Theron's Watchers

Outside the quiet, sealed gates of the Cutie Sect, a group of Roaring Tiger Sect members were loitering around. Their eyes were fixed on the closed gates, wondering what was inside.

They were the watchers that had been put in place by Theron to observe the sect, but now they were restless as they exchanged some speculations and grievances under the shadow of their task.

One of them, leaning against a nearby tree, broke the monotonous silence, "How much longer do you think until they open up again?" His tone carried a mix of curiosity and impatience.

"I wish I knew," another sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, a clear sign of his weariness. "I'm growing tired of this job as i have been watching them for 2 months. I just hope that will open up soon."

A third member, who had been tossing small stones at an invisible target, chimed in with a hint of disdain, "Indeed, it's absurd that we're here to monitor such a weak sect."

But suddenly, amid their idle chatter, a sudden silence fell upon the group as the gates of the Heavenly Beast Sect, which had remained resolutely closed for so long, creaked open without warning. For a fleeting moment, the gap widened just enough to permit the passage of a shadowy figure that darted out from the confines of the sect. As quickly as it had opened, the gate swung shut with a decisive thud.

As the gates momentarily parted, one of the watchers couldn't help but exclaim, "At last, the gate opens!"

However, another interjected with a hint of caution, "But it barely opened, just for a moment, before shutting tight again."

A third chimed in, adding a layer of intrigue, "Yet, did you see? A shadow slipped out. Someone has indeed left the sect."

With a conspiratorial tone, he proposed, "This is our chance. We capture that person and squeeze out every bit of information they have."

Nods of agreement followed his suggestion, and with a renewed sense of purpose, they quickly organized themselves, setting off to apprehend the mysterious figure who had ventured from the seclusion of the Cutie Sect. 

Yet, their target was much faster than they thought, and soon one of them immediately yelled out in urgency, "To think that he was this fast. Quick, summon out your beasts!"

Responding to the call, each member summoned their fierce tigers, creatures of imposing stature and raw power. Without a moment's hesitation, they mounted these majestic beasts, urging them into a swift pursuit. 

Their decision to summon their beasts was a clever move, for it significantly narrowed the gap between them and their enigmatic target. In a swift, coordinated maneuver, they brought their tigers to a halting stop, encircling the figure with menacing precision.

One of them, stepping forward with a commanding presence, challenged the shadowy figure, "Now, where do you think you're going?" The tension in the air was palpable.

As the dim outline of the shadow sharpened into clarity, the watchers' initial expression changed into a shocked one. It wasn't merely the recognition of the individual that stunned them; what truly sent waves of shock through their ranks was the striking appearance of their target.

The figure they had been pursuing with such determination was revealed to be Livia, a member of the Heavenly Beast Sect, now part of the enigmatic Cutie Sect. But it was not merely her identity that caught their attention; instead, it was her transformation.

Clad in a charming, fluffy red dress that billowed softly around her, Livia looked as if she had stepped out of a tale of magic and wonder.

Adornments reminiscent of small, red foxes added whimsical touches to her ensemble, enhancing her enchanting appearance. With every move, she seemed to radiate an aura of whimsy and charm, embodying the essence of a magical girl from the stories told in hushed tones under the moonlit sky. 

The watchers, momentarily taken aback by Livia's appearance, quickly regained their composure. Their initial shock morphed into amusement, and they burst into raucous laughter. Between fits of mockery, they jeered at her transformation, finding humor in the stark contrast between her formidable reputation as a member of the Heavenly Beast Sect and her current, whimsical attire.

"Look at this! The mighty beasts of the Heavenly Beast Sect have turned into fairy tale princesses!" one of them managed to say through his laughter.

"Is this your secret weapon? Distracting your enemies with cuteness?" another added, barely able to speak as he clutched his sides.

They continued their taunts, each trying to outdo the other with jests about Livia's 'magical girl' look. "What's next? Will you cast a spell with your cuteness?" one watcher sneered, pretending to shield himself in mock fear.

Their laughter echoed through the air, filled with derision, as they completely underestimated the power hidden within the very essence of Livia's new appearance. 

Meanwhile, Livia, who was standing in the middle of their mockery, allowed a sly smirk to grace her lips. Observing the group's amusement with a cool detachment, she finally spoke, her voice laced with disdain. "So, the ones who are loitering around our sect are nothing more than the trash of the Roaring Tiger Sect," she mused, her tone dripping with contempt.

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before adding, "I had wondered what sort of errand would draw me out today. It seems it's merely to dispose of the trash that's gathered at our doorstep."

As Livia's words sliced through the air, the atmosphere among the watchers shifted from mockery to seething anger. One of them, unable to contain his rage, spat back, "To think that you have changed so much in a year, but don't flatter yourself, thinking you can just walk away after mocking us."

Livia's response was a smirk, her confidence undiminished. "Oh, I'm genuinely curious," she taunted, her voice laced with derision. "Just how much stronger have you become after staying in your stupid sect for a year?"

Her provocation was deliberate, designed to unnerve and challenge, making it clear that she saw them as nothing more than nuisances. The exchange crackled with tension, a prelude to the inevitable clash, as Livia stood ready, unfazed by the hostility directed her way.