
This person is exactly the Chu Yunsheng who sneak attacked the red beetle from the back, he successfully attacked a gullible and careless bug, and he is now fretting about how to completely kill the frozen red beetle in front of the eyes of these six people, and then use the yuan talisman to absorb its yuan qi, except for that compelling cold ice arrow that SHE sent out just now, he doesn't want to expose his ability too much.

  Ice sealing doesn't mean killing, there is a possibility that the red beetle could break free, so time is running out, the other six people didn't say anything, Chu Yunsheng had to open his mouth first, "Cough, cough, I think you guys are already safe for the time being, can you make a place out for me to finish dealing with this bug!"

  Under his outburst of reminder, the crowd straight away reacted from the shock that they had been saved! Immediately erupting with the ecstasy of escaping from death, they embraced each other and repeatedly cried in low voices, "We, we don't have to die anymore!"

  Thoroughly venting out the great despair brought on by the near-death just now.

  Seeing this, Chu Yunsheng had to interrupt them again and said anxiously, "Stop, stop! If you guys are fine, can you go out for a while, I need this place to deal with this bug!"

  The young boy was the first to hear Chu Yunsheng's words clearly, pulling back the crying crowd, but all looked at Chu Yunsheng with a face of incomprehension, that meant isn't the bug already killed by you, what more do you need to deal with what?

  This also can't blame them, is Chu Yunsheng himself the first time ice sealed the red beetle, also didn't expect the red beetle actually tenacious to the point that still didn't die, at that time had to make up another SHE an arrow to finally solve the problem.

  Looking at the crowd looking at himself with a puzzled face, Chu Yunsheng had to point at the ice sealed red beetle and explained, "This bug is still not dead ..."

  Who expected that just as he said halfway, the crowd was like an explosion, quickly ducked to the side and stayed far away, a woman who was bold enough to even prepare to touch the frozen red beetle was directly scared to the point that she sat on her butt on the ground and rolled and crawled to the side.

  Chu Yunsheng could completely understand their panic, he himself at that time, when he had not yet talismanized the Yuan Symbol, the fear that the red beetle that chased after the girl in white had caused him, was in no way less than these people now.

  "Don't worry guys, nothing will happen now, I need somewhere to settle it thoroughly!" Chu Yunsheng pacified the crowd, after thinking about it, he added, "The process is rather bloody, so I need you guys to cooperate and wait outside for a while."

  Seeing this, the crowd hurriedly agreed, although Chu Yunsheng said that nothing would happen now, they still didn't dare to stay in a room with a still alive red beetle, since their presence wasn't needed again, the best option for them now was to go outside.

  "Can I stay?" The young boy asked nervously.

  Chu Yunsheng frowned, the situation just now, although he probably saw some of it under a broken flashlight, and he admired the boy's bravery, but it was only admiration, he did not have the slightest intention of sharing his secret with a stranger.

  "No way! All out!" Chu Yunsheng flatly refused.

  The boy couldn't see Chu Yunsheng's expression under the night vision helmet and mask, but the other party's refusal in an icy tone made him not dare to have any dissatisfaction and disappointedly followed the crowd out of the room.

  Chu Yunsheng immediately closed the door and folded the night vision device upwards, this fourth generation of night vision device, even under the illumination of a flashlight which is considered a strong light source relative to the shimmering light, there will not be the kind of sudden blindness of the previous generations.

  Folding up the night vision device, simply because under the light of the flashlight, he was already completely clear to settle this Red Beetle in front of him.

  Firstly, using the Object Nascent Yuan Talisman and the Regenerative Yuan Talisman to test on the still living Red Beetle, proving his previous guess that living objects, which could not be included in the Object Nascent Yuan Talisman, could not be sucked up for Yuan Qi, the only way to do so was to kill it first.

  The military soldiers' SHE strikes on the red beetle, Chu Yunsheng had carefully observed, the bullets that hit the body of the red beetle, even if they occasionally broke through the shield, they did not cause the death of the bugs, instead, they enraged the bugs.

  Chu Yunsheng did not intend to use the ice arrow to blast the ice sealed red beetle, this is too wasteful of energy, the ice sealed red beetle has no shield protection, theoretically you can use ordinary guns to she kill it, however, one to the sound of the gun is too loud and easy to attract other red beetles, secondly he has less than 100 rounds of bullets in total, the red beetles have no shield protection, but the armor is also Although the red beetles no longer have the protection of the shield, the armor is also very hard, I'm afraid that at least a dozen rounds of bullets will be needed to see the effect, this kind of consumption he simply can not afford to waste.

  The only way was to use a longsword and cut off the red beetle's brain, this would not consume much Yuan Qi nor would he have to waste the few bullets, so before he set off, he spent two more days making the Divine Warrior Yuan Symbol.

  The long sword sealed with the divine weapon yuan talisman was already enough to receive his yuan qi injection, Chu Yunsheng refreshed his mind with a light chortle, his hand raised his sword and chopped it, under the light of the flashlight, an arc drifted down, and the insect's head landed on the ground!

  In order to prevent the Yuan Qi from leaking, Chu Yunsheng hurriedly control the regeneration Yuan Symbol to extract the Red Beetle's Yuan Qi, sure enough, after the head of the bug was chopped off, the Red Beetle struggled for a few moments and died helplessly, which was just right for Chu Yunsheng to collect the Yuan Qi's beats.

  After extracting Yuan Qi, Chu Yunsheng had no intention to stay too long in this room with human body parts scattered everywhere, it was really too disgusting, although Chu Yunsheng had seen it many times, he still couldn't endure this kind of gore.

  Six people didn't leave outside the door, Chu Yunsheng just came out and heard a man saying bitterly, "Fifi, listen to me, at that time, my head was really dizzy with fear, I didn't know what I was doing! I didn't mean to do that, believe me, okay? If I had been a little bit more awake at that time, even if it was just a little bit, I could have died for you! I, Diao Dingguo, swear to the heavens, will you believe me one more time?"

  Against this girl, Diao Dingguo was confident that he had absolute certainty and talent to convince her, before, no matter what happened, she was coaxed around by herself, even though he had just made a serious mistake, but in terms of the situation at that time, he felt that it wasn't a mistake at all, saving his own xing life was naturally the most important thing, who could have expected that the person in front of him would fall from the sky as if he were a divine soldier?

  If he had known that, he would have made a righteous appearance, like dying in front of Fei Fei, then now he believes that coupled with his eloquence, today he can definitely make this little beauty die for him to offer a virgin night.

  Chu Yunsheng with a flashlight, talking is Diao Dingguo is a middle-aged man, was called Fei Fei that girl, it is almost eaten by the red beetles of that, at this time biting his lip, seems to be hesitant, while the young boy is silent and stood on the side.

  He cursed in his heart: this can be called Diao Dingguo said moved, this girl is really idiotic, this young boy is also when the wimp a, this time also do not say a word, and watched their own life in exchange for the opportunity directly by Diao Dingguo a mouth to say almost gone!

  He originally did not want to care about this kind of idle matter, also do not want to have any entanglement with these people, hurry to look for the next single red beetle is his business, but to see Diao Dingguo so deceive a little girl, is really shameless, plus he still has a slight good feeling about the boy, Chu Yunsheng could not help but coldly said:

  "Oh, scared out of your wits? Why didn't the young man get scared out of his mind? Little girl, I advise you, some people can give up on you once and then give up on you a second time! You have to think clearly yourself."

  Who did not expect this mysterious man would interrupt to manage this matter, everyone looked at him with surprise, Chu Yunsheng was a little embarrassed by the look, felt that maybe he really talked too much, especially when he saw Diao Dingguo flashing that hint of spiteful eyes.

  However, Chu Yunsheng's words were like a blow to the head, letting the girl Fei Fei instantly woke up, biting her lips and said firmly and resolutely, "Diao Dingguo, we are finished!"

  She could never forget Diao Dingguo's last-minute action of pulling out his arm and abandoning her as well as that desperate look in his eyes.

  Seeing this, Chu Yunsheng felt that it was not good for him to stay any longer, handed the flashlight to the boy and turned around to leave.

  Unexpectedly, at this time, Diao Dingguo had thought that he had almost talked to Fei Fei, but at the most critical moment, this mysterious person actually intervened and humiliated him, and directly led to the little beauty Fei Fei's break with him, although this person had saved his life, he was still filled with resentment!

  Resentment to resentment, Diao Dingguo but did not dare to attack, he was afraid of the power of this mysterious man, saw this person to go, heart a happy, thinking that after he left, and then slowly looking for an opportunity to persuade Fei Fei is not too late, but forgot that he was prepared in advance to pull together this mysterious person to escort their own ideas to a safe place.

  However, when he saw the mysterious man's hand, the bow that floated with mysterious runes, an uncontrollable zn have yu hope deep inside his heart immediately washed over his brain! ~!