Vargus Weapons Skills Showcase (1)

Vargus, impressed by the craftsmanship and creativity of the cute weapons and outfits, turned to Rosaline and Valeria. His towering presence was commanding, and his expression was filled with purpose.

"Rosaline, Valeria," Vargus said, his deep voice resonating through the workshop, "I want you to gather all the members and bring these weapons to the Training Hall. It's time to showcase a series of skills that they can learn and master."

Rosaline nodded, her eyes reflecting her understanding. "Of course, Vargus. We'll make sure everyone is ready," she said, her tone firm yet respectful.

Valeria, always eager for action, gave a spirited nod. "This will be exciting. Our members will benefit greatly from seeing you in action," she replied, her voice filled with enthusiasm.