"This is Anna Wozniak reporting from Nowy Warsaw. As you can all see, behind me is an ongoing conflict between the citizens of Warsaw and the EFSF."
"The people of Warsaw were devastated by the asteroid, and Nowy Warsaw was heavily funded by the Kasvallian Group, who well…"
"As such, the EFSF has made strenuous attempts to completely rid the city of Kasvalllian influence. Unfortunately, many critical devices are of Kasvallian make, and the people of Nowy Warsaw have chosen to resist the EFSF's attempts."
"The same can be said all over the world, where EFSF-aligned forces are attempting to do the same, but face much resistance. Many concerns have been raised with the EFSF's methods, with the number of civilian casualties rising by the second. Only earlier today… "
Raylon Ceylon peeked his head from behind a door frame to check on the lead of his Neurorevo engineering unit. He noticed his lead engineer, Haber, fully entranced by the holographic images of a riot.
It was nearly evening, and most of his colleagues had already left. Haber, however, always stayed until the skies became dark, and was the last to leave, outside of the security guards.
As for the security guards, it was now close to six o'clock, the time at which they switched their shifts. Many of the security systems had to be transferred from one neuro circlet to another, such that the new guards have access to the security devices in place. There is a limit to how many can access a security neuro device at one time, which also serves as a defense against potential hackers.
Raylon Ceylon's eyes were momentarily drawn to the images of the riot as well. The riot was absolute chaos. Many self-made dangerous neuro gadgets flew about in the air, some of them exploding midair. Though the reporter had positioned herself quite some distance away, a sudden shockwave sent her stumbling forwards towards the cameraman recording the whole incident with his many neuro gadgets that generated the three dimensional hologram through various angles of view.
The program suddenly flickered and returned to the studio as a blonde newscaster's face lit up in reflex.
"Our correspondent, Anna, is having some technical trouble on their end. Anna, if you can hear me, please stay safe. Now, onto our guests."
"Our first guest is Simon Walker, a longstanding advocate for Freedom and Technology. Our second guest is Conor Doherty, a representative of the Earth Federation."
"So let's begin with you, Simon, because you have been very open with your stance that the EFSF have overstepped their bounds."
"Yes, Jane. Look. For many years, the Kasvallian Group has provided lower cost products across multiple industries, for a lesser quality, yes, but also far more affordable. Yet that is precisely why many of Earth's citizens rely upon those products even today, especially with the rising costs due to the chaos in the Asteroid Belt and Mars."
"But Simon. That chaos itself is caused by the Kasvallian Republic herself. Many Kasvallian products may have the so-called tyrannical true artificial intelligence named Syned within them. They say he can control even minds-- there are already reports of suicide bombers on Mars! Surely, you, as a member of Freedom and Technology, should be staunchly against the Kasvallian Republic."
"Jane. I am indeed against the Kasvallian Republic, but their now-legacy products in our society have shown no signs of the so-called mind-control you speak of," Simon Walker furrowed his brows then added. "And such mind-control is… not as you imagine it."
"You had best clarify your stance."
"Well. AI is ultimately designed with our human minds. It then collects data of our behaviours and in some ways, reflects those patterns back at ourselves. Of course, the supposed Syned of the Kasvallian Republic, too, must have been designed by a human, with a purpose, a directive."
"As for this whole 'mind-control' thing-- it is an exaggeration to say the least. For many years lesser AIs have been 'recommending' behaviours for us to follow. Even if these AIs do not exist, our minds would then fall under peer pressure from other fellow humans."
"Freedom is not so simple, Jane. If many of these critical and affordable Kasvallian products are done away with, then the majority, especially those who cannot afford the higher priced items of other businesses, will have significantly less freedom, agency to carve a future path. Now, if there are companies who can produce at a comparably low price point and gradually replace those of Kasvallian make-- but many companies have indicated that to be impossible."
"But surely," Jane paused as she pressed on her earpiece. "Surely you can see the tyrannical nature of Syned? All reports indicate a religious cult of sorts."
"Well, look, Jane. You could argue that the autonomous region of Jerusalem co-governed by many branches of religion, itself, is the foundation of religious cults. Now, I do not believe that. What I will say is this: The Kasvallians have always been the go-to for lower cost products, critical for Earth's lower income citizens, which is the majority."
"Other companies have indicated that they are unable to match Kasvallian price points even if they slightly lower the quality of their products. This indicates the reality that wherever these Kasvallians are hidden away, their society must be more efficient, allowing them to produce at a lower cost. Perhaps they simply have less corruption due to being completely overseen by a possibly impartial AI, unlike our-"
"Simon, surely you cannot be claiming that the Earth Federation is-"
"Everyone can see it. The orbital colonies are controlled by megacorps that have direct influence in nearly all of the so-called elections. Their influence has introduced ineffective and questionable laws into our systems. It is known that no small amount of lawmakers in various countries-"
"Simon. You are veering off topic. Our focus is on the possible infringement on freedom of the people by the true AI named Syned."
"Very well then , Jane," Simon Walker puffed, changing his words. "The people should be allowed to decide which products they wish to use. As for this whole worry of influencing the mind-- Neurorevo itself has much data on brain patterns through their dominance of the neuro gadget market. If they wish to, they are the ones who can easily stimulate various parts of your brain to achieve a desired response."
"The way I see it, this is ultimately a test for us. If we are willing to clean up our own system of rule, clear out any sort of corruption or laws that were placed on its people to the benefit of the so-called upper class, then we may have a chance at producing the low cost products comparable to the Kasvallians' in a decade or two. Now, that is freedom for the masses. We can easily use various AIs to fully assess and punish biases and transgressions and…"
"To you, Conor." The blonde newscaster quickly switched to Conor Doherty, not allowing Simon Walker the opportunity to rant. "There are many concerns in human rights groups with the EFSF's methods. You have been much too silent throughout this discussion."
"There isn't much to say," Conor Doherty shrugged his shoulders as he drawled. "It is simply a matter of security. Though there have yet to be any signs that Syned's programming has infected these products, it is better safe than sorry."
"And do you have the necessary replacements ready to compensate these poor souls before taking away the many technological devices pivotal to their daily function?" Simon interjected.
"Well. No. But we have soldiers dying on the frontlines, and our access to the Asteroid Belt has become limited. Our people are doing far better on average historically, as well as compared to the Martians and those of the Belt. To not even be able to deal with a measure of adversity… This is simply a period of necessary austerity to ensure the safety of Earth's digital network."
"Any resistance will only be a betrayal of Earth in support of the Kasvallian Republic, and thus use of force becomes justifiable for our people's security," Conor Doherty added. "Reality ain't sunshine and rainbows."
"What a load of bollocks," Simon scoffed as he soon descended into a bit of a rant.
Raylon Ceylon did not continue to listen to the broadcast. He just needed to make sure that Haber's attention was occupied by something else.
He tapped the neuro circlet atop his head and issued his orders. A number of automations began bringing weighty boxes to his vehicle that had maneuvered to a blindspot in the loading zone.
This blindspot did not exist originally when the Neurorevo facility was constructed. The needs of the facility changed over time, and as a result, many modifications were made to the loading zone, unintentionally creating this blindspot under the old surveillance system.
Meanwhile, Ceylon kept his eyes on Haber's position, who was seemingly entranced by the newsprogram playing from the holographic projector.
As Ceylon was on the cusp of transferring the 'goods', he felt a hand tap his shoulder. His heart nearly leaped out of his mouth as he spun around to find Haber's pet humanoid robot with a questionable look on its face.
Haber's pet humanoid robot does not have a human appearance-- it had long been agreed to avoid creating overly humanoid robots, due to their often uncomfortable and eerie appearance. Truly imitating the whole facial and muscular structure to express accurate human emotion is a costly endeavour with little functional benefit. Those who cut corners discovered their robots to appear uncanny. The Mind Perception Hypothesis, so it is called.
Thus, Haber's pet humanoid robot was designed simply to have a convex digital facial monitor for expression. Its body was made from a light metal alloy designed by a material engineer-- Ceylon did not know its exact composition.
A few seconds later, another tap on Ceylon's shoulder, and he spun around once again to find Haber gazing at him with a raised eyebrow.
The neuro circlet around Haber's skull whirled and the man connected to the whole system controlling the facility. Ceylon bowed his head initially, but soon mustered his will.
"I was entranced by the news program, while I was preparing to do a bit of work from home." He wasn't lying. Not exactly, anyway.
"Such projects require permission. From the military, specifically." After all, Haber's team spent much time designing Nexarm units.
An awkward silence descended, and Ceylon thought himself royally screwed, until Haber suddenly shrugged.
"I want the data," Haber said to Ceylon. "But you had best be careful. She's being watched."
"I… Thank you!" Ceylon's palms were profusely sweating.
"I recall that she provided assistance when our Neurorevo facility was first attacked prior to the war against the Martians. The way I see it, her current house arrest is but Mitsui's petty disagreement with Varoufakis behind the scenes."
"Take care," Haber added. "I saw nothing. But you…"
"I never met you today. Worse comes to worst, I'll just be exiled to some corner of space. Perhaps the Saturn and Jupiter moons." Ceylon was prepared for such an eventuality.
"Update and provide feedback with the simulation data as often as you can manage. Much of that is hard to come by with the military situated upon Martian soil, so far away. We will be able to make many more improvements with a proper experienced pilot running her own simulations. But not a word to anyone."
"Yes, boss."
The conversation ended there.
The security guards were still switching shifts, and when they saw Ceylon's vehicle, they waved him through with a bright smile. Many of them carried high opinions of Raylon Ceylon, who showed up for work early and stayed late often. The man also genuinely treated them all with respect. These security guards have not been treated all that well by some Neurorevo employees.
Raylon Ceylon soon arrived at Athena Watanabe's house, pulling into her garage. He had done this many times over the past month. Plus, he suspected that it should be impossible for Mitsui's people to keep such a close watch at all times, especially since it was dinner time now.
In truth, those assigned to watch Athena Watanabe were never all that attentive. They themselves felt it unnecessary to watch this 'disgraced' pilot of a discarded previous Earth Feds president. The way they saw it, this job was but an easy paycheck due to President Mitsui's insecurity.
The garage door closed behind. Raylon greeted Athena with a hug and a kiss, and informed her that her future simulation combat data would be secretly used for Nexarm improvements. He made no mention of Haber-- he could not implicate the man, if even by accident.
Athena cared not-- her mind became hyper-focused, excited at being able to properly simulate Nexarm combat. She watched as Raylon Ceylon used her household neuro gadgets to shift many heavy boxes into Athena's basement. They had screened the basement previously to ensure it was secure.
Raylon spent the whole night setting up the complicated simulation device, with the assistance of various neuro gadgets cooperating in tandem.
Athena drifted in and out of sleep as she observed Raylon with an intense gaze in her eyes.
Dawn came, with the chirping of birds, soon drowned out as the simulation device constructed from server technologies and many advanced processing units came online in a vibrating whirl.
Athena entered the simulation pod and attached herself to the pilot seat and helm as her heart quivered in anticipation.
Yet what greeted her within that visor was not the supposed simulation menu, or the common reassuring voice of default nexarm AI systems.
No. Rather, a digitized prepubescent boy flickered into form.
"We meet again, Watanabe. I am Denys. A pleasure to finally meet you properly."
At the same time on Mars, within a military observation tower in the City of Romulus.
Zero, Poison and Flash gazed northwards into the Martian horizon from their high vantage point as the sun began to set.
"So… father wants us to hunt down this man known as Xeight and determine how this Chimera was created?" Poison asked, her voice sultry and playful.
Zero silently nodded.
"The surveil-system is in-place, and a few agents in father's camp are in their position," Flash announced after his neuro circlet buzzed. He spoke his words so quickly they sounded somewhat jumbled.
"Heh," Poison suddenly giggled. "They say the T3ST colony's people were the initial testing of neural enhancement. So, in some ways, they're just like us, right? This will be fun!"
"Focus and complete the task properly, sister," Zero calmly ordered.
After their initial clash against the Kasvallian's expansive Haisnaf system, the EFSF had chosen to batten down the hatches and focus on defending the resources they already controlled south of the City of Romulus. Large-scale defense systems have already been erected, many hidden in various locations.
Instead, the EFSF's primary advancement came from using their numbers to comb through the sectors of the Wolf's Coil, which they had much more success in despite the Kasvallian Republic's attempts to use various horrific methods, such as suicide bombers, to slow their forward march.
As for Mitsui… his eyes had turned to the supposed existence of a new true AI. He desired his very own, one which aligned with his own desires.
Deep underwater, a hatch on a submarine opened as three figures in exosuits, oxygen and nitrogen tanks on their backs, floated out into the cool water that occasionally rumbled to Xeight's ears.
As for Chimera, the true AI could only 'remain' in the sub, which powered its capabilities with its internal supercomputer. Well. By now, many strains of Chimera existed, such as in the northern hidden base in Vastitas Borealis and of course, Xeight's Nexarm. These many strains would often communicate to realign their 'thinking' and maintain the sole identity that is Chimera.
Xeight only carried a wisp of connection in his exosuit. He was to make an attempt to gain information on how to adjust the Nexarms in the T3ST colony's hands to be effective in combination with a true AI such as Chimera.
Only then will the independent faction under Minister Williams be able to have any degree of influence.
In truth, Xeight himself was only partially invested in this cooperation initially. He saw the T3ST colony's participation in the Martian independence movement as pointless, for he believed that the T3ST colony was simply being used with questionable long term transformation for their own selves.
As such, he was more than content to spend his days mining resources accompanied by trance-like music in his ears-- at least his mind would be at peace.
Now, his brother, Bone, along with Yfour had embraced the Kasvallian Republic. Xeight believed that the Kasvallian Republic, too, wished to use the T3ST colony for their own purposes as well.
When details of the horrific nature of the war came to Xeight's attention, he was reminded of grandpa Zseven's dying request, to give the T3ST colony, its future generation, an opportunity to 'live'. But how? He felt only uncertainty.
Xeight was of the opinion that since his people were genetically augmented--at the cost of their long-term health-- many forces only sought to use them for questionable purposes. Even Minister Williams' motives cannot be fully trusted.
Xeight's mind was occupied by this thought as his exosuit, its systems, did the heavy lifting for him during their surfacing procedure. As long as he stayed calm and followed the instructions of the system that sounded in his ears, he would be fine, so he was told.
During the ascent, they remained at certain depths for some time. Eventually, Xeight and two of Minister Williams' agents surfaced.
The three stayed in the water and swam towards and pre-identified location, and soon reached a grate that blocked entry into Romulus' underground waterway.
The three cooperated and their exosuits whirled as they forcefully detached the grate.
They shared smiles, thinking they were in the clear, and proceeded to enter the underground waterways.
They were detected the very moment they entered said waterway, a distant alarm blaring, shattering the silent night.
"Shit." The man Xeight knew as Jackson immediately sensed that they must have walked into a trap. Somehow, some way, the Earth Feds knew they were coming!