World Decision

The tension between Vargus, Aerandir, and Kaelithus was palpable as they prepared to launch into another fierce battle. Each leader's expression was a mix of determination and fury, their eyes locked on their opponents. The air crackled with energy, their combined power creating an almost tangible pressure.

Just as they were about to move, a sudden, blinding light filled the battlefield. A system screen materialized before them, floating in the air with glowing, golden text. All three leaders paused, their eyes widening in shock.

[Detected that all faction leaders have met and begun the battle]

[Immediately advancing to the final battle]

Before they could process the message, the ground beneath them began to tremble violently. The world around them shook, the intensity of the quake increasing with each passing second. Trees swayed wildly, rocks tumbled, and the sky seemed to darken as if heralding an impending cataclysm.