You Monster

" D... Dante ," I said as I shivered like a leaf , the coldness would be a symbol that he had left my room, but this time it felt different.

Despite me shivering, sweat beads streamed down my face and I felt sick.

Rolling to Dante's side he wasn't there, I was certain he had noticed something was wrong with me because the beddings and my pillow were soaked in sweat.

I felt sick , my head was throbbing and weakness overwhelmed me. How could he have left me just like that ? I thought to myself. I beat myself up for expecting too much from him , Just because we had s great night doesn't mean his habits were gonna die.He was still the man that despised me wholeheartedly.

Rising from my bed , I didn't want to let how I was feeling stop me from finding out what he was saying the previous night.

The weakness I felt spread in my body like a wildfire , I couldn't bare it anymore.

"Mercy ! " I cried out. heaven knows if she heard me , she was probably attending to my horrid so called cousin. With on last attempt to call her , I collapsed.

Everything blurred out , I heard footsteps approach me but I couldn't make out who it was. Everything turned black and I couldn't hear anymore.

I slowly lifted my eyelids, and looked around to peer at the family surrounding.

I was in Dante's room , my former room,

Could all this have been a nightmare.

I rose from the bed and I heard a voice say, " She's awake." looking at who was in the room I saw mercy standing next to a nurse , but no sign of Dante.

" Your majesty, his Majesty summoned me saying you aren't feeling too well," she said and paused when my facial expression changed.

So he was well aware that I wasn't at my best and still decided to leave me , to top it all up he wasn't even there when I woke up. Recomposing myself, I gave her a smile and explained how I felt.

" it's probably just a cold or a fever ," I explained to her telling her she didn't have to worry about me.

" Your majesty, it's my job to make sure you are okay, so I will run some tests on you to make sure everything is the way it should be."

I felt an urge of wanting to roll my eyes , I took a deep breath reminding myself that it's just her doing her job. Erika , the nurse , looked like a woman within her mid forties .She was very generous and warm while taking the tests, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all ,until the test that followed.

She handed me a small cup and asked me to fill it with urine , I felt a little bit shy as I received the cup. Getting up Mercy escorted me to the bathroom and I did my business. Wrapping the cup in a small towel , I washed my hands and headed back to the room giving her the cup full of urine.

She placed it in a small looking thermometer like instrument. I didn't know what it was for but she asked me to wait patiently. After 10 minutes of waiting she looked at the thing and smiled while scribbling on her clip board and didn't say anything.

Then she finally spoke, " Ms Mercy please call for his Majesty, this is more ... serious than I thought."

I swallowed hard upon hearing that , what could have been the problem with me , I rarely fell ill , I had handled years of abuse what could be the problem?

Mercy nodded and went to call for him.

" Doctor, is it that bad ? Please tell me I need to know."

But all she did was grin and me , and before I could ask her another question Dante walked in with Mercy and Antonia,

The sight of them together disgusted me.

But I couldn't help myself from admiring how good he looked in his navy blue shirt folded up to his elbow and Black jeans, he was as handsome as ever.

I really loved my husband, despite everything he was putting me through. I tried by all means to let what he did to me make me hate him but it was impossible.

Maybe my sickness was going to bring us together, and he would realize that I never betrayed him as he claimed. But all of this hope drained after his response to the nurse' s diagnosis.

She turned to him with a big smile on her face, " thank you for coming your highness...I have good news for both of you." Whatever it was hse couldn't maintain her joy and finally announced, " Her highness is pregnant!"

Mercy squealed on my behalf with her hands on her mouth , the gods had finally answered my prayers there was no way Dante could now harm me because I was carrying his child. I looked at Antonia hoping she would be fuming with anger and would finally get out of our lives for good , but she just stood there with a devilish smile on her face.

My joy turned into o fear when I saw the disgusted look on his face.His normal welcoming gaze turned into a bloodshot stare , his expression was even worse than the times he would beat me up. And it wasn't a secret that he wasn't happy at all , but why wouldn't he be happy after finding out I was carrying his child?

My body shook as the happiness inside me instantly faded , I would have never expected him to say such a thing his words shattered me , Mercy and the nurse too stood there just as shocked as I was.

If I did what he asked me to, I would never forgive myself , not only did I have to fight for myself, I now had someone to fight for.

And I didn't care if it meant me disobey his orders or him hating me.