Something we hide

Matthew was laughing a bit as Wyatt was giggling and jolting around. He had fun this time on the bike. They were in a remote part of the town center it was just past the Wyatt's neighborhood, something around 2 miles north from it. It was quite the opposite from his neighborhood. It was so lively with people in the streets talking and some kids playing. Some were just having some barbecue and having some drinks along. It was quite unusual for Wyatt to see so much agitation especially considering the time. Matthew was actually just quite used to it. They had parked in a grocery store parking lot and were making their way in. This grocery store had a good reputation about their selling price that was quite affordable for their quality. The brand was scattered around town and was 3rd on the leading market. Matthew just chuckled and said

"Not so bad once you let go of the fear, right?"

Wyatt turned to him

Wyatt: "Well I might agree it's less scary when you are listening to music and you got some good one at that. Send me the name later please"

Matthew was happy that Wyatt enjoyed himself.

Matthew: "sure. Now we just need to get some (*looking at the phone*) that's quite a long list"

Wyatt: "it'll be tricky to put it in the trunk knowing our bags are already in"

Matthew: "hm oh no don't worry about that, I am going to carry the bags home by foot. I don't live far from here. Saw the building across the street on the right of here?"

Wyatt: "The one that had a great orange brick kind of design?"

Matthew: "yep, I live there"

Wyatt: "That quite handy then, I mean, a grocery store next to your home is really helpful. I when I have to buy things I need to get almost to the town center."

Matthew chuckled.

Matthew: "If I am not wrong this one is closest to your house too"

Wyatt: "I never got to be in this part of town before. Not really an explorer, I only move if I need to like school, my father's office and some important places..."

Wyatt's face was a bit saddened at the last part and Matthew noticed, he didn't want to dwell onto something that might cause inner pain so he was like.

Matthew: "Hey want some bobba tea?"

Wyatt: "what's that?"

Matthew: "wait you seemed to be an Asian culture know-it-all (*chuckling*)"

Wyatt: "never said I was"

Matthew: "never said you were"

Wyatt: "fair enough"

Matthew: "I know. Okay let's then go for some"

Wyatt: "Aren't you supposed to buy groceries?"

Matthew: "They make bobba tea here don't worry"

Wyatt just nodded as he followed the Alligator inside the store. They met with a sudden cold breeze from the AC. The store was actually bigger than it seemed from the outside, there many aisles and there was even a second floor. As they made their way further in, Matthew took a basket and took out his phone.

Matthew: "so huh it's basically breakfast items and some households items"

Wyatt: "then we start with the breakfast items, since we are already in the foods aisles. "

Matthew looked around and nodded. They started picking the various items that were on the list. While they walked through the aisle someone from behind called for Wyatt. He turned and was surprised to see Alex, the lion from his morning class.

Alex: "hey Wyatt, what's up ?"

Wyatt: "I'm good"

Alex then looked behind him and saw the alligator. Matthew who was busy picking an item from the upper shelf didn't notice the lion until he took it and turned back. He was a bit surprised to see someone standing and looking at him.

Matthew: "oh hi there, didn't see you"

Alex: "it's fine"

Wyatt: "oh yeah, huh Matthew this is Alex from my morning class. Alex, Matthew from my afternoon class."

They both had some kind of fist bump and a check.

Alex: "what are you doing here?"

Wyatt: "oh just tagging with Matthew to buy few things"

Alex: "no no i meant, what are you doing in this part of town?"

Wyatt: "not sure to get your point"

Alex: "You told me you lived a few blocks south from here in that rich neighborhood "

Wyatt: "huh I don't recall telling..."

Wyatt had a slight frown and confusion on his face. Despite knowing he had prior interactions with the lion it was mostly about academic stuff and the one time they didn't talk about that they talked about a video game. So he was lost about the situation, Matthew saw something was a bit off.

Matthew: "Sorry but we are in a hurry so we are going now. It was nice seeing you Alex"

Alex: "Wait..." (*confused*)

Matthew: "we are still in a hurry so if you would please excuse us"

Matthew grabbed Wyatt's hand and started walking away leaving Alex a bit dumbfounded.

Wyatt was too flabbergasted by the situation to talk. A blush was clear on his face as the tall alligator had his hand in a tight and strong yet soft grip.

Wyatt: "I-I think maybe i did tell him"

Matthew: "That's true, but we are still in a hurry"

Wyatt looked as he was being dragged around the aisle. When they got far enough from the lion, Matthew gently let go of Wyatt's hand and the latter talked.

Matthew: "so we just now need the household items and we'll be good to take some bobba tea."

Wyatt: "o-ok"

Matthew looked down at him and he seemed a bit sad.

Matthew: "I'm sorry if I offended your friend in any way"

Wyatt: "it's fine, I was just taken aback"

Matthew: "hm. Check your phone. See if you did tell him"

Wyatt wanted to speak but he did what he was told and took out his phone. He scrolled to his last conversation with the Lion, it was in a group, the group they created for their trio from morning class with Lauren. He looked through all the messages, there weren't as much. Nothing about him saying anything regarding his home location.

Wyatt: "he ...I never told him. But maybe Lauren did."

Matthew had a stern look on his face, he turned back to look at where the lion was, the latter was still looking dumbfounded. Matthew sighed and looked at Wyatt.

Matthew: "okay you can go sort it out. I will stay here, I doubt he wants me closer again"

Wyatt: "you weren't that rude, but okay"

With that Wyatt went back to the lion and Matthew just looked from the distance while taking out his phone. Wyatt reached the lion with an apologetic smile.

Wyatt: "where did you get my location ? How do you know where I live? I didn't tell you that, did I?"

The lion tilted his head and laughed.

Alex: "no you didn't have to. If you pay close attention to my number in your phone there's my full address attached to it and so is that of everyone. When we exchanged numbers we did exchanged our addresses as well"

Wyatt internally face palmed and checked his phone. Got through it and looked for the lion's number. There was indeed a location and other informations attached to it.

Wyatt: "how I just noticed this?!"

Alex: "Don't worry it's a feature that only appears if one of the number you are sending texts to has this activated as well. Since it was active on mine too, we exchanged more than just numbers. On the other hand I don't have that with Lauren because she probably turned it off"

Wyatt frowned and checked for Lauren, it was true, there was nothing more than the number.

Wyatt: "Okay sorry I was being paranoid for a second. And I think Matthew thought you were suspicious"

Alex: "Can't blame him, I sure went out with my words bluntly. I am not good with...people"

Wyatt: "it's fine"

Alex: "okay, but still this place is dangerous, you shouldn't wander around this part if town too much...people here are (*looking at Matthew then back at Wyatt*) what they seem to be"

Alex had as serious tone and Wyatt was perplexed and confused yet he frowned.

Wyatt: "judging people is not a nice thing, you should know that. (*sigh*) Don't worry I won't be reckless here anyway"

Alex: "That's fine by me"

Wyatt: "by the way what are you doing here?"

Alex: "I live few blocks from here, just got to buy stuff. My dad is being a pain in the ass about me spending too much time inside"

Wyatt nose twitched and his eyes wandered around while he thought then he remembered the lion's last name.

Wyatt: "are you by any chance related to Pr. Kayn Reth"

Alex: "yes he is my dad, why?"

Wyatt: "oh I just remembered you both had the same last name so it was more of a guess"

Alex: "I see"

Wyatt: "Anyway I should be going now, see you tomorrow"

Alex: "yeah later Wyatt, oh and remember...don't trust blindly, the ones who smile are not always the nice people."

Alex had a very stern look at the alligator that wasn't paying any attention to the scene or so it seemed since he was looking at his phone. The lion looked down at Wyatt and smiled while walking away. Wyatt walked back to the alligator who instantly acknowledged his presence.

Matthew: "so?"

Wyatt: "Turns out he is not that evil, we just got a misunderstanding. Apparently our phone numbers got exchanged with some other informations because of a feature in our phone that's on"

Matthew looked a bit unconvinced and decided to let it pass. He sighed and just said

Matthew: "Still, my guts are telling me things but maybe you're right (*smiling gently*) okay let's go the cleaning aisle"

Wyatt: "yeah"

With that they made the rest of the list and had a lot of articles more than what the alligator thought. He had a big goofy smile on his face. Wyatt was walking beside him and couldn't help but smile timidly too with fluster clearly visible, the joy of the alligator was contagious. Matthew stopped in his track and turned to his right as his voice got out.

Matthew: "so now we go this way for the bobba shelves"

Wyatt followed as they got in front of a huge shelf with many articles mainly from asian countries. There was a lot of stuff and Wyatt was looking at everything like a kid who just saw a toy the wanted. Matthew took from the shelves some ice filled cups and some fruit juice sachets. He turned to Wyatt who was looking at some spicy noodles with a bit of sparks in his eyes.

Matthew: "which flavor do you like? I suggest the Sakura or the peach those are my favorites, they are really good."

Wyatt looked at all the flavors available there were many so he decided to go with one the proposition of Matthew.

Wyatt: "Peach then"

Matthew then said "oh I almost forgot, what kind of milk do you wish to get"

Wyatt was thinking and his mind wandered around a bit too far as he blushed then got back to his senses nervously and said "regular one?"

Matthew just chuckled and talked.

Matthew: "okay, i was just asking in case you were allergic or something"

Wyatt:"N-no it's fine don't worry."

Matthew closed his eyes and smile then looked at the spicy noodles Wyatt was gawking at and took it as well.

Wyatt: "what are you.. "(*interrupted*)

Matthew: "oh you seemed to fancy it so I thought we should get it"

Wyatt: "oh I..."

Matthew: "it's on me since I got you walking errands with me"

Wyatt's tail was swishing a bit behind him as he nervously said.

Wyatt: "oh you didn't have to ..."

Matthew just placed his hand on Wyatt's shoulder and shook his head dismissively.

Matthew: "it's fine let's go now"

With no more words exchanged they went to the cashier and Matthew paid for all the articles cash. As he pocketed his wallet, he took the many bags, two in each hand. But there was still two left. Wyatt quickly got to take them and Matthew felt embarrassed.

Matthew: "sorry you have to carry that"

Wyatt: "oh it's nothing, you don't have an extra arm now do you?"

Matthew laughed as they walked out of the store. They head towards the building closest to the store. It was a nice 5 levels building with a unique orange hue and an old fashion brick design. It had some stairs down to reach the entrance as long as some fences boarding them. From the outside, some windows showed of lights while others were off. The roof was flat and there were some condenser coils visible from down there.

Matthew walked and crossed the empty street with Wyatt following him. The latter noticed something, most of the people here in the streets are either reptiles, raccoons or felines. So it was now understandable for Wyatt to be looked at. But only for a second then they get on their whatever doing. Matthew climbed the stairs and had a nervous smile while he turned to Wyatt.

Matthew: "oh huh, could you please take the keyring in my left pocket, there's a card to unlock the front door"

Wyatt ears went down a bit and he gulped. He took both the bag he was carrying in one hand and used his free one to get the keyring from Matthew's pocket. His hand slid in slowly and nervously. Due to Wyatt position it was harder to get so he had to get closer to the side and like that his hand reached the keyring he grabbed it and as he wanted to take out his hand he brushed against something warm and soft. His face flushed as he quickly removed his hand with keyring.

Wyatt: "g-got it"

Matthew: "place the card on the pad over there and type in the pin I will give"

Wyatt got to a pad on the right side of the door frame. He placed the card and a tiny screen turned green and he waited for Matthew to tell him the pin code required.

Matthew: "4 7 0 6 1"

Wyatt carefully typed in and the door made a clank noise. It was unlocked. Wyatt rushed to open the door to Matthew and let him enter first. He followed and closed the door behind him, and again the clanck noise, the door was locked. Matthew shaked a bit his body and tail as he said.

Matthew: "way much warmer in here, I was freezing"

Wyatt didn't notice at first but the temperature here was Indeed nicer. The main hall was enveloped in a warm orange light coming from the ceiling lamps. It was matching with the wooden features of the inside floor. The walls just like outside are made of a break design halfway up from the middle of the walls to the ceiling. There was three ways before them. Right now they were in the main hall and some couches were placed on both side of the room. In front of them the three ways were leading to some stairs on the left, to a door at the right and to an elevator in the middle. Matthew pointed at the elevator with his head indicating to Wyatt where to go. They got there and Wyatt called the elevator down.

Matthew: "oh by the way, beware of the pranks my brothers may try on you."

Wyatt didn't even got the time to tell a thing as they got in the elevator. He then spoke as the doors closed.

Wyatt: "I am starting to worry"

Matthew: "(*chuckling*) 4. Yes you should. My brothers like to play funny with people. My sister might already be at home by now and my mom i dunno I didn't see her car down there"

Wyatt clicked on the number 4 of the pad as it started moving and he turned to Matthew.

Wyatt: "I see. I was a little trickster myself i would handle them easily"

Matthew: "your sacrifice would be memorable, (*straightening his posture as if doing a salute*)"

Wyatt: "wow that's pretty awesome"

Matthew: "what is?"

Wyatt wanted to speak but he feared his words might be not as welcome so he just said something else he had in mind.

Wyatt: " how would you have done if i weren't there ? I mean carry the bags and stuff"

Matthew: " oh usually when it's more than i can take at once I do laps."

Wyatt: "wait you can leave your stuff at the store like that?"

Matthew: "yeah, it's been sometimes we live here so the cashiers already know me and I can entrust them with my bags while I do laps. Sometimes when one of them is free they help me with that."

Wyatt: "That's quite unique. I never thought this could go"

The doors opened and Matthew walked out first while chuckling and leading Wyatt to a black door with golden frames.

Matthew: "can you ring please?"

Wyatt pressed a button on the left side of the door. There was a bit of rumbling then some footsteps getting closer. A voice shouted from the other side "who dat?"

Matthew: "Maya open the door please"

Maya: "what if I don't"

Matthew: "really now? Just open the door and your favorite cup might live another day"

Maya rapidly opened the door and yelled

Maya: "such a killjoy"

Wyatt looked at the younger female alligator. She was probably just a year younger than Matthew. They looked a bit like each other. Maya had green eyes and her scales were less darker than her brother ones. She was quite well looking and her tiny shorts combined to the slightly oversized T shirt gave her a dashing look. She was also wearing some black headphone around her neck. She crossed her arms and leaned on the door frame as she noticed Wyatt and had a surprised look.

Maya: "Hello there"

Wyatt: "Hi"

Matthew: "Maya, this is Wyatt. A friend from Uni. Wyatt, my younger sister Maya"

Wyatt: "it's a pleasure to meet you" (*smiling a bit*)

Maya: "wait Aaron has a friend ?! (*turning back and yelling*) Grandma you owe be 20 bucks!"

She turned to Matthew and had a grin while he just rolled his eyes as they got in. Maya took the bags from Wyatt with a gentle smile similar to Matthew's one. As she walked away, Matthew turned to Wyatt. They removed their shoes and walked in the living room.

Wyatt: "she called you Aaron ?"

Matthew: "yeah that's my middle name and how I am called by my family"

Wyatt: "That's a nice name"

Matthew chuckled.

Matthew: "follow me, we will go to the kitchen. I bet my grandma is there"

Wyatt nodded and followed the Alligator. Wyatt really realized how tall the alligator was. When inside the flat he seemed to be a bit taller than doors. Wyatt looked around and was really delighted by the interior design. They reached the kitchen and as they got in they could hear Maya laughing while saying

Maya: "yeah yeah you lost, now the bucks"

Grandma: "I didn't see..."

When they entered the grandma looked at them then focused on Wyatt.

Grandma: "sugar berries and great Lord. Come in my sweet little one"

Wyatt approached with Matthew as the latter dropped the bags on the island. He then turned to his grandma and was like

Matthew: "Hi Grandma"

Grandma: "Aaron you didn't tell me you had a friend. Oh Sweet Lord, such a joy."

Matthew was a bit embarrassed.

Wyatt: "it's a pleasure to meet you Ma'am"

Grandma: "oh please call me grandma"

Wyatt chuckled and replied.

Wyatt: "Okay grandma"

Matthew seemed too embarrassed at this point and just took Wyatt by the shoulders and walked him forward as he said.

Matthew: "okay okay, Maya, be kind to store everything, oh and there's some cold things there so up to the fridge. I will be back in a moment"

Matthew kept walking Wyatt out of the kitchen as they got in the hallway. Then there were thumping noises and two figures jumped at Matthew. It was two smaller alligator kids, they seemed to be around 8 and to be twins. They were in opposite colored pajamas. One had a yellow and white and the other purple and black. They were hanging on his arms as he swung them around while laughing.

Matthew: "hey there tiny fangs, why are you still up. You should be sleeping already. "

The one with the purple pajamas talked "it's not bedtime" the one in yellow added "and we are hungry"

Matthew: "Didn't Maya fed you ? (*checking the clock at the end of the hallway*) like 30 min ago?"

The one in purple pouted and comply "she was busy talking on her phone"

Matthew sighed


He yelled and she yelled back "WHAT?"

She walked and had head out in the hallway "what do you want again?"

Matthew: "why did Aiyden and Anthony didn't eat yet?"

Maya: "huh I was about to call them for that when you rang"

Matthew: "(*sigh*) just do it now please."

She just nodded and went back to the kitchen and Matthew said "ok tiny fangs, go see Maya."

They got down and ran but stopped as they finally noticed Wyatt and were confused. Anthony the one in purple spoke first.

Anthony: "who are you?"

Aiyden: "hi, are you Aaron's friend?"

Wyatt looked down at the tiny alligators, they were so cute he almost melted. They looked at a younger version of Matthew and it made him smile bashfully as he said "yeah, I'm Wyatt"

Aiyden: "cool, I'm Aiyden"

Anthony: "and I'm Anthony"

They giggled as Maya called for them and they rushed with their tiny feet thumping on the floor.

Wyatt: "They are so adorable with their tiny little faces"

Matthew: "don't be fooled by their cuteness, they are tiny little destroying machines"

Wyatt: "That's mean to say about your brothers"

Matthew: "oh I'm not mean, I hope you won't be their target (*shrugging*)"

Wyatt looked back inside the kitchen and he could see the two alligators discussing while laughing as they looked at him with mischief. He gulped and rushed to Matthew who was was walking in the hallway. They got to Matthew's bedroom and he turned on the light as he walked in. Wyatt entered shyly and the beautiful display of light and the design of the room was breath taking.

Wyatt: "your room is amazing !"

Matthew: "Thanks"

Wyatt: "quite tidy"

Matthew: "you expected a mess (*chuckling*) nah I am a clean guy"

Wyatt: "I didn't mean -"

Matthew: "it's fine, just pulling your leg. Anyway I just got change so make yourself comfortable"

Wyatt sat on the bed as Matthew got in the bathroom. Wyatt looked around and noticed the desk was filled with many things he got closer. There were some books that Wyatt had never read before but seemed quite interesting, mostly from European authors. There was also some papers with things handwritten on them. He touched the paper as he read a bit. His face turned to surprise. "Those were poems?" He thought as he took on in hand, the door of the bathroom opened as he turned while asking still looking at the paper in his hand.

Wyatt: "hey did you writ-"

Wyatt lifted his head to look in front of him at the alligator in black boxer. He froze in his words and stuttered. Matthew didn't hear the first words so he walked closer and tilted his head.

Matthew: "Sorry you were saying?"

Wyatt gulped and looked up then to the side nervously. Matthew remembered he had issues with nudity so he quickly apologized and got some clothes in his drawers and shelves and got back in the bathroom for a minute before getting out again now dressed with a short and plain white T-shirt.

Matthew: "sorry I forgot you can't stand that"

Wyatt laughed nervously as he replied.

Wyatt: "I-I was saying, did you write those ?"

He pounted at the papers and Matthew nervously replied.

Matthew: "I huh I...yeah "

Wyatt: "I didn't know you do poetry"

Matthew: "Those are...songs (*nervous chuckle*)"

Wyatt: "really ? So you can sing?"

Matthew scratched his neck a bit flustered and his tail swayed a bit.

Matthew: "oh I, it's not..."

Wyatt was smiling goofily as he imagined the alligator singing. It seems incredible to know such a big guy could sing. Matthew just chuckled nervously and said "I'm coming back, fetching our boba tea and some snacks....or maybe it's late and you need to get back home too"

Wyatt paused and just replied

Wyatt: "it's okay, I can stay a bit longer, you will drive me back anyway"

Matthew: "I thought you were afraid of riding my bike"(*grinning*)

Wyatt: "oh please I can ride it fearlessly now"

Matthew: "is that so? (*laughing*)"

Wyatt: "yeah, well, as long as there is music..."

Matthew: "huhm yeah sure. Omg I'm going to dieeeee (*mimicking Wyatt's yelling on the bike*), that's how you were yelling (*chuckling*)"

Wyatt rolled his eyes and wanted to punch him playfully but Matthew grabbed his wrist and chuckled.

Matthew: "too slow"

Wyatt quickly spun outward and got his hand free before jumping and launching a kick towards Matthew's chest. The latter blocked with his left forearm and as Wyatt landed Matthew went for a grab but he dodged it by bending backwards but stumbled. Matthew quickly caught him before he falls. His left hand under his back and his right hand placed gently behind his neck as he leans to balance their weight. Wyatt's heart started pounding, the world seemed in slow motion. His eyes were looking deeply in those of Matthew. The latter had a concerned expression.

Matthew: "you okay?"

Straightening up with Wyatt and letting go of him. Wyatt was flustered and almost speechless but a word found a way out.

Wyaat: "yes"

Matthew chuckled and was like.

Matthew: "didn't know you had few moves"

Wyatt blushed.

Wyatt: "well I huh had practice for some times when I was younger nothing serious"

Matthew taunted by showing his jaw and mimicking a punch on it with his fist.

Matthew: "next time look for my jaw, I can lose balance but you need to be quick"

Wyatt just rolled his eyes and Matthew laughed "such a bitter loser" Wyatt growled lowly and crossed his arms in defeat.







Liam walked out of his room. He had spent all day thinking and he was more than upset. He yelled in the hallway.

Liam: "Cassius!"

But no one replied. "Where the hell is he again?" He thought as he walked barely covered by the hospital gown. He had some headaches but nothing too serious. Right now he was annoyed by something, he received a mail from the chairman of C-Tech saying he was removed from Project W capture and he should focus on his other tasks. He wanted to see Cassius to understand what happened but there was no one here. That was more than absurd. He yelled but no nurse, no doctor. He was alone. Something was off...actually everything was off the mail was weird, the place even felt different from what he remembered. He kept walking in a long hallway and suddenly lights started to flicker. At the end of the hallway there was a figure. Liam shouted "hey you! Do you know where is- " Liam stopped in his track, something wasn't right, the figure was very familiar yet he didn't know who it was from the distance but somehow he knew...he gasped and shaked his head. The figure disappeared and he was breathing rapidly, another panic attack was seizing him. He fell to his knees and started mumbling "h-help!" But it was weak. The lights went off again and he was having issues breathing...the lights went back on and this time the figure was a mere feet away from him. He lifted his head and his eyes reflected something he had buried deep within, it was not fear it was something even darker and paralyzing. His eyes were reflecting the figure. Liam tried speaking but his words were muffled "it...can'"

Liam woke up sweating with a lot of nurses around him and the doctor trying to stabilize him, he was having a nightmare and he had a seizure and thankfully Cassius was fast enough to react. He was looking sideways and up, breathing heavily. Some blood was coming off his nostrils.