Trouble In The Gate

In the morning, Vargus was still patting his cute beast, Auris, but soon he was interrupted by an unexpected knock at his door.

Rising to answer, he swung the door open, revealing his formidable stature to the group of girls waiting outside. His appearance initially took them aback, causing a moment of hesitation among them.

However, the girls quickly composed themselves, mustering the courage to address Vargus. "Excuse us," one of them began, her voice steady despite the initial shock. "We're sorry to disturb you so early, but we find ourselves in need of your assistance."

Recalling the sect leader's mention of his protective role within the division, Vargus promptly inquired about the nature of their trouble. "What's happened? How can I assist you?" he asked, his tone indicating his readiness to help.

The girls, gathering their resolve, shared the distressing situation. "It's one of our friends," one of them explained with a mix of urgency and distress. "She's currently at the gate not far from here, facing humiliation at the hands of a male member of the sect."

Vargus, puzzled by the situation, voiced his understanding of the division's rules. "I was under the impression that male members are not allowed to come here," he remarked, seeking clarification on how such an incident could occur within the division's boundaries.

The girls responded, shedding light on a technicality that allowed for the unpleasant scenario. "That's true, they're not permitted to enter our division freely," one of them explained. "However, nothing stops them from lingering at the gate, waiting for us to pass when we need to go out for any reason."

Upon understanding the predicament, Vargus immediately offered his support. "Take me to them," he asserted firmly. "I've made a commitment to your elder to offer my assistance whenever possible. Rest assured, I'll help resolve this situation."

His declaration brought a wave of relief over the girls, their anxious expressions giving way to hopeful smiles. "Thank you so much," they expressed their gratitude, visibly reassured by his promise of support. "Please, follow us," they urged, leading the way for Vargus to address the issue at hand and fulfill his role as a protector within the division.

Vargus, guided by the group of girls, quickly arrived at the scene of the disturbance. There, he observed a group of male members encircling two young women from the division.

The harassment unfolding before Vargus was not only unmistakable but also deeply disturbing. The male members were audibly aggressive in their approach, their intentions clear and offensive.

One of the men, with a smirk, said to one of the girls, "Why don't we go out, just the two of us? It'll be fun, I promise." His tone was insinuating, suggesting more than a simple outing.

Another chimed in, targeting the other girl, "Come on, be my lover. You know you won't find anyone better than me in this sect." His arrogance was palpable, assuming a sense of entitlement to her affections.

A third male, emboldened by the absence of any immediate repercussions, added, "Look at you, so weak and powerless. Why resist? Just be mine, and I'll ensure you're taken care of." His words were a mix of coercion and false promises, aiming to manipulate through perceived protection.

Their harassment was a blatant display of disrespect and an attempt to undermine the autonomy of the female members, using intimidation and manipulation to assert control.

Upon witnessing the unacceptable behavior, Vargus didn't hesitate. He stepped forward, his presence commanding, and his voice booming with indignation, "How dare you harass members of our division like this!"

The male members, previously engrossed in their unwelcome advances, were taken aback by the sudden intervention. They turned to face the source of the interruption, their expressions turning to shock upon realizing that a male barbarian stood before them, boldly defending the female members of the division.

One of the men, trying to mask his surprise with bravado, blurted out, "What's this? A barbarian? And a male at that, standing within the women's division?" Their disbelief was evident, as unaccustomed as they were to seeing a male, especially a barbarian, take a stand in what they considered an unlikely place for him to be.

Vargus, with a stern gaze, addressed the male members once more, demanding accountability. "Let's not divert from the issue at hand. Why are you harassing our members?" he pressed, seeking a direct answer to their unjust behavior.

Caught off guard by Vargus's assertiveness, one of the male members, sidestepping the question, retorted with confusion and a hint of defiance, "And just who might you be? How is it that you're within the confines of the female division?"

Unfazed, Vargus firmly declared his role and his commitment to safeguarding the division. "I have been appointed as the guardian of this division. You are causing distress to its members under my protection. I'll ask you once more, provide a valid explanation for your actions, or be prepared to face the consequences," he stated, his voice leaving no room for doubt about his authority and resolve to protect the female members from further harassment.

The male members, now visibly agitated and grappling with disbelief, struggled to accept Vargus's position within the division. "How is it possible for a barbarian to be granted access to our sacred ground, the female division? This is unheard of!" one of them exclaimed, his frustration evident.

Their indignation grew as they confronted the reality of Vargus's role. "This is an outrage! How can the sect allow a barbarian to protect the female division, and yet we, fellow sect members, are denied such proximity?" another voiced loudly, his anger mounting.

The group's collective shock morphed into a deep-seated anger, "It's unthinkable, unacceptable! How does a barbarian earn the right to be inside, to stand guard over what we've been respectfully distancing ourselves from?" they demanded, their tones laced with incredulity and resentment.

The male members, their eyes burning with anger, fixed their gaze on Vargus, their hostility palpable. "How dare you freely roam within the female division!" they accused, their voices thick with disdain and challenge.

Fuelled by their outrage, they began to summon their beasts as a show of power. The air crackled with energy as, one after another, they called forth their companions—a flame tiger, a wind hawk, and a thunder wolf—each beast materializing with an aura of elemental fury.

This display of aggression caused immediate fear among the women witnessing the scene, their apprehension visible as they beheld the summoned beasts.

Vargus, on the other hand, observed the unfolding spectacle with a calm demeanor, his expression betraying no surprise. Instead, he seemed to be contemplating about other things after he saw the summoned beasts