Guardian Auris

Elder Theron was now charging across the battlefield atop his magnificent Blaze Tiger. His eyes were fixed on Vargus, who was in the midst of awakening his heavenly talent. With a fierce determination, Theron bellowed, "Vargus, you will rue the day you dared to humiliate my disciple!"

The air crackled with tension as Theron's threat sliced through the chaos of battle. Yet, just as he prepared to unleash his vengeance, an unexpected figure emerged to stand in his path. A small white tiger, its fur glowing with an ethereal light, positioned itself squarely before Theron, its presence commanding despite its size. 

Elder Theron's gaze narrowed as he scrutinized the small white tiger blocking his path. With a mixture of disdain and curiosity, he barked, "What business does a mere cub have in the midst of this turmoil?"

Not waiting for an answer that wouldn't come, Theron turned to his Blaze Tiger, the flames in its eyes reflecting his own burning impatience. "Dispose of this nuisance," he commanded, his voice a harsh whisper lost amid the clamor of battle. The Blaze Tiger, understanding its master's intent, tensed, ready to leap forward and carry out the order.

In an astonishing turn of events, the small white tiger, revealed to be Auris, leapt into action with a grace that belied its diminutive size. With a swift, fluid motion, Auris extended its tiny paw and, with a force that seemed impossible, struck the Blaze Tiger, sending the massive creature hurtling through the air.

Elder Theron's eyes widened in disbelief, his voice catching in his throat as he exclaimed, "Impossible! My Blaze Tiger is of master-level strength!" His words hung in the air, unfinished, as Auris, moving with a speed that was almost a blur, launched itself at Theron.

Before he could react, Auris's paw connected with his face, the impact sending Theron flying as if he were no heavier than a leaf caught in a storm. 

After delivering a formidable blow to Theron, Auris swiftly returned to Vargus's side, positioning itself as a vigilant guardian. The small white tiger's stance, firm and unyielding, and its deep, rumbling growl echoed a clear challenge to any who dared approach.

It was as if Auris was declaring, "Cross this line at your peril." The protective aura emanating from Auris enveloped Vargus, a silent but powerful statement of defiance and loyalty.

In the midst of the chaotic battlefield, Theron and his Blaze Tiger were forcefully expelled from their confrontation, landing amidst the fierce clash between the sect leaders. Caius, witnessing Theron's unexpected and abrupt return in a state of unconsciousness, hurried over to his side.

With a mixture of concern and bewilderment, he demanded, "What in the world happened to you?" His voice carried over the din of battle, seeking answers amid the confusion, as he knelt beside the fallen Theron, scanning for any sign of what could have caused such a powerful warrior and his beast to be so summarily defeated.

Regaining a semblance of consciousness, Theron managed to convey the astonishing cause of his defeat. "It was a small white tiger," he gasped, the disbelief still evident in his voice. "That creature... it's now guarding Vargus."

He paused, struggling to comprehend the reality of his encounter. "That small white tiger," he continued, his tone a mix of respect and incredulity, "must possess strength at least of an Advanced Master level. Nothing less could have overpowered me and my Blaze Tiger so effortlessly." His words revealed the depth of his astonishment at the unexpected guardian's prowess, highlighting the extraordinary nature of the defense mounted to protect Vargus.

Caius cast a disdainful glance at the forest guardian, now under the sect leader's command, and couldn't help but let out a contemptuous spit. "So, you really had an ace up your sleeve, huh? To think you actually had a hidden guardian," he sneered, mocking the sect leader's strategic reserve.

Upon hearing Caius's words, the sect leader's expression morphed into one of utter bafflement. "A hidden guardian? What is he talking about?" he pondered, genuinely perplexed. The sect leader was completely taken aback, as he had never arranged for any secret guardian to protect them. 

Unfazed by the confusion, the forest guardian continued its relentless assault on its foes, ignoring the chaos unfolding around it.

In the midst of the turmoil, Caius's fury escalated. He turned decisively to the elders of the Crystal Fist Sect, barking orders with a commanding presence. "Ignore that guardian! Focus your efforts on the sect leader of the Heavenly Beast Sect. Take him down," he directed sharply, his voice carrying the weight of his resolve.

Then, turning his gaze towards the direction where Vargus was, his expression hardened with determination. "As for Vargus, leave him to me. I'll be the one to end his awakening," he declared, his tone leaving no room for argument. Caius's instructions were clear, dividing their forces to eliminate their primary targets swiftly and efficiently.

With the agility and speed characteristic of his tiger form, Caius darted across the battlefield, reaching Vargus's location in mere moments. His powerful limbs propelled him forward, a blur to those who dared watch. As he arrived, Caius issued a swift command to the remaining male members of his sect, "Attack Vargus!" His voice was a sharp command that sent them into action, attempting to overwhelm Auris, who stood guard.

Meanwhile, Caius, now close enough to Vargus to strike, readied his claws with deadly precision. His eyes, fierce and unyielding, locked onto Vargus. "This is where your journey ends," Caius declared, his voice cold and devoid of mercy. "Blame your fate for bestowing upon you a heavenly talent." His posture was that of a predator poised to end its prey, every muscle tensed in anticipation of the final blow.

As Auris valiantly fended off the attackers, a desperate cry escaped him, "No, Master!" His voice carried the weight of impending doom, echoing the tension in the air.

Caius, with a menacing grin, declared, "This is the end," his confidence unshaken, believing the victory was within his grasp. Yet, in a twist of fate, just as his claw was about to deliver the fatal strike, it was abruptly halted. To his astonishment, Vargus had caught his claw mid-air, an act so unforeseen that it brought a momentary pause to the battlefield.

Vargus, now standing firm with resolve in his eyes, faced Caius with a defiant smirk. "So, you are my opponent," he taunted, his voice laced with a challenge.