment. He was shocked at first to see Liliana, but later, listening to her talks, he became confused.

"I can purify the energy of your child and give you treasures. In return, I want a safe future for my child. Two things for two things in return. A home and a fiance. Arella heard a part of it.

She saw Arthur accepting the proposal. She hovered around when Liliana purified Stella's energy. Stella was fast asleep but opened her bleary eyes during the process. She witnessed Liliana writing a letter and hypnotizing the entire family, weaving a fabricated lie.

After all this, Liliana looked up into the sky. The moon only had a shallow shadow now, almost free of the eclipse. She looked at her unconscious daughter and sighed in relief.

"Ella, Mom cannot stay any longer. My time is almost up. If I don't go back, I will never be able to go back, ever. Your father is still waiting for me there. But I have arranged everything. You have a new home." A mist appeared in Liliana's eyes.

"When you grow up, as long as you train well, you will have a bright future. The stronger you become, the weaker the seal will be. Once you awaken your Beast, you can easily re-enter Star Alliance. It will always be your home and I will always be waiting for you, my darling Ella." Liliana kissed Ella's forehead. A tear broke off the constraints of her eyes, falling on the sleeping child.

Liliana placed her hand on Arella's forehead. Blue energy started condensing around them. Arella watched everything with complicated eyes. She knew what Liliana was doing. She was transferring spiritual energy to her.

She continued doing so till the shadow from the red moon disappeared. And along with it, Liliana's figure became transparent, vanishing into thin air.

Arella looked at the disappearing figure longingly. She was sure of one thing, Liliana indeed had Arella's best interest in her mind. Whatever step she took, it was for Arella. 

She believed in her child and knew that Arella could break off the seal and re-enter the Star Alliance during a Blue Moon Eclipse. She even found a good family and a reliable fiance for her.

But who knew that she wasn't strong enough to break the seal? Who knew that the fiance she chose would betray her? Who knew that the child whose spiritual energy she purified would treat her as a thorn? Who knew the future she envisioned for her beloved child wouldn't come true?

Numbing question pestered Arella till she found her consciousness fading. She looked around and finally saw the unconscious child fluttering her eyes open. 

In her last moments, before fading away, she noticed that the child's eyes had a halo of blue surrounding the burning red, just like her current eyes. 

When the young Arella opened her eyes, the older Arella faded away.