Auris vs Jasper

Jasper immediately leaped into action. With his demonic sword in his hand, he immediately swung it toward Auris while shouting, "Infernal Slash!"

He maneuvered his sword in a fluid, arcing motion, channeling his demonic power into a fearsome wave of fire. This energy, infused with the malevolence of the abyss, surged towards Auris in a fiery crescent.

In response to Jasper's attack, Auris swiftly marshaled his own power, conjuring an ice shield in the nick of time to intercept the oncoming wave of demonic fire.

The shield, a crystalline barrier of frost, met the fiery assault head-on, enduring the brunt of the impact. Though the ice eventually shattered under the force of the infernal slash, it succeeded in neutralizing the immediate threat. Jasper, witnessing the destruction of the ice barrier, remained undeterred. 

With a battle cry, Jasper declared, "Now face my full fury!"