Dance With Me

Mary and I were in the kitchen, making preparations. There was so much fun and coordination here; even the workers were having a blast. Laughter and chatter filled the room as everyone moved in perfect sync, creating a lively and joyful atmosphere.

Finally, we finished. I decided to head to my room, but as I passed the ballroom, I was struck by its grand decoration. The room was adorned with rich, royal colors: deep purples, golds, and elegant whites. Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting a warm, sparkling light over everything. Golden drapes framed the tall windows, and the floor was a polished marble that reflected the splendor of the room. Flower arrangements in shades of purple and white added a touch of nature's beauty to the regal setting.

As I soaked in the beauty, Duchess Matilda interrupted me.

"Well, well, if it isn't our little chef," Matilda said mockingly. "Got a bit of food on your clothes, haven't you?"

Before I could respond, Mary rushed to my side. "Let's go, your highness. You need to get cleaned up."

I nodded, grateful for Mary's timely rescue. We headed to my room, and I drew a cherry blossom bath. The fragrance enveloped me, bringing back memories of when Dante and I would bathe together. I remembered the first time he saw the scars on my back and how gently he applied ointment. Everything had been so perfect then. I missed him so much, yet I didn't want to see him. I wondered if he would be at the celebration…and if my witch of a sister, Antonia, would be there too.

I kept my fingers crossed, hoping Antonia wouldn't be there.

I finished my bath and found Mary had prepared a stunning dress for me. It was a beautiful emerald green gown that shimmered under the light. The dress hugged my waist and flowed elegantly to the floor, with intricate lace detailing along the neckline and sleeves. It was breathtaking.

Mary helped me with my hair, curling my black locks and tying them perfectly. She added a bit of makeup, which did wonders to hide my dark circles and sleepless nights. When I looked in the full-length mirror, I hardly recognized myself. I looked…magical.

I stood by the stairs and watched as different guests started to arrive. Taking a deep breath, I began to walk down the stairs. Just then, I saw him entering the house. Dante. He wore a perfect black suit that defined his body, his hair slicked back and freshly cut. Our eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to stop. He couldn't take his eyes off me.

"Dante!" his mother called out, breaking the spell.

Our eye contact broke, and I continued down the stairs, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me.

My mood shifted sharply as Antonia walked in behind him. The queen greeted and welcomed them warmly.

Then the queen noticed me and gasped. "Elena, you look stunning," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with approval. Turning to Dante, she added, "Take your wife, Dante. Did you miss her at all?"

Fury blazed in Antonia's eyes, but Dante didn't seem to notice. He walked towards me, his eyes never leaving mine. He reached out for my hand, and I instinctively flinched. He didn't react, just reached out again, more gently this time. I hesitated but then gave in, letting him take my hand.

He pulled me into a hug, and I felt an unexpected wave of safety and warmth wash over me. I had missed him—his scent, the warmth of his body. But part of me was scared, thinking this hug might be just an act. The hug lasted longer than expected until Antonia cleared her throat loudly.

The queen laughed, "You've only been apart for less than a week, and you already can't live without each other!" Her laughter echoed in the room, but my mind was still whirling with confusion and longing.

Dante responded with a warm smile, "She is my wife, my queen. There's no one else I'd rather be with."

His words left me shocked and fluttered, a warmth spreading through me. Maybe the time apart had made him realize something.

I giggled and smiled up at him. The queen, looking pleased, turned to Antonia. "You can join the crowd, Antonia. You're always welcome."

Antonia forced a smile. "No, it's alright. I'm waiting for Dante."

The queen raised an eyebrow. "Can't you see he's with his wife?"

Antonia's smile wavered, annoyance flickering in her eyes. "You're right. I'm sorry, I forgot. See you later," she said, glancing at Dante with a side eye before turning away.

The queen nodded and walked off, leaving Dante and me alone together.

I didn't want to be left alone with him, but it was too late. Dante stepped closer, standing right in front of me. I looked up, and our eyes locked. He slowly stroked my cheek, and I leaned into his palm.

"You look stunning," he said softly.

I smiled. "Thank you."

"I miss you," he confessed.

"So do I," I replied, hope flickering in my chest.

His expression hardened. "But that doesn't change anything. I still hate you."

His words were like a punch to the gut, and my mood plummeted.

"Let's go," he said, pointing towards the ballroom.

He held my hand and led the way, and I followed, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.

As we stepped into the ballroom, I saw a sea of royals and wealthy individuals. The grand room was filled with elegant people, all dressed to the nines. Dante introduced me to many of them, and I could hear their compliments about having such a beautiful, stunning wife. Despite his earlier harsh words, Dante seemed proud as he presented me to everyone.

Our conversations were interrupted by the sound of a glass being tapped. The queen stood at the center of the room, making an announcement.

"The king, the birthday boy, will be a little late for his own party," she said with a smile. "But for now, let's dance."

The music began to play, filling the room with a soft, melodic waltz. Dante turned to me, his eyes softer than before. He extended his hand.

"May I have this dance?" he asked.

I hesitated for a moment, but then placed my hand in his. "Of course," I said softly.

We moved to the dance floor, and he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and we began to dance. The room around us seemed to blur, and all I could focus on was Dante. His touch was firm yet gentle, and I felt a familiar warmth spread through me.

As we glided across the floor, his gaze never left mine. "You really do look stunning ," he whispered.

"Thank you," I replied, my voice barely audible over the music.

His hand tightened slightly on my waist, pulling me even closer. I could feel his breath on my cheek, and it sent shivers down my spine. Despite everything that had happened, there was an undeniable chemistry between us. It was like we were the only two people in the room, dancing in our own little world.

"Do you remember the first time we danced like this?" he asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"How could I forget?" I said, my heart aching with the memory. It had been a night filled with laughter and love, so different from now.

For a moment, it felt like nothing had changed. I could see the man I fell in love with, the man who had once made me feel like I was the only person that mattered. I rested my head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

He sighed, and I felt his breath ruffle my hair. "Elena," he murmured, his voice heavy with emotion.

"Yes?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Why did everything have to change?" he said, his eyes filled with pain.

I didn't have an answer. Instead, I just held him tighter, wishing that we could stay like this forever, swaying gently to the music, lost in each other. For a brief moment, it was as if all the hurt and betrayal had melted away, leaving only the love we once shared.

As we continued to dance, I noticed Antonia glaring at us with so much hate. A sense of satisfaction washed over me; it felt like I had won something significant by seeing her so upset.

Dante and I twirled apart, our movements synchronized with the music. Just as we came back together, a server carrying a tray of drinks bumped into me. The impact made me lose my balance, and I fell to the floor, drinks spilling all over me.

Dante's face twisted in fury. "Watch where you're going!" he screamed, raising his hand and slapping the server hard across the face. The sound echoed through the room, and everyone turned to look at us.

"No!" I shouted, scrambling to my feet. I grabbed his arm, preventing him from hitting the server again. "Please, don't. It's okay."

He looked down at me, his anger still simmering. My dress was stained with drinks, but I didn't care about that. I only wanted to stop Dante from making things worse.

"Look at your dress," he said, his voice filled with frustration. "This is unacceptable."

"It's just a dress, Dante," I said softly. "It can be cleaned. Please, let it go."

He took a deep breath, visibly trying to control his anger. The server, now holding a hand to his cheek, looked terrified.

"Get out of my sight," Dante said coldly, and the server quickly left.

Dante's expression softened slightly as he looked at me. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I shouldn't have lost my temper like that."

"It's okay," I replied. "Let's just forget about it and enjoy the evening."

He sighed and then, surprising me, he scooped me up into his arms. "You're right. Let's get you cleaned up."

As he carried me away from the dance floor, I glanced back at Antonia. Her smile vanished, replaced by a look of pure rage. She was fuming, her eyes narrowed with jealousy and anger. Dante didn't notice her; he was too focused on me.

He looked into my eyes, his gaze intense and filled with something I couldn't quite decipher. It made my heart race. "I'm really sorry, Elena," he said softly. "You deserve better."

For a moment, it felt like everything around us disappeared. All I could see was Dante, holding me, caring for me. Antonia's anger was palpable, but it only made this moment sweeter. We were in our own little world, and for now, that was enough.