Kept within

(*motor rumbling*)

The headlight of the bike was turned off as the engine was stopped. Matthew had stopped in front of Wyatt's house. He removed his helmet and chuckled while looking at a still shaking Wyatt.

Matthew: "Well, that was quite fun. I mean you screaming I'm gonna die I'm gonna die (*chuckle*)"

Wyatt removed his helmet and turned furiously to look at Matthew.

Wyatt: "Racing and doing zigzag at 85 mph is not my definition of fun. How is that speed even allowed?!"

Matthew leant back a bit and looked up.

Matthew: "It is, at least at this time of the day. Else a police car would have stopped us"

Wyatt: "(*frowning*) doubt a car could have followed "

Matthew: "pretty true (*shrugging*) maybe they tried (*chuckling*)"

Wyatt's face turned pale at the thought then he held his hand in his hands and jolted slightly. While doing so, he accidentally pressed on Matthew's lower part, earning a small grunt.

Matthew: "Buddy (*chuckling*) you mind?"

Matthew made Wyatt noticed what he already had. Wyatt's face was flustered and he was clearly having a moment before he quickly got off the bike while almost kicking Matthew's head with his left foot.

Wyatt: "s-sorry"

Matthew: "it's ok, it didn't hurt. (*chuckling*) so you live in this neighborhood huh? Quite fancy"

Matthew looked around, houses here were big and had some beautiful fences and alleyways. He looked at Wyatt's home and smiled.

Matthew: "your house lit"

Wyatt: "Thanks, you live in the area?"

Matthew: "still got a bit less than 2 miles to get home. (*looking at Wyatt while adjusting his pants bit*)"

Wyatt noticed and looked away then took out his phone. Matthew's voice made him look again.

Matthew: "Okay buddy, Imma head home now. You get some rest okay. And if you are bored, you can text me. I don't usually sleep before 11:30 (*smiling while putting his helmet and getting off his bike*)"

Matthew opened the trunk and took out Wyatt's backpack and stored the helmet he used. He turned to Wyatt and smiled gently.

Matthew: "And huh buddy, remember brightest days come after the worst storms"

Wyatt was puzzled as he took his backpack. He looked as Matthew got on his bike again turning it on and adjusting his mirrors. Then he looked at Wyatt did a hand wave and took off in a loud roaring noise with his bike. Wyatt stood there still confused but got back in with a smile.

Wyatt: "Silly Alligator" (*chuckling while talking to himself*)

Wyatt opened the door and as usual he sighed while saying "Home sweet home" he didn't bother turning any lights on and went straight upstairs. He got in his room and landed flat on the bed face first. He didn't move in seconds before screaming in his pillow and shifting in the bed.

He stopped and got on the floor beside the bed. He held the pillow in his arms and brought his knees to his face a bit. He was blushing like crazy while his ears went red as well. His tail was brushing against the wooden floor and he closed his eyes. He was feeling weird. Someway somehow his thoughts were on the alligator. He was confused.

He thought something was off with him to thinking about it so much. He remembered the alligator not caring much about anything in particular let alone the closeness they had on the bike. His ears fell flat again as his face turned from flustered to saddened. He was looking at his ceiling wondering what was wrong with him.







(*clack*) (*clack*) (*door opening*)

A worried female voice echoed in the living room.

?: "It's late young man, where have you been? I was worried !"

As the female stepped forth while rubbing her hands, it was clear to see worrisome on her face. She was an alligator around her 40s and she was wearing a blouse and a nurse outfit with a badge showing her name "Dr. Grace Adams". She had some keys in her shaky hands. She was addressing Matthew who just got home. The taller alligator came in for a hug and said reassuringly "It's fine mama, I was just training and didn't see the time fly." She pulled back and grabbed his cheek to bring him down to her eyes level.

Grace: "Dontcha make mama worry boy. It's 9 and half. Your brothers are already sleeping, your grandma is chatting with Maya while she cooks something for you. The boys completely annihilated dinner"

Matthew: "(*trying to speak as best as he could*) I'm shawrry mahmah"

She let go and smiled.

Grace: "You better text next time you are gonna get late home. Anyway i got to go, please be kind and take the trash down please"

Like that she took off in a hurry almost slamming the door behind her. Matthew sighed and chuckled before letting his bags down for a minute. He took out his phone and texted Wyatt "Home (*smiling emoji*)" he pocketed the phone and walked towards the kitchen. Matthew and his family lived in this medium sized apartment.

It was not big but it was enough to handle 7 people and maybe 8 if they tried. The living room was quite cozy. A large grey couch with polished wooden features was placed in front of a 56" TV. A game console was lying next to it. There was a table lying a bit lower between the TV and the couch. On the sides some smaller ones were placed. They were arranged in a fancy manner allowing everyone to look at the TV without bothering the others.

There was a great shelf where the TV was on. It had some wood and silver frames. Some sculptures were placed here and there without saturation, enhancing some cultural touch. Those were from various parts of the world yet they seemed completely in accordance and harmony with one another.

The white walls were perfect to balance this show of colors and patterns. Matthew made his way and reached the kitchen. He leaned on the door frame.

He saw Maya his young and only sister. She was the second born and was working hard to graduate from high-school this year. His grandmother was sitting on a chair around the table cracking her best joke apparently as she was laughing hard. He couldn't help but chuckle which eventually got their attention. His grandmother turned her head to see him and said "Hey Aaron, you home at last (*laughing*) I was telling your sister that maybe you just busy humping around"

Matthew blushed. Aaron was his middle name and only his family called him that. He sighed and said "Hi Grandma always so happy to see you"

She replied while slamming her tail on the floor.

Grandma: "Hey boy, was it good? (*laughing*)"

Matthew: "Aren't you too old for such dirty jokes?"

Matthew made his way to his sister while his grandmother kept laughing like crazy. He noticed his sister was cooking some delicious dish as it smelled remarkably good. Sometimes her cooking was a bit better than her mother's which got some praises. She said not looking away as she cut some vegetables.

Maya: "Trust me I tried to make her sleep. But she is really resistant (*chuckle*)"

Matthew: "Yeah I've figured. So you cooking for me that's so sweet of you (*joking*)"

Maya: "Aaron, say another word and you might be eating your last meal tonight."

Matthew chuckled

Matthew: "Just saying"

Maya turned and looked up at him.

Maya: "Imma get some onions in this pot and they will come from your body" (*she said pointing a knife at him*)

Matthew: "(*chuckling*) you got me there. How was school?"

Maya: "Pretty much like last year. Nothing interesting so far. Mama said I could go to auntie Janette this weekend."

Matthew took a slice of tomato on the counter. She immediately slapper his hand and said.

Maya: "Aaron, dirty hands bad stomach. Wash your hands before touching the food idiot"

Matthew mrfed and did so.

Matthew: "I ain't going to get sick because of slice of tomato" (*washing his hands*)

Maya: "Sure (*rolling her eyes*)"

Matthew: "nah ha ha. So you go for a little trip this weekend. If I recall auntie Janette moved to Atlanta last year"

Maya: "yeah, it's not that far (*grinning*) and I can take your bike"

Matthew glared at her.

Matthew: "if you wish to die by my hands sure"

Maya: "Try me"

They both glared at each other before laughing. Then they heard a snore. They turned their head and noticed their grandmother fell asleep. They chuckled and Matthew pointed with his thumb.

Matthew: "Your trick did work"

Maya: "Grandmother only weakness, lack of attention. Just ignore her long enough and she falls asleep. She is old (*chuckling*)"

Matthew chuckled and his phone beeped. He took it out and saw it was a Wyatt's text.

"Okidoki (*funny sticker*)" Matthew chuckled and Maya noticed then she grinned.

Maya: "ooo who got you smiling like that? Aaron got a girlfriend ? Maybe Grandma was not wrong after all you WERE humping"

Matthew just covered her face with his big hand and squeezed it a bit.

Matthew: "Shut up. It's my friend. He sent me a funny sticker of a man running then falling with bad cgi "

Maya raised an eyebrow and said "I don't know what's crazier, you having a friend or you actually being happy having one"

Matthew: "ha ha, funny. I'm very social you know"

Maya: "Says the one who plays on his PC all night and all day during summer"

Matthew: "as you so wonderfully said, summer. I don't need to get out in summer."

Maya: "Boy you so anti-social you literally never celebrate your own birthday. Dude, you are not social. You literally have friends from high-school that still get here and you are done after like what an hour then you shoo them out. Yeah very social (*moving her hips a bit while holding them with her hands*)"

Matthew: "The food is burning (*pulling his tongue out*) Imma bring grandma in her room."

The male alligator pocketed his phone and went to his grandma. He carried her in his arms and walked in the hallway. He reached her room and opened the door. He got in and was met with some marine breeze. He didn't know why his grandmother liked this scent so much.

The deco of her room was really inspired from pirates. He always found it childish but yet again he knew his grandmother was not willing to grow old like her body inquired. Some bottles were placed in designated shelves they were containing some small pirates boats replica. Her bed was quite a large one, with designed wood. Some patterns on it were enhancing the side old of the thing.

He lied her down gently and covered her. He got out of the room and turned "Goodnight grandma" he proceeded to walk to the living room again.

He grabbed his bags and went to his bedroom.

He opened the door and turned on the light. It was a dim green light going round his ceiling. Some tiny dots glowing like fireflies were shining as well. It was giving a forest vibe to the room.

The walls were pale yellow going perfectly with the lighting giving an illusion of endless space around. Matthew had a plant at one corner of his bedroom. It was leaning against the wall.

The drawings of plants on the walls made it look like we really were in some kind of forest. Matthew let his backpack on the side of his bed. And his Training bag in a small bathroom he hah in his room. He took out the dirty clothes and the soaked hoodie of Wyatt and placed them in the laundry basket.

He went back to his bed and looked at the ceiling. He turned on the real light and thus turning off the green one. His room appeared clear now. It was nice space for him. His bed was large enough to hold him and small enough to let his desk next to it. The window was between the bed and that desk.

He looked at it for a moment and remembered he had to end a homework for next class in the morning. He sighed exhausted. He got up and took off his clothes. He put them in the basket and get to his mirror above the sink. He looked at himself.

Matthew was really a hot looking individual that got him several awkward moments back in high-school with girls literally chasing him. And that was before he started swimming. Because he got taller and it did its effect, more girls screaming and jolting. He was never really comfortable with such noises.

That's why he was called anti social because every time he was not in a class he was home or swimming in a pool. He liked swimming a lot. Around his 14th birthday, his father started giving him lessons. His dad was in the Navy seals and so he was really in high demand of his son to be strong. He trained Matthew and taught him the swimming style he has now. It was actually designed for water combat but Matthew didn't know.

Despite his serious attitude, Matthew's father was caring and loving towards his family. Matthew was happy having such a cool father, especially during classes where you get to tell everyone the job of your father.

He was always so proud...until 3 years ago, December 24th 2020. His father was supposed to come home for holidays as he always did when on missions. But alas that rainy night, it was two officers he opened the door too. Deep down Matthew knew at that very moment what it meant, he knew yet he still didn't flinch and hoped it wasn't. His mother came from behind and saw the officers, she immediately burst into tears while they give Matthew the flag...Matthew held it still trying to process what was all of this about. It's only when the officers did the salute that he understood. Tears formed in his eyes and he did the salute...since that day, Matthew became different, he was more caring about his family.

He thought that he had to be strong enough for them. But who was going to be strong for him. He suppressed every kind of negative emotion like sadness or anger and tried to contain it within. He bottled it all up and buried it deep down his heart. But with months and years now, he was looking a lot like his father.

Every time he looked at himself in the mirror he could only see his father looking back at him. His usual smirk on his face. Matthew poured some water on his face to dissipate any unpleasant thoughts. He smiled to his mirror and got to take a long warm shower. Thinking once more at his father. He whispered while closing his eyes as the water run down his body.

"I miss you oldman"