
不幸的是,事情并没有按计划进行.第三天,也就是美国的早晨和中国的傍晚,太阳又消失了一个小时.这次失踪造成了巨大的混乱,犯罪率飙升.就连那些最初对世界末日持怀疑态度的人也感到震惊,并在晚上冲出去购买物资.但此时,没有商店开门,超市的店员也是人,已经陷入了混乱之中.买不到任何东西的人甚至求助于抢劫商店,银行不再提供现金.自动取款机和其他银行设施被关闭,世界陷入极度混乱和瘫痪.24日清晨,楚云升听到枪声和坦克轰鸣声——军队进城了!局势几乎失控,政府最终诉诸武力.整齐的坦克和装甲车像钢铁洪水一样在城市中缓慢移动.在警告枪声之后,那些试图抵抗军队的人被枪杀,流血事件在世界各地发生.没有人再关心这个了;只有政府电视台和广播电台敦促公众保持冷静和克制.楚云升在租房的时候,就考虑过军事干预的可能性.他特意选择了一个靠近政府官员大院和富人的社区,但不是直接在里面.他不想被军方卷入对保护区的清理和核查中,特别是因为他储存了这么多食物,这很容易被误认为是投机和囤积.因此,他定居在附近,在那里他仍然可以从一些军事保护中受益,而不会受到太多审查.透过窗户,他可以看到士兵拿着冲锋枪巡逻,这给了他一种安全感.23日与余小海通完电话后,楚云升还给其他亲戚和同学打了电话,警告他们要小心,囤积物资,甚至建议他们到他家来,以防万一有危险.然而,随着军队接管这座城市并实施宵禁和戒严令,这几乎是不可能的.每个居民区都有军队和警察守卫,所有必要的生活用品都由军队分发.居民被命令留在家中,在情况得到解决之前不要离开.但事情并没有像政府所希望的那样发展.25日,太阳消失了两个小时.26日,它消失了四个小时.27日,它消失了惊人的十个小时.黑暗!黑暗!全球危机!12月28日,就在太阳消失前一小时,全球信号仍然良好,美国总统在白宫前发表了最后一次演讲:"...撒旦已经在地上复活,人类将面临上帝的审判,进入黑暗的时代.只有那些渴望光明,自由和爱的人,才能最终从黑暗中走出来,回到上帝的身边..."时间:2012年12月28日世界陷入了黑暗,持续时间未知!楚云升坐在窗边呆呆,哪怕他早就算好了这一天,但当它真正发生的时候,他的心里还是本能地感到慌乱.世界变了,规则变了,一切都变了.未来会是什么样子?一个新的时代即将开始,一切都是未知的,更不用说随时可能出现的来自其他维度的强大生物了.灾难才刚刚开始!唯一让楚云升感到欣慰的是,那天他的练气终于有了一点进步.他设法瞥见了天地之间的浩瀚之气,勉强让他将一些气炼入体内.这股气还不够他雕刻元府,除了继续修炼气,别无他法.所有通讯都被切断了,外面的士兵只能用扩音器向居民广播宣传.每天,他都下楼去领取军队分发的口粮,尽管他不需要它们.他担心士兵会发现他家里的异常情况.在回去的路上,他从楼上的专家那里听说,有几个地方发生了骚乱.被禁闭的居民无法忍受世界末日的气氛,与当地军队发生激烈冲突,导致许多人死亡.甚至有传言说军队内部发生了恐慌事件.楚云升决定留在家里,按时领取口粮,不到处乱跑.他还没有自保的能力,他仅有的李火元府,其威力还不确定.时间在这种诡异的气氛中流逝,外面的天气越来越冷,不断下着大雪.楼上的专家说,它可能正在进入冰河时代.楚云升就算把所有的窗户都关上了,也挡不住寒气,电源也再也无法保证了.每天只有三个小时的电力供应,天然气和天然气的供应大大减少.只有水的供应有些困难.Wearing a thick down jacket, Chu Yunsheng sat on the bed. It was the fifth day of the dark age, and he had barely accumulated enough Qi to make a low-level Yuanfu.Regarding the creation of Yuanfu, he had analyzed two paths long ago. One was a combat-oriented route. As his fourth-dimensional consciousness became clearer, he felt the celestial tracks of the other dimensions approaching Earth more and more strongly. The danger was increasing daily, and he needed to make a defense and physical enhancement Liujia Yuanfu, a Huobing Yuanfu to modify his pistol, and a Shenbing Yuanfu for his sword.With his abilities, he estimated that he could refine the maximum amount of heavenly Qi to carve three such low-level Yuanfu before the celestial tracks converged with Earth.The other route, which Chu Yunsheng considered conservative, was to make a Huobing Yuanfu to enhance his pistol with the power of heavenly Qi and a Wunai Yuanfu to store all the supplies he had been storing for three months.This Wunai Yuanfu was slightly higher in rank than other Yuanfu. If he finished the Huobing Yuanfu and then made this Wunai Yuanfu, there wouldn't be much time left before the celestial tracks approached. In that case, he would have to rely entirely on the protection of his pistol, greatly increasing the danger.Chu Yunsheng's new dilemma was resolved as he touched the ancient book again. He knew his qualifications were ordinary. Without the ancient book, he would be just like any other ordinary person, powerless. Only those with exceptional qualifications, as described in the ancient book, could awaken their fourth-dimensional consciousness earliest and fastest in the pure weather Qi and instinctively use the heavenly Qi.So, for him, neither defensive and offensive Yuanfu nor a large amount of supplies were the most important. The most important was the ancient book. As long as the book was there, he had the confidence to survive. Moreover, the ancient book was the most important memento left to him by his parents after their death, and emotionally, it could be considered a "family heirloom."After much thought, Chu Yunsheng decided that if he carried the ancient book with him, it might be lost during escape or panic. Therefore, from this perspective, he must prioritize making the Wunai Yuanfu first, store the ancient book inside, and then seal the Yuanfu on his body. That way, everything would be safe!