
Days passed in a blur of despair and isolation. The king's burial had come and gone, a solemn affair that I could only imagine from the confines of my cell. The dungeon's cold, damp walls seemed to close in on me with each passing day, amplifying my misery.

The creak of the cell door interrupted my thoughts. Mary slipped in, her face etched with worry. "Elena," she whispered, rushing to my side. "Oh, you look terrible."

I managed a weak smile. "I've felt better."

Mary sat beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "I'm so sorry, Elena. I wish there was more I could do. Let me help you sneak out for a shower. It will make you feel a bit better."

I shook my head. "No, Mary. If they catch us, you'll be in trouble too. I can't let that happen."

Mary sighed, clearly frustrated but respecting my wishes. "Alright. But at least let me update you on what's been happening outside."

I looked up, my eyes hollow and tired. "Tell me."