Just as I thought I could not bear another moment of awkward silence, the elevator doors swung open to reveal none other than Hector. And his very presence saved me from answering Justin of his awkward query.

With a look of confusion on his face, Hector seemed to suspect that he had stumbled upon a scene straight out of a contemporary romance novel. "Um, did I inadvertently interrupt a private moment?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty. He could not help but raise his left eyebrow in surprise.

It was a rather awkward moment when both Justin and I simultaneously responded, "No, you didn't." After that, we exchanged looks, and I felt a chill go up my spine, especially because Justin was staring at me so closely again.

Now I found myself utterly perplexed by Justin's true intentions.

I was about to pose that question when, out of nowhere, Hector once again interjects, diverting both Justin's and my focus towards him.