the Second Yuan Sky

因为没有太阳,人们对时间的概念陷入了混乱,虽然仍然有时钟显示确切的 RI 周期和一天中的时间,但你能说它是白天而不是晚上吗?现在每一秒都是黑夜!所以从红甲虫没有出现的时候开始,人们就逐渐按照24小时制说时间,不再区分早晚,昼夜.8号楼的大门被红甲虫破坏了,没有材料可以修复,一个接一个的人从其他楼里搬出来,搬进了8号楼,到了二十点,楚云升通过猫眼意识到,他的门口挤满了试图避难的人.看来,唯一能获得安全感的方法,就是呆在8号楼,人越来越多,2个小时的猴子,终于有人开始敲楚云升的门了.楚云升不管他们,现在能够管好自己就好了,通过前几个小时的生死搏斗,他清楚的明白,要想在这个虫子随时出现的世界里生存下去,就必须赶紧修炼自己的元气.这两天,他已经打通了古书中几个符号的含义,发现自己只是元气修为的元天第一层次,层次太低了!不但以他的肉身力量所能吸收的元气量不多,而且制作符箓的水平也大受限制.符箓是他现在赖以生存的手段,他的处境与自我觉醒的高手不同.自觉醒的天道高手,虽然只有单一的属,要么是火,要么是冰,或者其他什么类型等等,而且古籍中描述的种类也很多,但是他们一般在觉醒之后,都能直接动用自己的肉身能量,就像是本能地将某种规则的符箓封印在身上一样.就像那个冰拳人一样,挥拳就能打出冰气,这一点楚云升做不到,他属于古书上的正统修炼法门,体力元气修炼只能达到六元天的境界,他只能修炼那些本能的战斗技巧,而不动用符文法术的力量, 当然,如果他和当时的元符号结合起来,威力会更加强大.在那之前,他不得不借助元符的功力来释放,自然不同的是,元符的多种星术也让他施展了楚国的各种属性星术,而且在元符的帮助下,威力丝毫不弱于一个觉醒者.眼下,他勉强能够创造出二阶元符,想要创造三阶元符,就必须尽快将自己修炼到二阶元天境界.三级元符是真正可重复使用的法术,不像现在楚云升手中的一次性法术,每当元符能量不足时,他就要赶紧换上新的元符.从元日一度境界到元日二元日境界并不算太复杂,据古书记载,只要将元气分别释放干净,再再满,一共九百九十一次,使身体各部位得到元气充分炼化, 八十一次,二元天境界后.可是他修炼的速度实在是太慢了,慢得像只蜗牛!虽然除了吃饭睡觉,楚云升基本上都在拼命修炼元气,但元气的厚度依旧是极其缓慢的增加,丝毫没有受到他急迫的影响!按照这个速度,每隔八到九天,楚云升也只能将元气全部恢复,就算不算释放元气所花费的时间,也要用将近两年的时间才能达到元二天的境界!两年?如果是和平的阳光时代,他可以慢慢修炼,但现在是危机的黑暗时代,他绝对不能!眼下光是对付三只红甲虫就显得势不可挡,如果他遇到几个小时前外面的五十只虫子那么多,难道连逃跑的机会都没有吗?两年的时间已经足够虫子杀死他无数次了!必须要找到更好的修炼方法,否则就是有了古书这样逆天的东西,楚云升才意识到,自己的生命随时都有可能危险!他又把古书倒了出来,不知疲倦地翻来覆去研究起来,他相信上面一定有办法,只是他能认出的字太少了,不然如果他能流利地读完古书,里面肯定有什么他想不出来的东西!  After some searching, at least let him find a few things that are related, one by one test down, most of them failed, only a charm called "Regaining Yuan Yuan Charm" is left.  Chu Yunsheng was not sure about the name of this talisman, although he was able to recognize the three characters, but he did not recognize more than two thirds of the function of this talisman, but fortunately he was able to recognize the method of talisman making.  This Yuan Charm belonged to the second stage, and had to use all of his Yuan Qi to make it, just now he was busy testing other methods and consumed almost half of his Yuan Qi, it was impossible for him to make it, he had to wait for another four days or so!  In these four days, when he was tired of practicing, he took out his bow and crossbow, following the previous she-strike tutorials that he downloaded from the night, he desperately practiced the she-strike jing degree, for his current Yuan Qi level that could only cast a few arrows, the level of she-strike was very important, if the she was off, the loss of Yuan Qi would be very huge.  After four days of practice, coupled with the enhancement of his own physical potential by the Six Armor Yuan Symbol, it gave him the confidence to accurately hit a Red Beetle within thirty meters, provided that it was a stationary Red Beetle, after all, the ability to hit a moving object was not something that could be cultivated overnight, but more importantly, it was experience.  Four days later, he finally made the Regeneration Yuan Talisman, but there was a small problem when using it, no matter how Chu Yunsheng activated it, he didn't see the Yuan Talisman automatically absorbing the heaven and earth Yuan Qi.  After tossing for a long time, Chu Yunsheng had an idea, since this Yuan Symbol couldn't absorb the original Yuan Qi of heaven and earth, did it mean that it could absorb and store the Yuan Qi of the human body that had been transformed?  Thinking this way, he immediately prepared to take action, but frustratingly returned to realize that the Yuan Qi in his body was already very thin, and he could not test it at all.  He immediately thought of the red beetle, that animal's body light red protective shield, definitely is the heaven and earth yuan qi inspired, indicating that they should have yuan qi in the body!  Chu Yunsheng immediately released the corpse of that red beetle in his collection, cao indulged in the Yuan Symbol, and sure enough! Before the death of no movement of the yuan talisman, immediately she out a white light shining she in the red beetle body, then see a ru white light halo by the yuan talisman into the talisman body, about only ten seconds, the yuan talisman back to the white light, chu yun sheng took the yuan talisman to see, above the blank place more than nearly one-sixth of the flame pattern symbols.  Chu Yunsheng guessed that this should indicate that what was inside the Red Beetle's body was fire-xing Yuan Qi.  But just as he was about to take the Yuan Symbol back into the Object Nano Yuan Symbol, he was surprised to find that he communicated with a trace of unconcerned Yuan Qi from the Regenerative Yuan Symbol, which immediately formed a backflow of Yuan Qi from the Yuan Symbol into Chu Yunsheng's body!  Of course he could have stopped such an inversion, but he didn't, he wanted to see what would happen!  The whole process was twice as slow as the intake, almost twenty seconds passed, as the Yuan Symbol flame pattern disappeared, the Yuan Symbol sizzled and shattered, the second rank Yuan Symbol could only be xing once.  But Chu Yunsheng didn't feel sad about the Yuan Symbol's shattering at all, on the contrary, he was now screaming with excitement, he obviously felt that his physical energy Yuan Qi had filled up by almost one third!  This was the equivalent of nearly three days of hard cultivation before he could reach the level!  How could he not be excited, one Red Beetle's body energy might have a massive loss through the conversion of the Yuan Symbol, but it could still replenish nearly a third of his Yuan Qi!  Then, he only needed three Red Beetles to fully replenish his Yuan Qi to the level of perfection, instead of the eight to nine days of painstaking cultivation!  A cultivation plan immediately appeared in his mind, which was exactly what he had been searching for these past few days.  First of all, he made a Yuan Charm to take in Yuan Qi, and then spent eight days to recultivate his full Yuan Qi, his current full Yuan Qi can already shear six ice arrows, so that if the ideal state of the arrows are not in vain, the ice seal six, under the ice sealing state, the Red Beetle has no energy shield to protect its body, and it can be killed by other means, the Yuan Charm can take in the Yuan Qi of six Red Beetles.  Because the Yuan Symbol is a one-time xing, but how much Yuan Qi has been ingested before, when completely releasing the ingested Yuan Qi, the Yuan Symbol will be broken.  Similarly with this one time xing Yuan Symbol, after ingesting a full amount of Yuan Qi, no matter how much Yuan Qi was then released, the empty body of the Symbol could not be rushed in again.  So in order to maximize the use of the Yuan Symbol, it must be ingested full of Yuan Qi first, and then rushed into itself in two separate times, each time exactly full of Yuan Qi, and of course the last time the Yuan Symbol within the Yuan Qi is released cleanly, it will shatter on its own.  In this way, after icing six red beetles and ingesting the bugs' yuan qi with the yuan talisman, his own body was already nearly dry, he could immediately do the first replenishment, and after it was full, he immediately made a new yuan ingesting yuan talisman, his body's yuan qi was thus empty again, and then followed by the second replenishment, the old yuan talisman was shattered, but after it was full of yuan qi, he himself could SHE slay the six of them again, and ingested yuan qi with the new yuan talisman, and the cycle would repeat again and again.  In terms of theoretical value, as long as he SHE killed two hundred and forty-three Red Beetles, he would be able to break through the realm of the First Yuan Sky and enter the Second Yuan Sky, and when he reached the Second Yuan Sky, he could make multiple-use Third Stage Yuan Symbols, and would no longer have to laboriously count the number of times he used them in this way! ~!