Laughter of friendship

Lauren: " So what's your story ? How did you end up here?"

Wyatt: "I walked?"

Lauren: "(*Laughter*) No dummy, i meant why did you choose RASAC?"

Wyatt: "well, I am fan of drawing and animation"

Lauren: "oh, do you draw?"

Wyatt: "yeah"

Lauren: "me too"

Wyatt: "That's nice and you, why did you choose to come here? "

Lauren: "I wanted to learn psychology and apparently the Art school does have a psychology path"

Wyatt: "really, that seems cool. But I heard your questions on languages, so what's that about? "

Lauren: "I am a huge fan of Korea and I wanted to learn more efficiently their language...well I guess they don't have that, shame"

Wyatt: "that Akira did say there was a literature club, I myself am interested in Japanese. So we could go there together "

Lauren: " yeah sounds like a plan. But I will forget so keep it in mind for both of us. Do you know about RTS?

Wyatt: "the K-pop group? Yeah I do but I never listened to them"

Lauren faked a faint and widened her eyes as she said "oh my goodness, we have to fix that"

Wyatt: "such a drama" (*chuckle*)

Lauren: "man, we literally got to redo your whole education at this point"

Both started laughing then Wyatt said "so, shall we visit that building"

Lauren: "Well, I m excited too to do that buuuuut unfortunately you won't be able to see much at this's closed"

Wyatt: "wait what?! It's college right? Why is it closing so early?"

Lauren: "Dude, asides from the senior years that started their courses last week, there is no other students here so they close the buildings that aren't required"

Wyatt: "how do you know that? "

Lauren: "weren't you listening to our guide, Akira?"

Wyatt: "wait, when did he talked about that?"

Lauren: "Boy, look, I am the last person that you could ask about something to remember but I still remember that. Perhaps you were distracted"

Wyatt: "I didn't expect that...well, I guess I will be heading home now..." (*ears lowering*)

Lauren: "Don't be sad, you will have all the time you need to explore this campus once courses will start"

Wyatt: "I guess..."

Lauren: "yeah, what's your number?" (*taking out her phone*)

Wyatt took out his phone as well and gave his number to Lauren and she sent a text so he could get her number too.

Lauren: "like this, we will be able to chat while you cry in your room because you didn't get the chance to visit school" (*laughing*)

Wyatt: "I will probably kill you some day...but yeah, I m glad I know at least someone here"

Lauren: "yass"

Wyatt: "well, I will head home then. What about you? Where do you live?"

Lauren: "3568 Old road avenue"

Wyatt: "That's pretty far from here. You will have to take the bus, or do you have a care or even more fancy, a driver?"

Lauren: "Bitch in the future that's for sure, but for now I go by the bus... but I m not heading now, I still want to see that Akira guy to talk about the literature club"

Wyatt: "I would have gladly stay with you but going home too late will be dangerous for me"

Lauren: " where do you live?"

Wyatt: "not so far, 1247 Goldwood Road"

Lauren: "wait, that's the rich neighborhood"

Wyatt: "I guess"

Lauren: "okay, rich boy"

Wyatt: "I feel like even if I tell you that I ain't rich, you wouldn't believe me"

Lauren: "nooo why wouldn't i ? I mean, most of the rich people I met were arrogant and stupid but you ain't any of those, so you could be rich it wouldn't bother me as you couldn't as well and it would still be fine with me"

Wyatt: "(*chuckling*) You are some interesting girl"

Lauren: " I know right, just look at me, I'm so cute" (*pulling her tongue out*)

Wyatt: " Nah, but positive thoughts are good" (*grinning*)

Lauren: " You didn't"

Wyatt: " Yes I did "(*Laughing*)

Lauren: "okay, you better be going if you don't want to walk too late"

Wyatt: "Okay, don't get back too late either"

Lauren: "Don't worry"

And like that, they parted ways. Lauren then made her way towards the place she should find Akira, the library.

As she was walking, the sound of flapping wings got her attention. She looked up to see it was Akira flying and landing just in front of the library. She giggles as she sped her pace to reach him.

Lauren: "Wooo, must be nice to fly around so freely"(*her hands in her pockets*)

Akira turned back as he got surprised.

Akira: "Sorry what...Oh, it's you, Lauren Bridge, was it?"

Lauren: "yeah that's me"

Akira: "I didn't expect new students to be here at this time of the day?"

Lauren: "Yeah, I just wanted to see you and ask some info on the literature club as well"

Akira: "Oh yeah sure, I bet Lili is already here as well"

Lauren: "Who now?" (*raising her eyebrow*)

Akira: "She is the president of that club and a good friend of mine. Let's go meet her"

Lauren: "Okayy"

Akira opened the door and wanted to act as a gentleman by asking Lauren to get in first, but she rejected the gesture saying she didn't want him to act this way towards her. He chuckled and entered first and she followed suit happily.

The warmth of the place instantly engulfed her being. It was appreciated compared to the harsh cold that was starting outside. The orange hue almost golden of the light was increasing this welcoming atmosphere. The ceiling was so high the room felt gigantic, almost infinite, stars constellations were even painted on that huge ceiling. The wooden features enhanced by silver frames of the place made the entire structure look elegant. Shelves, so many of them with countless books ordered perfectly. Desks for studies quite well equipped for that activity were displayed in a pleasant way yet appropriate for both individual and group studies. People present here, students, were either at a desk or looking for a book in this huge maze of knowledge. Akira looked at Lauren whose jaw was dropping.

Akira: "Impressive right? Got the same reaction once I entered here the first time"

Lauren: "This is some interesting place, i like it already"

Akira: (*chuckle*) "well, glad you do. Here, you might only find senior year students, very few freshman come here"

Lauren: "I figured it would be that way, I guess we don't have the need to read books, let alone study" (*chuckling*)

Akira: "But I hope we will see you here more often"

Lauren: "Yeah, let's hope"

Akira smiled as they walked towards the reception. There was no one.

Lauren: "Isn't there supposed to be someone here ? "

Akira: "Ms. Weather is already gone at this hour and as an intern here, I assume her functions after 5 to 9PM"

Lauren: "okay, Mr. Responsible" (*laughing*)

Akira: "(*chuckling*) quite the funny type, aren't you?"

Lauren: "Thanks, I know"

Akira: "Hand over your badge please so I could register you in the library system and grant you level 1 access"

Lauren handed the badge and asked

Lauren: "access? Is there some kind of restriction here?" (*faking to be shocked then just sighing*)

Akira: "well, RASAC values studies following discipline. Here in the library, your access level depends on the amount of time you spend in here and the amount of books you read. So you have the level 1 granted whenever you register here and it grants you access to all academic books and access to the library from 6 AM to 5 PM. Level 2 increases the time to 6 PM and you can design your own private library. Level 3 grants access to fields of study out academic system and level 4 access to all books non academic or school related such as Manga and comics. Level 5 grants access to the library from 6 AM to 9 PM or more, and you even get the right to stay here overnight. Each desk has a bed option so you can sleep here if it's too late for you to go back home"

Lauren just listened carefully as she seemed to be interested into what Akira was saying. And just as she was about to speak, a hand landed on her shoulder and she turned back.