Finally, the fight between both Yuta and Crocodile started, Crocodile was the first one to attack with his sand fruit, he turned into sand and rushed at Yuta.
Yuta didn't do anything, just stood there.
As soon as Crocodile was almost above him, Crocodile launched a powerful attack at him. Yuta still didn't move. He didn't have to.
He just stood there, letting the sand engulf him completely.
"Yuta…" Nami shouted.
Luffy and others were also the same. Worried for Yuta. They haven't seen him fight yet, only using his shock power one time. They didn't know what he was capable of.
However, Smoker and Robin, they were different. They have seen him fight and see his real power. But they too were surprised, becuase no matter how powerful, if he didn't dodge then Crocodile devil fruit could kill him.
Or so they thought.
Crocodile right now was struggling to even lay a finger at Yuta.
"What's going on, why can't I get through ?" Crocodile put more power behind his sand, trying to reach close to Yuta but there was something which was stopping him.
"So you are finally realized huh." Yuta smiled, on the other hand, not giving any attention to Crocodile and looking on the side. He saw a cute figure of Rika floating beside him, he was the only one who could see her or hear her so there was no problem talking to her in front of others. Besides others mistaking him a psycho, he's not gonna lose anything.
"Ahmm… I am hungry…
Yuta… Pancakes."
"Hahah… I wouldn't mind some either Rika. But getting some here will be hard. Sorry." Yuta smiles helplessly.
He has no idea how the ghost girl can even eat real human food but she loves pancakes, to bad he can't have some or he wouldn't mind having some himself. He was getting a little hungry too.
He realized that Rika had awakened for some time now, just didn't want to get up from bed like a naughty child.
He could have dodged Crocodile's attack easily, but this was a really good way to bring her out.
"Yuta… bad man. Beat him." Rika pouted upon not getting her favourite breakfast, even though it was noon right now, and channelled all that frustration towards the person who made her get out of bed. In her case, her scarf.
'Hurting my Yuta !… in your dreams….Behhhhh'
"Yeah yeah, bad man need to be beaten, I know." No matter how much she acts, Yuta can't help but overlook it, she is just too damn cute like this.
"Hey… what is this. What you are doing. You are a devil fruit user… are you or not ?" The crocodile was both angry and confused right now.
What the kid in front of him did surely wasn't Haki. So there is only one option. A devil fruit power, but if that was the case, then how the hell did this kid pass through that sea stone cage?
Crocodiles had no idea, there are all sorts of strange things in this world, the sea is vast but usually the sea, sea stone and Haki can handle all those strange powers of the devil fruits, even one like his. A Logia.
However, this power didn't make any sense. The crocodile was making a strange face.
"Don't bother, I too don't have a simple answer to this question. It's my turn now." Yuta shrugged helplessly. Even if he wants to explain, he himself is not sure where to start.
'My pancake-loving loli spirit saves me…?! Yeah…'
Yuta just shake his head and rush toward Crocodile. He didn't have armament haki, Crocodile saw this as well and thus he also didn't bother dodging.
Little did he know that Yuta could still touch him by ROFA.
One punch… that was enough to send the cigar-smoking man knock back flying.
Others saw this with wide mouths, it was quite comical honestly. This world is more comical than real.
"That was ROFA at 30…my current 100 per cent without using any enhancements." Yuta stretches his body, like removing the rust on it, getting ready to for a good fight. Only to see that Crocodile wasn't getting up.
Blinking he walked over only to find the man was completely out.
His mouth open in disbelieved.
"What the, it was only 30 ROFA ?" Yuta mutters with amazement.
But then he thought how it took only 45% of ROFA to take down someone like Sukuna…
'Maybe I'm not giving ROFA enough credit it deserves.'
"Hmm… can I get a bucket of water here? I seem to knock him out." Yuta robotically turned to Robin and asked with a little hesitation. Not sure what to feel right now.
Others just kept looking at him with exasperation on their face, it was only Luffy who was laughing after seeing Yuta pretty much one-shot Crocodile.
'Maybe I should cut back on teasing him...' Robin suddenly had this thought after seeing the man who she feared and worked under all this time laying flat on his back just after one hit from this boy's punch.
Smoker on the side was glaring at Yuta with a complicated look on his face. Is there is anyone besides the admirals and the Navy hero that can beat Crocodile in one punch in the entire Navy?
Smoker at least wasn't aware of anyone. This made him more wary of an existence like Yuta.
Though he wasn't sure but he at least didn't think that Yuta was a Pirate, he is not a member of Straw Hat Pirate at least.
So what he was more worried about was who Yuta was really. If he were to become a pirate then the sea in the future would be very chaotic, however, if he entered into navy then...
Smoker's eyes were not leaving Yuta at all.
"By the way, do you have a key for that cage?" Yuta asked to Robin after remembering that those idiots were still inside the cage.
"Ah... no. Crocodile fed that key to the big fish there..." Robin shook her head and then pointed toward the big pool Crocodile had in this place.
"Oh..." Yuta took now looked troubled, how he supposed to take the Straw hats out now?
Upon not getting any idea, he just decided to use his new powers and bring that fish out and get that key out of his stomach.
There was always an option to break the cage but that's too much work and he certainly can't do it without going all out. He rather just not.
Just as he was thining a notification finally came.
Major Quest: Rain Rain Don't Run Away Complete.
Main Quest: Help Alabasta with its drought problem.
Reward: ….
Here is the goal for this Week.
1000+ Stones for the bonus chapter on Sunday or Monday bonus chapter
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