As William walked towards the park near his building, he couldn't shake off the lingering sense of embarrassment from the humiliating ordeal he had just endured. Determined to put it behind him, he had messaged his friend to meet him at the park, intending to sell the gold he had acquired.

Spotting his friend waving at him, William made his way over, feeling a sense of relief at the familiar sight. They exchanged greetings, and William followed his friend as they headed in a single direction.

"Hey, Will! How are you holding up?" Kevin asked, his hands tucked into his hoodie pockets as they walked.

"Fine, fine. Where are we going, Kev?" William replied, adjusting his own hoodie to conceal his face as they moved.

"South district," Kevin answered cryptically, leading them into the local market. William's curiosity was piqued at the mention of a district he was unfamiliar with.

Despite frequenting the market for various deals in the past, he had never encountered a black market presence before. Intrigued and slightly apprehensive, he followed Kevin deeper into the bustling marketplace, wondering what secrets lay hidden within its depths.

As William and Kevin navigated through the bustling market, they were bombarded by the loud calls of vendors vying for their attention. Ignoring the chaos around them, they pressed on until they reached the fish market, where Kevin stopped at a stall selling a variety of fish.

Despite the unhygienic conditions and the swarm of flies buzzing around, Kevin pointed to the smallest fish on display. William was puzzled by the choice but assumed Kevin must be facing financial struggles similar to his own.

However, William's confusion deepened when Kevin instructed the old man to gut the fish. The old man's initial disinterest turned into a piercing gaze that made William apprehensive, but to his surprise, the old man motioned for them to follow him.

They followed the old man through a labyrinth of hallways until they reached a door, behind which lay a world vastly different from the chaotic market outside. As the door opened, the fishy stench was replaced by a cacophony of scents—alcohol, sweat, and various other dubious odors.

As they prepared to enter the hall, the old man handed Kevin a mask adorned with the fierce visage of a raging bull, while William received a plain black mask. With their disguises in place, Kevin led the way into the clandestine establishment, where illegal activities flourished on both floors.

William observed the debauchery surrounding them—prostitution, drug dealing, unlicensed arms trading—all thriving within the confines of the giant building. Despite the temptations that surrounded them, Kevin navigated through the chaos with practiced ease, ignoring the siren calls of forbidden pleasures.

Ascending to the upper floor, the ambiance shifted from chaotic to clandestine, with neon lights casting a softer glow and the air carrying a fresher scent. Approaching the third door, Kevin revealed a tattoo of a bull's face on his arm, which granted them passage past the imposing guards.

Kevin motioned William to follow.

William did.

As William stepped into the room, he was greeted by a delightful floral scent that filled the air. His eyes were immediately drawn to the two women who occupied the space. One wore a captivating purple one-piece, while the other was adorned in a tantalizing shade of pink. Their matching hair colors added to their allure, creating an irresistible sight that made William's heart race.

Despite Kevin's motion for him to sit, William remained rooted to the spot where he stood, his gaze fixed on the seductive figures before him. He couldn't tear his eyes away as they smiled at him with an enticing charm that threatened to overwhelm his senses.

The pink-haired woman, in particular, seemed to captivate him completely, her presence eliciting a sensation akin to dizziness. It was as if he were on the verge of fainting just from her gaze alone, the intensity of his attraction leaving him breathless and unable to move.

"Hmm, seems like you all have been awakened," William shook his head, attempting to clear the fog of desire that had enveloped his mind, and turned to look at Kevin. To his surprise, Kevin was staring back at him with a mischievous grin.

"Seems like you are not dumb," The pink-haired woman blew her nails and smiled at William. 

"Sadly, it seems like you are a bit*h,"

As William sank into the plushy couch with a heavy sigh, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling of doubt that lingered in the back of his mind. While he had friends who were undoubtedly more trustworthy than Kevin, he had chosen to involve him in his plans for a reason.

Kevin's recent actions when he picked up his call—his panicked breath, the questionable tone in his voice, and the hopeful anticipation at the mention of the gold's mysterious origins—had served as telltale signs of his past experiences. It was clear to William that Kevin had also endured the harrowing ordeal of the tutorial, just as he had.

Having endured six months of mental and physical torture himself, William had developed a keen sense of discernment when it came to gauging people's attitudes and sincerity.

His time spent dealing with cunning adversaries had honed his instincts, allowing him to detect subtle cues and hidden motives with remarkable accuracy.

William looked at the two women. He slouched on the couch, crossed his legs, and said "William, nice to meet you," 

"Elizebeth, My friends call me Beth" The purple woman smiled as she bowed a little. She was similar to the age of William and showed her maturity

"Linda, You can call me just that," The pink-haired woman bared a grudge at William clearly, but didn't even notice the demeanor of the young woman. Right now, William was in a treasure trove of information. 

He could glean certain information from other partakers of the tutorial.

Which faction did they belong to? 

What was the overall situation of the entire Galaxy? 

Was there any existence that was outside of their Galaxy? 

If William remembered right, then the neighboring galaxy was the Andromeda Galaxy. 

But William was blind to the affairs of the external situation of even his system, much less the situation of the Galaxy. 

Any scouting unit or communications sent outside of the system was always foiled by either the Krosarrs or the Bright Kingdom. 

"So, let's get to the point," Now, Kevin was actively revealing his purpose. "William, you're smart enough to figure out why I brought you here," He motioned his hand towards the young woman and the older woman. 

"Beth and Lin here, as you have guessed, are people who participated in... well, the 'Tutorial'. Me as well. And, by the new source of gold that you have received suddenly, I guess you too have..." He let his silence fill the room, and when William nodded, Kevin sighed. 

"The Fed's are hunting us like hounds, and our Galaxy is royally f*cked," Kevin sighed as he leaned into the comfy cushion. William frowned and asked. 

"Why are we hunted... Forget that I asked." William sighed and shook his head. Their 'Talent' was enough of a reason, because their talents wielded power that was far beyond any possible realities.

"But wait a minute, why is our galaxy f*cked," The room froze, and three pairs of eyes looked at him like some sort of exotic animal. Kevin rubbed his face and two woman sighed. 

"What were your tutorial objectives?" 
