Ch56: Dispatch

Pacific City, Earth

Mitsui was once again receiving intelligence while on the road within his vehicle, this time, a gleaming black limo-pod. It had, of course, been upgraded with the presence of Denys.

Mitsui no longer felt any apprehension towards Denys. If anything, Mitsui even considered Denys to be…well-- naive. Not necessarily a doormat, nor a gullible fool. Rather, there were many unsavory acts that Denys was unwilling to even entertain.

If Mitsui was originally concerned that Denys would take over the world, he now saw the truth-- the programming of Denys and its very personality-- would not allow the AI to aim for such an eventuality. It would be inaccurate to say Denys had some sort of 'hard' rule. Rather, the AI personality borne out of its prime code naturally had no interest in such a position of power.

At least, that was Mitsui's assessment, and he very much trusted his intuition.

The downside to this, however, was that Denys was unwilling to cross certain lines, which hamstrung the basket of possible actions of the EFNSF. Without Denys' cooperation and agreement, their nexarm squad would not be able to act without suffering the infiltration of Syned.

As for what those lines are? Mitsui had yet to fully perceive Denys' limits. Take his recruitment of underaged orphans for the new NSF. Denys accepted Mitsui's questionable action without a single protest. Even modified the records of said underaged orphans to ensure Mitsui would not be implicated by potentially nosy journalists. If the Earth Feds chose to run an internal audit, they would find nothing out of the ordinary.

Chemical weapons? Denys had signaled that it would not, under any circumstances, partake in such action. Yet, Denys also clarified that it would not interfere should Mitsui deploy other forces for such an act-- historically a heinous crime.

Effectively, it was questionable whether Denys would protect squads assigned to complete such distasteful missions. Denys' differing positions on these two acts baffled Mitsui to no end. In Mitsui's eyes, the two both constituted crossing of the line-- not that he would be limited by such lines. He was here to win and ensure Earth's future.

"President Mitsui," Denys' prepubescent voice announced. It sounded like a teen imitating a military officer in tone. "Combat on Mars is accelerating. The Kasvallian Republic has been testing and modifying a weapon. A few of our remaining spies in the City of Remus managed to catch a few communications. 'Phalanx' weapon, they call it."

A holographic projector within the limo-pod presented the combat encounter where Saanvi Patel battled against the mecha-centipede.

"The Kasvallian Republic has sacrificed the quicker response times from having a nexarm mainframe in close vicinity to the neuro devices. They effectively created a remote mecha beastly weapon."

But why? Mitsui initially could not understand the Kasvallian Republic's intentions. The mecha-centipede, in his eyes, seemed costly to build and maintain.

On the other hand-- take Saanvi Patel for example. All of her neuro devices could be switched out and replaced at any time. The mecha-centipede, on the other hand, required its controller's full focus. Its parts had to be created to be fully compatible with one another in order to be assembled into one mecha-centipede. It was effective only in specific environments. In Mitsui's eyes, It simply wasn't worth the cost.

Although Mitsui was initially baffled, he spent many of his years in the military, and soon saw one primary use of this weapon.

"They call it the 'phalanx'. So their intention must be to use it as a heavyweight to break through tough defenses, even at the cost of its destruction," Mitsui concluded. "They are simply testing it in combat for now."

"Indeed," Denys replied. "A niche use even if perfected." Certainly of no use in space combat.

"But one that could set off a chain of collapses on Mars," muttered Mitsui. How troublesome. The Earth Feds cannot abandon Mars. The planet's orbit at a closer distance to the belt is important.

"Do you need assistance creating a comparative weapon?"

Mitsui once again examined the holographic recording of the mecha-centipede. An absolute extravagance. The large 'phalanx' had x-alloy plates that armored its whole body. It was through the use of the crab automations' self-detonation ability after slipping into weak gaps between segmental plates that Saanvi Patel was able to disassemble the weapon. Perhaps that may no longer be possible once the Kasvallians perfect the weapon.

However, it is simply too costly.

"Were we able to gain any intel within this weapon?"

"The EFNSF reported that Syned destroyed all internal digital infrastructure. They have the materials, the shell, the pieces. But not the data or how all the pieces may be controlled in connection to one another."

Mitsui faced a dilemma. He would once again be playing catch-up if he attempted to imitate the Kasvallian Republic's methods. Or, he could call on his aides to develop a method to counter this new weapon.

No-- countering said weapon would not be enough. They needed to gain control of Mars, and preferably without piling resources into such an expensive 'catch-up' venture.

Mitsui's thoughts turned to more dastardly methods.

"We could simply bombard Romulus with infinite waves of low-cost destructive drones. Avoid the parts crucial to the Wolf's Coil. If the inhabitants hide within the underground settlements below the Wolf's Coil, we can sweep from sector-to-sector. Such a task requires manpower. Which we have. Which the Kasvallian Republic likely does not have."

This mecha-centipede would be useless in those settlements. Of course, the EFNSF would still need to contend against its upgraded version, to protect the City of Romulus' resources from areas not within the vicinity of the Wolf's Coil.

"You may lose support of many martians if you take such action," Denys warned. "Though the two may not see eye-to-eye, such indiscriminate methods…and potential damage to the Wolf's Coil would lower the Earth Feds' reputation, even if accidental."

"Winners write the history books," Mitsui replied. "After all… unlike you, Syned lives in its citizen's minds, ever present. We are but simply freeing humanity from his control-- Do you not agree?"

Denys did not reply, and the inside of the black limo-pod descended into silence. This silence was golden to Mitsui's ears, for it meant Denys would not outright reject its own participation.

"Do inform Petrov," Mitsui requested after some time. To some, it may seem that Denys was being used as a messenger. The reality? Denys had volunteered, concerned that if it did not oversee such communications, Kasvallian spies on Earth might slip away with knowledge useful to Syned.

"I will limit Syned from infiltrating our systems. However, I will not provide any additional surveillance or directional assistance should you take this course of action." That was Denys' final decision.

The black limo-pod finally pulled into Tyson Military Spaceport, Pacific City's primary location for all travels to space for the Earth Feds.

A bright red-carpeted stage had been set up with a podium ready for Mitsui's arrival.

Mitsui took the stage, and before him stood an army, every soldier dressed in military uniform of dark blue and green, the very colors of Earth.

Then, as prepared, seven roaring carrier jets with billowing white smoke trails flew overhead against the clear sky, their compartments opening as from each, a nexarm descended downwards towards the Tyson Military Spaceport!

Large-parachutes, once again a combination of dark blue and green slowed the fall of each nexarm, until each nexarm ignited their boosters before their landing, and in perfect formation, fell onto one knee one after another behind the red carpet stage.

A total of seven figures lowered themselves with lift-wires from each nexarm, and they strode confidently onto the red stage, standing at ease behind Mitsui in full exosuits.

Their faces, of course, were intentionally hidden in their helmets. For they are precisely the orphaned underaged soldiers that Mitsui had used to finish off his new squad.

Many of the new generation control more neuro devices, a natural progression of human evolution after the development of the Neurorave system. If Mitsui recruited those with families, he would face problems, to say the least. However, these orphans, particularly with their digital information modified by Denys… were foolproof as long as they did not show their youthful faces.

Plus… these soldiers are Mitsui's own. It was his donations and charity in the past to orphanages. Not well-known knowledge.

Some of these thankful orphans now occupy important positions within the military. As for the seven behind him? Mitsui once thought some of these seven to be lost causes-- Five of them never had a strong backbone, even if they had the determination to succeed.

This now turned out into a boon-- their lack of a backbone surprisingly increased their compatibility with Denys! Of course, a few naturally aligned with Denys' thoughts.

Anyhow, Mitsui soon began his speech.

"I wish to first thank you all-- for your sacrifice to protect this planet and its people's wellbeing!" Mitsui boomed into the microphone at the podium.

"Some of you must be concerned! Fear etched in your souls regarding the Kasvallian Republic-- Syned's digital infiltration methods." Mitsui gazed about. He could see the dread in many soldiers' eyes.

Unfortunately, he must limit the number of those aware of Denys' existence-- at least, until the right time. Or perhaps, never, even should some suspect Denys' existence. He had already prepared many plans to deflect any questioning of the possible presence of Denys.

Both Denys and Mitsui's thoughts aligned on this matter-- it was critical to the Earth Feds' motive and morale. Plus… to truly prove Denys' existence was not exactly straightforward, even should some attempt to do so. And of course, Denys desires this status quo.

Thus, Mitsui chose a demonstrative approach to assuage his soldiers' concerns.

"Such worries are unnecessary! Many of you have heard of the digital wars many centuries ago. Our ancestors have long prepared methods-- and I can assure you, upon my inauguration, I have strove to implement those interventions!"

"If you do not believe me… Allow me to strengthen your resolve!"

A wave of a hand and an upsized holographic recording of Saanvi Patel's battle against the mecha-centipede was played in the sky above Mitsui's head.

This footage was not meant to only galvanize the soldiers about to travel to Mars, but also for publicity. Many reporters stood at a distance behind the soldiers, their neuro devices hovering in the air to observe and record the proceedings.

Saanvi Patel's victory against the mecha-centipede extracted courage from the hearts of every soldier present.

"Already, our vanguard has defended our people! And today, I wish to ask you this. Every. Single. One. of. you." Mitsui could see bravery filling the breast of all those before him as his eyes raked the assembled army.

"We know! We know that Syned Vezna lives in the neuro circlets of all Kasvallian Republic citizens. It is also said that he lives-- in their very minds. He dictates the very lives of the people. An immortal dictator, if you will."

"So I ask you this. Do you desire to be controlled? Or do you desire to be free?" Mitsui stood in silence for a minute, letting his words echo in the soul of every soldier.

 "Our mission-- our goal, is to free the people from Syned's control. And I say-- it is better to die free than to live as part of Syned Vezna's hivemind. What say you all? Tell me!"

"We fight! To die free!" A soldier mustered the courage to yell, and soon, the army became one single monstrous beast, prepared to devour any prey it would soon come across. None of the higher ranked officers interrupted this 'protocol-breaking' behavior. They understood that the galvanized army was very much necessary in their impending war on martian soil.


On the artificial planet of Elysium., Isle of the Blessed.

Syned Vezna sat at a roundtable, along with the many forebears of the Kasvallian Republic.

"We've received news. The terrans are reinforcing Mars. They've opted to draft fifty percent women in order to lower their operating cost with regards to food, oxygen and energy. Their numbers are also much greater than ours." These words came from a priest.

"Do they wish to take control of sectors of the Wolf's Coil using sheer numbers?!" Forebearer Zulan immediately zoned in on the more-than-likely possibility. In this day and age, this level of manpower would be of limited use on Mars' open plains.

The forebears muttered amongst one another in concern, only to have their unease dismissed by Syned Vezna's utterance.

"Silly humans…" Syned Vezna shook his head. "I will communicate with our soldiers."

The forebears looked upon this human-AI being, unsure if they might have missed a certain important detail.

"Rest easy, forebears," Syned Vezna said. "Our soldiers will opportunistically target to kill or capture terran female soldiers."

"When it comes to human society, and male soldiers… There is a strong instinct for males to protect the females. Biological robots, unable to resist their code."

Complex biological robots-- was how the Kasvallian Republic viewed humans. That is why they have come to worship Syned Vezna. 

"Since President Mitsui has chosen this method-- then our response is to prioritize their female soldiers should an opportunity arise. Use them to draw their male soldiers into unfavorable positions. They will pay a higher price for female prisoners of war. News of higher fatality amongst female soldiers will affect their home morale. Their male soldiers will behave in irrational ways in such a battle."

"How will their army react? Their society? A test. Of their human minds."

"Indeed," High Priest Doku said as he and the forebears lowered their heads. "Earth lacks wisdom and enlightenment. We humans are but products of our genes and upbringing. Our behaviors are not dissimilar to a rat deriving pleasure from pressing a lever for pellets."

That is why power always corrupts, Doku said to himself in his heart. That is why no matter the system, human biases will, sooner or later, corrode the structures supporting every single society. That is why he worships Syned Vezna. An impartial being. A dispenser of equal justice. A being acting upon data, and nothing else.