The Arrival of General Vorak

The demon leader stood, rooted in place, shock etched across his face as he processed the devastating news. The thought that a demon army could be entirely wiped out by a group described as "weirdos in stupid costumes" was almost inconceivable.

"How were the demons killed?" he demanded, his voice strained with the effort to remain calm. He needed details, facts—anything that could help him make sense of the catastrophe.

The demon messenger, still catching his breath from the rush of events, replied, "It was mainly the tiger that they rode, and also the summoned beast of the elf woman. The tiger possessed strong ice elemental power, and the small green dragon controlled numerous vines to kill our demons."

The leader's eyes widened in disbelief. "A tiger and a dragon... this is what decimated our forces?" The thought seemed ludicrous, yet the evidence was irrefutable.