Young Master Carlos's Identity

Hovering ominously over Vargus's prone form, the scarred man brought the dagger above, its sharp edge catching the faint moonlight that filtered through the window.

With his target beneath him, unaware and defenseless, he leaned closer, the weapon's lethal intent clear in its poised readiness. In a moment laden with sinister purpose, he uttered a chilling whisper, "Die," the word slicing through the silence with cold finality, marking the climax of his deadly mission.

However, in a twist that caught the assassin completely off guard, Vargus's hand shot out with astonishing speed, seizing the scarred man's wrist in a vice-like grip, halting the dagger's descent mere inches from its intended target.

Simultaneously, Vargus's eyes snapped open, wide awake and alert, locking onto the would-be assailant with an intensity that conveyed both surprise and readiness to confront the immediate threat.

Vargus also suddenly spoke, his voice steady and alert: "Who are you? How did you get into my room?"

The scarred man recoiled slightly, taken aback by Vargus's awareness. "You were waiting for me? How did you know I was coming?" he questioned, his surprise evident.

Vargus responded with a hint of defiance, "I don't need to know who you are to be prepared. As a barbarian, I'm never truly off guard, even in sleep."

He then pressed further, maintaining his composure under the looming threat, "Now, answer my question. Who are you?" Vargus's demand for answers, even in the face of danger, underscored his resilience and readiness to confront whatever threat presented itself.

The scarred man, holding his dagger with intent, dismissed Vargus's inquiry with cold contempt. "A dead barbarian doesn't need to know names," he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

With a menacing glare, he tightened his grip on the dagger and hissed, "Die," as he thrust it forward, aiming to end Vargus's life in one swift move.

However, Vargus's reflexes were quicker than the scarred man anticipated. In a fluid motion, Vargus sidestepped the lethal strike, his movements a blur of precision and speed. Seizing the moment, Vargus caught the scarred man's wrist, halting the attack.

He then delivered a powerful counterpunch directly into the assailant's gut, showcasing the barbarian's formidable combat skills and turning the tables on his would-be assassin.

The force of Vargus's counterpunch sent the scarred man staggering, ultimately dropping him to his knees, a testament to Vargus's strength and martial prowess.

Gasping from the impact, the scarred man looked up in disbelief. "Impossible... You... you fight like someone of expert level," he choked out, the shock evident in his voice.

Vargus stood over him, a smirk forming on his lips. "You come here to kill me, yet you don't even know the extent of my abilities," he taunted, his tone laced with mockery.

With a disdainful chuckle, Vargus continued, "Truly, you are foolish. And whoever sent you, equally so. To think you could take me down without even understanding who you're up against." The scorn in his words was clear, highlighting not only the assailant's underestimation but also the lack of foresight by those who orchestrated the attack.

Gritting his teeth, the scarred man, fueled by pain and indignation, snapped back fiercely, "You mock me? Fine! But dare to ridicule my young master, Carlos, and you've crossed a line!" His voice, thick with anger and loyalty, made it clear that any slight against his master was a personal affront, one he took with utmost seriousness.

Upon hearing this, Vargus's eyes narrowed, a knowing smirk crossing his face. "Ah, so it's Carlos who's behind this," he mused, his tone dripping with realization and a hint of amusement.

"Seems I've made quite the impression on him to warrant such attention." The accidental slip of his master's name by the scarred man had unwittingly revealed the architect of the failed assassination attempt, providing Vargus with a valuable piece of the puzzle.


Realizing his mistake, the scarred man cursed under his breath, "Damn it."

With a sudden rush of urgency, he thought to himself, "I need to get out of here. I have to report back to Young Master Carlos about this barbarian's strength." His mind raced with plans of escape and the crucial information he needed to convey.

However, before he could make his move, Vargus's voice stopped him in his tracks, his tone laced with a menacing amusement, "Thinking of running?" The scarred man's fleeting hope of escape dwindled under Vargus's watchful gaze, realizing too late that his opponent was not just a formidable

Vargus then tightened his grip, his fist coiling with pent-up force. With a swift and decisive movement, he delivered a powerful punch to the scarred man's head, a strike that left no room for survival. The impact was immediate and lethal, marking the end of the scarred man's life in a singular, definitive blow.

After dealing with the scarred man, Vargus calmly turned back towards his makeshift bed, the night's events seemingly having little effect on his composure.

As he settled back into his resting position, Auris by his side, he whispered into the quiet of the room, "I'll look into this Carlos character in the morning. For now, rest." With that, Vargus closed his eyes, allowing the peaceful embrace of sleep to take over once again, the resolve to uncover more about his newfound adversary lingering in his thoughts.

As the morning dawned, Vargus readied himself for the day ahead, with Auris once again perched on his shoulder. Descending to the common area of the inn, they were warmly greeted by the innkeeper, a friendly woman who took pride in her establishment.

"Good morning," she began with a smile, "Did you have a good night's rest?"

Vargus returned the smile, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Pretty good, thank you. Though we did have some trouble with bugs," he remarked casually, alluding to the night's earlier encounter without revealing too much.

The innkeeper's expression turned apologetic. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We'll make sure to address that right away," she assured him, concerned about the comfort of her guests.

Vargus waved off her concern with a gracious gesture. "Don't worry about it," he said, reassuring her. "It was nothing we couldn't handle." His laid-back response aimed to ease her worry, keeping the true nature of the "bugs" they encountered to themselves.

Leaning in a bit closer, Vargus lowered his voice, "Also, I wanted to ask if you're familiar with someone named Carlos."

At the mention of the name, the innkeeper's previously warm expression shifted to a frown, a clear sign of recognition and displeasure.

Vargus noted her reaction and added, "Is Carlos someone with a bad reputation? I'm asking because I've come across some unsettling mentions of him."

The innkeeper let out a weary sigh before responding, "I see. Well, if you must know, Carlos is indeed not known for any good. He's caused more than his fair share of trouble around here." Her words were laced with a hint of caution, confirming the unsavory nature of the man in question.

The innkeeper, now fully engaged in the topic, leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper as if to shield the conversation from unwanted ears. "Carlos has his hands in many unsavory activities," she confided, her expression grave. "Gambling, exploiting women, and even accusations of kidnapping have been linked to his name."

She glanced around to ensure no prying ears were nearby before continuing, "And there's more. It's rumored that the bandits causing trouble in the forest are under his patronage. He backs them, providing resources in exchange for a share of their plunder. It's an open secret that Carlos's wealth isn't just from legitimate business."

Vargus listened intently, his suspicions about Carlos now taking a more defined shape. The innkeeper's revelations painted a picture of a man deeply entrenched in criminal activities, using his influence and resources to extend his control beyond the town's borders.

Curiosity piqued, Vargus inquired further, seeking to understand the root of Carlos's power. "How can he operate so freely without facing any consequences?" he questioned, genuinely puzzled by the lack of action against such a notorious figure.

The innkeeper's expression turned somber as she replied, revealing the source of Carlos's impunity. "The reason he's untouchable around here is because he's backed by the Crystal Fist Sect," she explained, her tone indicating the gravity of this affiliation.

"The sect's influence runs deep, and having their support means Carlos can practically get away with anything. Few dare challenge him, knowing the power he wields through this connection," she added, shedding light on the protective umbrella under which Carlos operated.