
Disclaimer: "This chapter may contain triggersome elements that could wake up past trauma. Some scenes here are R18+, read at your own discretion. Enjoy your chapter"

Axel got up and helped Wyatt.

Axel: "you alright, i was in a hurry didn't expect people to be at the entrance at this time"

Wyatt looked attentively at the jaguar. Pretty much similar features as him, a bit less though. The jaguar was wearing jeans one size above, a jean shirt that was tied around the waist and had a plain white shirt spotted with soot. The jaguar had some earrings as well.

Lauren: "Bitch He knocked you (*laughing*)"

The jaguar turned and waved hands apologetically.

Axel: "I'm really sorry, I was...wait you said He?"

Lauren: "huh yeah" (*confused*)

Axel chuckled.

Axel: "Do I look that masculine ?"

Lauren: "wait you're a girl?!"

Axel: "(*pulling tongue*) neither. I go by They/them but it's ok you couldn't know"

Lauren was completely hit by a truck of questions but she thought it would be rude to ask so she just smiled and said

Lauren: "wow huh sorry I didn't know"

Matthew: "Wyatt you okay?"

Wyatt was still holding his arm a bit. Something metallic struck his arm when the jaguar fell on him. He looked at the jaguar closely and noticed.

Wyatt: "I'm good Matt, what's that?"

Wyatt pointed at the jaguar's left arm. There was like a gauntlet made of brow metal it almost blended with the jaguar's fur. Axel lifted their arm and smiled proudly.

Axel: "This is huh (*spotting the lecturer of the class that got out few seconds ago*) huhm we can talk about that later, I really am in a hurry. Take this"

Axel got a card from their pocket and gave it to Lauren. It was a professional card, there was their name, and numbers as long as the name of the company Orion Mechanics Corp. They were craft assistant. Without saying anything else Axel left the trio dumbfounded.

Lauren: "Huh that was the weirdest thing today"

Matthew chuckled as they got in the elevator. Wyatt was pondering on so many questions. During the whole conversation his attention was on his friends reaction to the jaguar being...well not gendered. He could see Lauren was a bit surprised but didn't seem to mind that much. Matthew on the other hand had a puzzled look and a slight frown. All of this made Wyatt thinking while the elevator's door closed.

Wyatt looked at the surrounding. This elevator cage was quite uncanny. It seemed to have the same features as those of C-Tech. Metallic walls, the same spiral design as on the exterior face of the building, a mirror that was giving illusion that the cage was way bigger than it was. The pad on the side of the door was buttonless which made the trio a bit more curious about the way they were supposed to go anywhere. Suddenly a voice echoed in the cage, it made Wyatt look up. It was a speaker blended in the ceiling.

The pad turned on and the voice said "Scanning process" a light grill started Scanning the elevator from the ceiling to the floor to the big surprise of the trio. Matthew gasped and almost stumbled while Lauren just said

Lauren: "What the hell? Are we in the matrix?"

Matthew: "we are gonna be sliced in pieces'

Wyatt: "huh wait, this is just a procedure I guess so no one else than students can access this building...a bit too much but okay"

Matthew: "comparing it to Art facility and its literally a take away in our facility. Anyone can come and just enter...seems a bit unfair"

Lauren: "I wonder what kind of fancy stuff we gonna find"

As the scan got down. The voice sounded "Scan complete, Art students detected, access denied. A key must be inserted."

Matthew: "yep totally weird. We should get out...wait how do we open this door"

Lauren: "There's no button on this pad"

Wyatt looked and remembered something.

Wyatt: "Request: Door opening"

The voice sounded again "Have a nice day" and like that the door opened and they quickly rushed out.

Matthew: "what were you saying about the weirdest thing Lauren?"

Lauren: "nevermind"

They chuckled as they walked away. The small crowd of the tech students from before was a bit less bigger. The panda from earlier got closer to the trio but Wyatt didn't notice as he was still holding his arm a bit in pain. Matthew looked a bit concerned and said.

Matthew: "you okay?"

Wyatt: "yeah don't worry"

Matthew: "let me check"

Wyatt: "It's okay you don't nee-(*interrupted*)"

Matthew didn't listen and took Wyatt's arm. He lifted the sleeve of the sweater Wyatt was wearing and saw a slight bump on his forearm.

Matthew: "looks like an inflammation, should pass after some massage. I guess the Jaguar, don't know their name anyway you get it. Their gauntlet got you quite good. But it will be fine"

Matthew rubbed gently the forearm of Wyatt and the latter was flustered yet he was still a bit intrigued by the way the Alligator referred to Axel...he didn't know how to process it. Meanwhile Lauren was talking a bit with the panda before he walked away and she came closer to the other two.

Lauren: "what's happening here (*looking then faking to be offended*) you are doing massage sessions without me?! No way, I quit you guys "

Matthew: "(*chuckle*) Massages are only for hurt people, not witches"

Lauren smirked and laughed

Lauren: "Fuck you Matt"

Wyatt: "T-Thanks"

Wyatt chuckled nervously and Matthew just glanced at him for a second while still rubbing a bit.

Matthew: "It's ok, I have young siblings they always get injured and stuff while they play so I'm used to be the patcher (*chuckling*)"

Wyatt: "I guess"

Lauren: "you are the first born aren't you?"

Matthew: "Correct"

Lauren: "I knew, that's how you guys always talk about your siblings as if you were heroes when you are the ones that torture us"

Wyatt: "what are you on about again?"

Lauren: "Bro I got 4 siblings, 3 of them are older than me and the last one is my younger brother. I have 2 older brothers...let me tell you that they are really annoying (*gesturing*) especially the eldest My God, he is the craziness incarnate"

Matthew: "nah I'm sure he loves you a lot. I like playing with my younger's true I like pissing them off but it's because they look so adorable once annoyed with their tiny little faces. I bet that's how your brother sees you"

Matthew laughed and slowly let go of Wyatt's arm and smiled to him a bit. Lauren just mrfed and looked away.

Lauren: "no matter what you say, older brothers are annoying ooooo really "

Wyatt chuckled and just took out his phone.

Matthew: "and you Wyatt? Got any si-"

Matthew looked at Wyatt's face, nothing really changed in his expression but something in his eyes showed deep sadness and Matthew stopped talking almost regretting even starting to do so.

Matthew scratched his neck and looked away before saying "ooh I'm starving"

Lauren noticed the sudden change in his tone and got it.

Lauren: "yeah me too"

Wyatt: "oh? Huh Lauren, did you also got a text from an unknown number saying we have a meeting? (*looking at the date*) from 2 days ago..." (*chuckling nervously*)

Lauren: "wait, let me check"

Lauren opened her texts and saw nothing at first then went to archived conversations and spotted a message similar to Wyatt's one.

Lauren: "huh yeah but I thought it was a scam ...or I just didn't want to answer that (*laughing*)"

Wyatt rolled his eyes and looked at the message, it gave the location and time of the meeting.

Wyatt: "History class, 4:30 PM"

Lauren looked at the time and gasped.

Lauren: "wait it's in less than 2hours?!"

Wyatt: "seems fine, we have plenty of time"

Matthew: "yeah, we still got time to eat, then I go for practice and you will wait few minutes before heading to your meeting. What meeting is it anyway?"

Wyatt: "literature club"

Lauren: "Oh my Gaaaaaa Akiki will be there?"

Wyatt: "I don't know if he is in the literature club...wait you called him Akiki?!"

Lauren: "what's the matter? It's a cute nickname"

Wyatt: "if you were 3 years old, right now it sounds stupid (*chuckling*)"

Lauren: "just like your face"

Wyatt: "you did NOT"

Lauren started twerking a bit while going down.

Lauren: "yes I didAaaa"

Matthew: "Absolutely out of all this cute fight, we still need to get something to eat...or I will eat you" (*looking at them with a frightening glare then smiling again*)

Lauren: "Mattttttthewwwww, you want to "

Wyatt immediately shut her up by saying.

Wyatt: "You are so dirty minded "

Lauren: "what are you talking about? I was just saying that he was hungry. You are the dirty minded here bitch"

Wyatt: "shut the fuck up and get up, you bitch"

Matthew: "you guys do swear a lot (*scratching his neck*)"

They seemed to care for a second before going right at it again...they took their way towards the mall.







(*loud thud*)

Emma fell to the ground naked, bruised and her face was a bit swollen. She was sobbing while a German shepherd was walking in the room also naked. His height was really frightening and so was his built. It was pretty easy for him to do as he pleased with Emma. Even if she tried to fight back, he would easily kill her. But that's absolutely not what he wanted. Right now he was recording some of their...actions. he get to his camera and saved it. He then walked to her and crooked. "Get clean before you leave"

He sat on his bed and took his phone. Emma lower half was hurting. Her back was in pain, her legs were feeling like jelly. There was some sticky substance coming out of her privates. She had marks of bites all over her body. Saying she was in pain would be an euphemism. She found strenght to get up and walk towards the bathroom.

She locked herself in and entered the shower. She could barely stand up and had to hold on to the wall. She started to wash away all the stains on her fur and that sticky substance...her wrists were hurting, they have been held strongly a bit earlier...Emma was trapped in this situation, if she talked about it, the shepherd would publish those videos he always take when he would do her...but on the other hand she would die at some point, this pain was excruciating.

The shepherd was really violent while having sex, not caring about any of her complaints or if he was breaking or ripping something. All that mattered was his satisfaction. These days they didn't have to do sex that often...apparently the shepherd was kept busy with his term project. She was grateful but it was still not a solution. Someday this will probably kill her. She cried softly trying not to make a sound because the shepherd would beat her. She showered in sorrow.

Meanwhile the shepherd was having a phone call, his voice echoed deeply in the room "Yeah, this one will soon be ready. Saturday evening, bring the others too" he ended the call and put down his phone. He walked towards the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Open the door"

Emma gasped and placed her hand on her mouth, she was terrified. The second knock sent shivers down her spine. She rushed towards the door and opened it. He lunged on her and pinned her to the wall. Her front and face pressed against the tiles with force causing a nasal bleeding as her butt was being a bit lifted behind. "You smell good, you used my shampoo ? (*chuckle*)"

she couldn't say a word, tears forming in her wide opened eyes. She felt something entering her body and she winced in pain. Those were fingers, crawling in her vagina. It was making a weird wet sound. She was clenching and closing her eyes. Her privates was recently tormented, and now it was about to get destroyed again.

The fingers got in and out and he leaned towards her ears "Why don't you make that dirty little noise you make so well" he grinned while shoving something else in her which made her make a weak scream. "Dirty little slut, you like my dick so much " Emma just breathed through the pain, praying that this all ends.








Cassius walked through the debris. The room was dark and they had to walk with special suits because the air here was biohazard. There was a lot of dust and heat in the air, for security, all of the power here was shut down. Cassius turned his light towards a hole in the ground and called for Liam. The hole was about 45 feet wide and seemed to go really deep underground. Liam spoke through the microphone in his suit.

Liam: "That's really monstruous"

Cassius: "what kind of powers those that thing have?"

The chamber W was nothing but ruin with this huge hole leading probably to the surface. This room was made 3 and half miles underground below the C-Tech building. Under normal circumstances this underground chamber couldn't be so easily destroyed...and clearly the project W couldn't have done so on its own. Someone had to help it. That's why Liam descended here to see if there was any clues.

He inspected the hole and said "Cassius, prepare the drones for exploration. I don't want to risk people's life here. Melissa, how is the data recovery going?"

He turned to another of his assistant, a young female otter. She was sitting next to a machine that was seriously damaged. She had some holographic screens in front of her glowing yellow. She was trying to connect to the room system.

Melissa: "Most of the things here are burnt or scrapped. Doing my best sir"

Liam: "I understand, try looking for the internal hard drive"

Melissa: "Right sir"

She started using tiny laser from her suit gauntlet to cut through the metal and reach the inside. Liam sighed and turned back. He thought for a moment and whispered "Talk about a mess..."

His team was scattered all around the place trying to look for any evidence of the presence of someone else here during the outbreak.


Someone shouted from a corner of the room. It was a young male badger. He was pointing at something on the ground. Liam turned and used the magnetic levitation of his suit to move master and get there.

Liam: "Sam! What's the..."

Liam frowned as he crooked to look closer. There was a tiny piece of metal. He looked at it and was thinking about its ressemblance to ... when Sam told him something that made him widened his eyes

Sam: "My captors says it's emitting a lot of radiation and heat"

Liam gasped and his heartbeat accelerated, he got up and stepped back. His vision was getting blurry he was not even listening to Sam shouting. He was not even seeing the others rushing. He looked in all directions but couldn't see anything, his breathing was hectic. He was having a panic attack, he started feeling somekind of burning sensation around his legs. He was gasping for air and wanted to remove his suit. But he collapsed before doing anything.