
"When will you leave?" Arella asked in a subdued voice. She wanted to stop him, she wanted to ask him to stay, but she knew she couldn't do so. He had his word obligations, which couldn't be neglected.

"Tomorrow," Adrian spoke slowly.

Arella's core thudded. Tomorrow? So soon! Arella looked like she had a lot to say, but she remained quiet.

"Thank you for your hospitality. We should take our leave now." Adrian turned toward the couple and voiced in an expressionless manner. On his face, neither reluctance nor joy could be seen. He looked like another soldier, carrying out his duties without questions.

"Thank you so much for everything. We are sorry to have troubled you. Feel free to come over." Arella shared her parting words while Adrian grabbed her hand and led her to the boundary of the barrier. He looked as if he was in a hurry.

He turned around, nodded one last time, and then changed into his Beast. Arella didn't waste any time either, she climbed up and off the Dragon flew. This time, the barrier didn't pose any problems. They swiftly crossed it and the cat town disappeared from their eyes, leaving behind just another forest.

The Dragon flew straight to their villa. He crossed the barrier, let Arella down, picked up the bag, and went out the barrier again. After a few minutes, Adrian appeared well dressed.

The cook and gardener greeted them. Adrian took Arella to their room and closed the door forcefully. He stood near the door, with his back to Arella.

"You take the ruby with you." Arella took off the ruby and gave it to him. This had worked as a token for him once, bringing him unscathed to her. This time too, she wanted him to take the ruby with him. 

She looked up only to find him heaving heavily. Only then did Arella realize that there was something wrong with him. She put the ruby aside hurriedly.

She touched his back, but he grabbed her hand, swiftly turned, and pulled her into his embrace. He lowered his head and looked at her quietly. When Arella tilted her head, she found that his eyes were tinged with red!

She absent mindedly raised her hand to caress his face, but before she could touch his face, he grabbed her chin, tilted her face upward, and kissed her forcefully.

Her raised hand naturally settled down at the back of his head, pulling him closer. Both of them were knit closely together. Nobody could pull them apart. Arella could feel his desperation. She let him treat her like a doll. 

He pulled apart her clothes savagely, touching and leaving his marks on her everywhere. She knew her skin would get marks, but she didn't care. Because she too, needed this.

She was still afraid because of her memories. She wanted to touch him and feel him, to know that this was their reality. That they still ended up together. That they were both alive.

She matched his momentum, reciprocating his wildness as much as she could. His hands, tongue, and little member worked their magic tireless and continuously.

Arella rained kisses and her hands scratched his chiseled back, marking her territory. Her legs aided his in every thrust. They acted as if they wanted to forget everything. They wanted to lose themselves in each other. Amid the push and pull, the throes of passion, and the moments of intensity, the night passed quickly. 

When Arella woke up, she was greeted by a cold bed. She looked out of the window. It was bright. For once, she didn't like the sun. She wanted the night to continue. But it ended and he must have left.

Arella went to the bathroom. Despite having healing abilities, her body still had a plethora of marks and scratches, telling how wild and intense they were last night. Her lower body still hurt, but she didn't mind one bit. If given a chance, she would spend another night with the same intensity with him.

She cleaned up on her own and went down. A hot piping lunch was waiting for her. The cook humbly served her. She ate with relish, trying to eat away the sadness of Adrian's absence.

She ate and went in to have some more rest. By the time she came down, it was evening. She was eating the snacks when the cook informed her that someone was there to visit her.

"Who?" Arella asked with her bulging mouth. She thought it could be Omar. But the cook gave a different answer. 

"Madam, he said his name is Nicholas." The cook spoke diligently.

Listening to the name, Arella's action of stuffing snacks stopped midway. She put down the snacks and ran to the hall. There, on the sofa, a man sat comfortably. When he heard the noise, he turned around and greeted the dazed girl with a smile.

"Long time, no see!" He waved his hand, looking genuinely pleased.

The memory of young Nicholas and the face of old Nicholas merged together in front of her eyes, making her a little stunned.

"You…you…is it really you?" Arella mumbled under her breath.

"Who else could it be if not me? Who else is as handsome as me?" Nicholas pointed his finger at himself, asking incredulously. The scene repeated in front of Arella's eyes as if coming alive from her memories. 

"Brother." A word broke out of her throat.

Nicholas's eyes flashed with alertness and his playful expression disappeared. 

"You remembered?" He asked cryptically.

Arella nodded her head and then, as if remembering something shook it.

"Is that a yes or a no? Choose one." Nicholas spoke dejectedly.

"I don't remember. I saw it." She answered truthfully.

"How much did you see?" Nicholas squinted his eyes and asked breezily.

"Everything," Arella spoke confidently. 

 "Hah! No wonder Adrian suddenly made that request! He knew you must have questions only I can answer!" Nicholas smacked his head and uttered in a mocking tone.

"What request?" Arella widened her eyes at the sudden news.

"You don't know? He didn't tell you? That in exchange for going on the mission, he asked the Prince to arrange a meeting between you and me?" Nicholas asked curiously. 

"Why would the Prince fulfill a request before the success of the mission? Unless…" Arella's mind turned quickly and her eyes widened in shock.

"Unless it's a suicide mission with few fewer chances of success." Nicholas completed the sentence.