As William delved deeper into the knowledge unlocked by his own talent, he discovered a world of possibilities that both astonished and alarmed him.

The existence of other talents, each possessing the potential to reshape the fabric of reality in its own unique way, served as a sobering reminder of the immense power wielded by those who inherited such gifts.

Among them were talents that bordered on technological prowess, like the ultra-super technological advancement talent, capable of propelling civilization into realms of innovation and discovery previously thought impossible.

The thought of possessing knowledge that could revolutionize entire industries and reshape the course of history left William awestruck, yet wary of the responsibility that came with such power.

Equally daunting was the ultra genetic-altering advancement talent, which held the potential to unlock humanity's evolutionary potential and usher in a new era of genetic superiority.

The prospect of mass-producing individuals with abilities akin to superheroes seemed like something out of a science fiction novel, yet William knew that in the right hands, or the wrong ones, it could spell either salvation or catastrophe for mankind.

As William contemplated the nature of his own talent, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of insecurity when comparing it to the seemingly grandiose abilities of others. While talents like ultra-super technological advancement and ultra-genetic-altering advancement held the promise of reshaping entire civilizations, his own talent appeared more nebulous, lacking the specificity and focus of its counterparts.

Yet, as he delved deeper into its intricacies, William began to recognize the true value of his talent: its versatility.

Unlike talents that were bound to specific disciplines or fields of study, his talent transcended such limitations, offering him the freedom to adapt and evolve in ways that others could only dream of.

For example, if he clicked the [Military] section of his tab. 

{Military:- [Iron Legion]}

[Disipline Route:- Is this Hell?]

[Profeciency Route:- Maggots!! Shoot!!!!]

[Technology Route:- I.T.I.J.G.A.O, General!]

William squinted at the names of these skill trees. It was not just three, but this was all he could fit into the screen if he scrolled sideways, he could see other ludicrously named skills that had equally ludicrous effects. 

[Disipline Route:- Is this Hell?]


[Increased synergy effect on the battlefield: +2%]

 [Increased fear effect on the battlefield for the enemies: 0.5%]


[The upper echelons of the Military suddenly feel dissatisfied with their soldiers, when they look at their soldiers, all they see are tiny chicks happily pecking on the ground. 

Something has to change, right?] 

[Resources Required: 1000]

[Turn Required: 1]

[Prfeciency Route:- Shoot Maggots!!! Shoot!!!!]


[Increased Accuracy in firing long and short-range weapons only: +2%]

[Increased hand and eye co-ordination for short-range persona: 0.5%]


[The upper echelons of the Military suddenly feel dissatisfied with their soldiers because of all of them somehow all of the soldiers resemble Mr. Magoo. 

Some could say some of them are an incarnation of Mr. Magoo. 

This has to be rectified, right?]

[Resources Required: 1000]

[Turn Required: 1]

[Technology Route:- I.T.I.J.G.A.O, General!]

(Full form: I think I just got an orgasm, General)


[Research Department innovates Hellspawn Raptor-MB(Sniper Rifle)]


Suddenly spurred by an outrageous idea, a young talented mind finds out if it is really possible to create a sniper rifle which recoil that could kill a person. 

If it doesn't, why doesn't he create one?]

[Resources Required: 2000]

[Turn Required: 1]

William, or rather, now William Von Dawn was dumbfounded by how his talent worked. 


'It seems that the maids have arrived,' William nodded as he rose from his seat, acknowledging the arrival of the maids, and invited them to enter.

'It's time to get ready.' 


Seated upon a chair adorned with the finest and softest cushion he had ever encountered, William found himself surrounded by an air of opulence and admiration. However, despite the luxurious setting, he remained unswayed by vanity.

His mind was preoccupied with the weight of the gazes fixed upon him, as every individual of high standing in the state seemed to have their eyes trained on William, their intentions veiled and their motives uncertain.

As William was about to open his mouth, a soldier, his breath labored and ragged burst open the door, and as the military commander that was seated on the chair was about to admonish the soldier, the soldier beat him to it. 

"The envoy from the Dawn Secessionists is here!"

'Damned hell!' 

William gritted his teeth as he looked at the solider, and waved his hands with a heavy sigh.

"Bring them in,"

Every noble was getting more and more jittery, and the commanders were getting more and more uncomfortable. 

The envoys moved with a righteous stride and the man in the middle, who had an authoritative air around him opened his arms, showing a cube. 

The cube lit up as a middle-aged man with a trimmed beard and elegant dress projected from it. What came out of the man was proper bullshit though. 

"To the puppets of the so-called crown, and to those who dare defy the rightful order of our land,"

"Let it be known that the time for complacency and subservience has come to an abrupt end. No longer shall we tolerate the tyranny of a false ruler and the corruption that plagues the halls of power. As the bloodline of our ancestors courses through my veins, I stand as the rightful heir to the throne, a beacon of hope for those oppressed under the weight of unjust rule."

"The war will be commenced in 3 months, make sure the throne is warmed well,"

"I am Voldd Von Dawn, and I will reign true." 

The projection blurred and returned to the cube, but the temperature around the throne room dropped a couple down. 

William remained stoic but cursed several times inside his heart. 
