So, William dedicated his 2nd month to the research department. In the first month, William had taken money from his pocket to make sure that the head of the research department was on his side.

He had made constant contact with the research department and in the second month, all of that effort paid off. The head of the Research department had implored William to forget about such a ludicrous idea of a greenhorn.

But William coaxed the head of the Research department to fund the project.

The project "Hellspawn" surged forward with unprecedented momentum under the leadership of Kevin Willick, the young and talented mind handpicked by William to spearhead the endeavor. Despite the numerous obstacles that presented themselves along the way, Kevin's ingenuity and determination proved to be invaluable assets in overcoming each challenge.

Week after week, the research department witnessed breakthrough after breakthrough, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible in the realm of armor-piercing technology.

Kevin's innovative approaches and relentless pursuit of excellence propelled the project forward at an astonishing pace, leaving many within the department in awe of his capabilities.

However, amidst the whirlwind of progress and achievement, whispers began to circulate among the researchers. Some speculated that there was an unseen force at work, guiding their hands and steering them towards success.

Yet, they remained unaware that their suspicions were not entirely unfounded.

Unbeknownst to them, William's talent exerted a subtle influence over the project, subtly nudging events in the direction of success. While they attributed their triumphs to Kevin's brilliance and their hard work, they were unaware of the invisible hand guiding their efforts.

On the final day of the second month, the culmination of Kevin's efforts materialized in the form of a practical piece of Hellspawn: a sniper rifle unlike any other. However, what should have been a moment of triumph was overshadowed by Kevin's overwhelming embarrassment.

As the prototype sniper rifle was unveiled, it became immediately apparent that Kevin's initial vision had been realized in a most unexpected and undesirable manner.

The weapon possessed a recoil so powerful that it posed a grave danger to anyone who attempted to wield it. It was capable of causing fatal injuries to its users with its sheer force.

Kevin's embarrassment was palpable as he faced the harsh reality of his creation. What had begun as a noble endeavor to push the boundaries of armor-piercing technology had ended in an unintended and potentially lethal outcome.

Despite his best efforts and the support of his team, the result was far from what he had envisioned.

As William grappled with the disappointment surrounding the unexpected outcome of the Hellspawn project, a faint yet unmistakable whisper echoed in his mind. It was his "talent," offering a rudimentary explanation for the situation at hand.

The revelation struck William with profound clarity: the issue did not lie with the Hellspawn itself, but rather with the mismatch between the tier of the equipment and the tier of the units wielding it.

His "talent" conveyed a crucial insight: each tiered piece of equipment was designed to be paired with subsequent tiered units to achieve optimal performance.

For instance, the [Hellspawn], categorized as Tier 1 equipment, was intended to be utilized by Tier 1 units such as the [Wolfs of Skatii], which specialized in long-range combat.

Attempting to employ it with even a Tier 1 unit that did not specialize in long-range combat, like the infantry Tier 1 unit [Blood Revenants], would yield subpar results. Without the appropriate tier of the unit and specialization, the equipment could never reach its full potential.

But William didn't have time to unlock its subsequent Unit. If William was right now in [Turn:- 1], then he could only unlock [Hellspawn]'s subsequent tiered unit at [Turn:- 4]. 

And William didn't currently know how he would reach [Turn;- 2]. So he did the next best thing, to mitigate the risk. 

He couldn't give up on [Hellpsawn], because this was the only trump card he had that could end the war with the secessionists. And he was sure that they didn't have single-tiered equipment on the rival army. 

So William had instructed the research team to find a way to practicalize the [Hellspawn]. 

[Hellspawn] was kept a top secret from every other faction, and the Turn his Talent had ended didn't seem to be over either.

Which meant that there was still a possibility that [Hellspawn] could be used in the upcoming war. 

So, William went to military factions to understand their standings in the upcoming war. First, he made a list of names that didn't take advantage of the war economy and shortlisted them. 

As William sought guidance from the military factions, he found himself drawn to The Ravens, a formidable force with a strong presence both within and beyond the Empire.

Led by Matriarch Gweniwith Raven, The Ravens stood out among the factions for not embezzling war funds even though they very well could. 

Despite her youth, Gweniwith exuded an aura of military prowess and determination that commanded respect.

In their discussions, William found her to be refreshingly straightforward, unencumbered by the complexities of politics on any matters, or that she didn't care about William or his Empire. 

Gweniwith's background, as the daughter of an orphan taken in by William's great-grandfather, Henrick Raven, spoke volumes about their commitment to the empire.

Yet, William sensed that her allegiance was not driven by the same fervor as her father's. Unlike Henrick, who had devoted his life to the empire's cause, Gweniwith seemed to lack the same emotional connection to the empire.

Sadly, the man, Henrick Raven, had passed away, giving his position to his only daughter.

As William delved deeper into the intricacies of military strategy and diplomacy, he couldn't shake the feeling of being treated like a mere pawn in a larger game. It seemed that every person of power he encountered spoke to him with an air of indifference, as though they were conversing with a lifeless entity.

It wasn't until his discussion with Gweniwith Raven that William began to understand the underlying reason behind this treatment.

Franklin Osterson.

Franklin Osterson loomed over the empire's military landscape like a formidable specter. As the general of William's uncle's army, Franklin possessed unparalleled skill and prowess in mech piloting, making him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

His reputation as a relentless murderbot preceded him, with tales of his exploits spreading far and wide. Franklin had a knack for carving his way through enemy regiments with ruthless efficiency, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.

In the grand scheme of warfare, two crucial battles determine the outcome of any conflict. The first was the battle of numbers, where each regiment in the army had to pull its weight to achieve a collective victory.

However, it was the second battle that held even greater significance: the battle between the generals.

The dynamics of military power within the Dawn Empire were governed not only by military tactics and cunning but also by a test of pure strength and capability. At the heart of this power struggle lay the ability to pilot advanced mechs, known as High Mechs, which were unrivaled in their prowess on the battlefield.

In the tech-based domain of the Dawn Empire, mastery of mech piloting was paramount for aspiring generals. Those who excelled in this skill were granted access to High Mechs, formidable war machines that far surpassed the capabilities of standard mechs used by the regiment.

The significance of High Mechs was unparalleled, as they represented the pinnacle of military technology and could single-handedly turn the tide of battle. However, their rarity meant that they could not be mass-produced, and their upkeep and maintenance placed a significant strain on the empire's economy.

The presence of even a single High Mech in the Dawn Empire's arsenal put immense strain on the Empire's economy. It served as a symbol of strength and dominance, capable of instilling fear and commanding respect on the battlefield.

For those vying for power within the empire, the possession of a High Mech was a coveted prize, representing not only military prowess but also political influence and authority. In this ruthless game of power, the battle between generals was not merely a contest of tactics, but a struggle for control over these formidable war machines that held the fate of the empire in their hands.
