The Meeting Before Battle

In the morning, Vargus woke up from his sleep. Upon stepping outside, he was greeted by an unexpected sight; the girls, his diligent trainees, were already assembled and waiting for him.

Their early presence, a testament to their anticipation and commitment, spoke volumes about their readiness to embrace the day's challenge. The morning air, charged with a sense of purpose, underscored the importance of the impending battle and the resolve of those who had chosen to stand and face it together.

Vargus surveyed the assembled girls and remarked with a hint of admiration, "It looks like all of you are eager for today's battle."

In unison, the girls responded with determined voices, "We're ready to show what we're made of!" Their stance and demeanor had undergone a transformation; under Vargus's tutelage, they now bore the confidence and solidarity of soldiers poised for confrontation.

Vargus's gaze shifted, noticing an additional presence within the group. It was Eliora, identified as the division's most distinguished student by Elder Rosaline just a week prior. Her presence among the group added an air of assurance, underscoring the collective resolve of the trainees.

Vargus turned to face Eliora, his gaze steady and inquisitive. "So, Eliora, you're here too. Are you curious about the fruits of their training?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of pride.

Eliora's smile was both eager and reflective. "Yes, I'm quite interested to see the outcome of their training. Given your reputation for strength, I've been looking forward to witnessing what sort of regimen you've devised for the girls," she replied, her anticipation clear in her tone.

Vargus's smile broadened, a glint of confidence in his eyes. "Well, you're in for a treat. Feel free to watch closely; it'll be quite the eye-opener," he assured her, his assurance hinting at the transformative journey the girls had undergone.

With that, they, along with the rest of the group, began their march toward the arena. The air was thick with anticipation, each step resonating with the promise of a revealing battle. The scene was set not just for a display of newfound strength but for a demonstration of Vargus's impactful mentorship and the girls' hard-won prowess.

Shortly after, they reached the arena, a vast expanse that lay open and waiting, echoing with the muted conversations of those already gathered. The men, adversaries from a previous encounter, had assembled ahead of time, their presence a silent challenge to the arriving group.

Among them, Vargus's eyes quickly identified the familiar faces of those he had bested in a skirmish the week prior. Yet, amidst the lineup of anticipated foes, his gaze landed on an unfamiliar figure—an additional man whose presence Vargus hadn't accounted for.

As soon as Eliora spotted the unfamiliar man, she made her way swiftly to Vargus's side, urgency in her steps. Upon reaching him, she leaned in, her voice low and serious. "That man over there is Brandon," she informed him, her eyes flicking back to the newcomer. "He's one of the top members of the male beast tamer division."

Vargus's expression hardened slightly as he absorbed this new piece of information, his gaze shifting to Brandon with a new understanding. "I see," he murmured, a thoughtful pause hanging in the air. "So, it's because of him that they've grown bold enough to issue a battle invitation."

Brandon's gaze locked onto Vargus, a measure of recognition in his eyes as he stepped forward. "So, you're Vargus," he began, his tone carrying a mix of curiosity and challenge. "The newest addition to the female division and their appointed guardian, I've heard."

Vargus faced Brandon squarely, an unfazed calm in his demeanor. "Yes, I'm Vargus," he confirmed, his voice steady. Then, with a tilt of his head and a probing look, he added, "And you are?"

As soon as Vargus posed his question, tension crackled through the air. One of the men, visibly irked by Vargus's lack of recognition, snapped, "Do you have any idea who he is?" His anger was palpable, a testament to the reputation Brandon held within their ranks.

However, before the situation could escalate, Brandon raised a hand, signaling for calm. His intervention was swift, an authoritative silence falling over his companion. With a composed demeanor, Brandon turned back to Vargus, introducing himself with a clear sense of pride. "I am Brandon," he stated, his voice steady and confident. "One of the top members of the male beast tamer division."

Brandon, holding Vargus's gaze, pressed on, a hint of challenge threading through his words. "Then, do you understand the real reason behind our battle invitation?" he asked, clearly expecting the depth of the situation to be acknowledged.

Vargus's response came with a confident smirk, his tone laced with mockery. "Oh, I have a pretty good idea," he retorted, amusement flickering in his eyes. "It's because they found themselves lacking and couldn't bear the humiliation alone. So, they turned to you, hoping a battle invitation would salvage their pride after I bested them last week."

The men's frustration visibly surged at Vargus's words, their anger simmering just beneath the surface. Despite this, Brandon maintained his composure, his gaze steady on Vargus. "Indeed, they have their weaknesses," he conceded, his voice calm but firm.

He then continued, with a subtle shift in his tone suggesting a deeper, more personal stake in the matter. "But, they are my subordinates. In order for them to grow and surpass their current limits, they must overcome you. And rest assured, we will employ whatever means necessary to ensure that happens."

Vargus's reply carried a mix of amusement and challenge. "I see your point, but unfortunately for you, their weakness is such that even a battle wouldn't change the outcome—they're bound to lose so for today's battle won't be with me; they'll be facing the girls instead," he said, his words dripping with a mocking tone that suggested the men were merely sore losers for challenging him in the first place.

At this, Brandon's expression shifted subtly, a flicker of irritation or perhaps surprise crossing his features. "Do you honestly believe we issued a battle invitation just to face those weak girls?" he countered sharply.

Upon hearing the exchange, a wave of agitation swept through the girls, their resolve hardening in the face of the impending challenge. Vargus, catching the mood, flashed a confident smirk and said, "If your men can't even surpass the girls, what chance do they stand against me? You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise."

Brandon, despite the barb, managed a smile, though a trace of agitation was evident in his expression. "Very well," he responded, his voice laced with a forced calmness. "Let's not delay any further. Let the battle between our men and your girls commence." His acceptance, though grudging, acknowledged the gauntlet thrown down by Vargus, setting the stage for a confrontation that would test not just strength, but the pride and strategy of both sides.