Conspicuous apprehension

The class ended, Pr. Vinogradova said her exam will be on the next weekend so everyone had to get ready with their tiny projects. Wyatt was packing his things when Lauren was still enjoying her music through an ear bud she used all the while during the course thanks to her position she was able to not be caught by the owl lady. Wyatt was impressed and couldn't help but ask how she did but she just said it was talent. He rolled his eyes as he turned to Matthew. The Alligator had a stressed expression. He packed his stuff in a hurry and only said "Practice, see you at the party" with that he left. Lauren was a bit upset.

Lauren: "what happened to the sweet polite 'gator? "

Wyatt: "I dunno...okay we should get going, we still got things to buy....we will probably need a ride"

Lauren: "I was willing to have a great walk with you but a ride with your sexy chauffeur is fine by me"

Wyatt turned to her with a grin.

Wyatt: "Then we will walk"

Lauren: "you are a dumbass i hope you know that, just a reminder"

Wyatt: "yeah sure. Where's that store you talked about?"

Lauren: "hm wait, let me check on the map"

She took out her phone and went for the geomap and typed the name of the little shop. It appeared around 10 blocks from here a bit around the center of town.

Lauren: "Well...I guess we will need a ride, ain't no way we walk all that"

Wyatt looked at her phone and frowned.

Wyatt: "hm. Okay"

Wyatt took his phone out and launched a call to his father. It rang for a bit before a voice made its way through it.

Wyatt: "Hey are you too busy right now"

The voice on the other side was a bit rapsed.

Liam: "hey Kiddo, huh what's the matter? "

Wyatt: "I need a ride, want to buy things in the center town with Lauren"

Liam: "hm...(*mumbling on the other side of the phone*) Okay, I sent Cassius to fetch you. You still at school?"

Wyatt: "yeah. By the way, you read the text I sent you two days ago?"

Liam was silent for a second then he sighed.

Liam: "I'm sorry Wyatt I di-"

Wyatt: "it's fine. You were busy...I got that quite right."

Liam: "Don't be like that"

Wyatt: "like what? Just said what is. You were busy, doing work stuff. Can't blame you for not answering to your son"

Liam was silent, guilt palpable.

Liam: "what was that text about?"

Wyatt: "Since you're not home. I was willing to have friends over for the weekend if that's not too much to ask, dad"

Liam: "(*sighing*) Wyatt...I am sorry...I (*silence*)Things are just a bit crazy here "

Wyatt: "Dad, I got it. (*sighing while pinching his eyes that was watering a bit*) you have important stuff to do now, right? I will text you tomorrow. Oh and I will go to a party tonight, if that interests you"

Liam: "Wyatt! Stop! (*sigh*) I got it you are upset but don't lash out on me I am your father"

Wyatt: "Sorry...wasn't my intention....(*lying*)Bye dad"

Liam: "We will talk about this young man once I'll be home on Monday"

Liam hang up and Wyatt was frustrated and couldn't help but close his eyes and curl to his knees cooking. Lauren quickly get to his level.

Lauren: "Didn't go that well...sorry buddy, parents can be a real pain sometimes...I know that with my mom"

Wyatt: "I am just so done with this all pretend to be fine situation I am in with him. Like I always say to myself that he is busy that he has the rights to be absent and ignore's silly, most young man wish that their parents get off their back but I guess I just can't help but wish he was at least at home for I asking too much?"

Lauren didn't know what to say, she just patted his head and sighed. It was a bit strange for her, she wasn't used to people feeling this way and making her feel it too. She was sad for Wyatt and she wasn't sure if she could help him or if it was even up to her to do anything. She could just be a friend and stick around to help him. A black car parked next to the gates. She got up and said "okay buddy, I think your chauffeur is here. We should get going...I know what can lift up your mood, food"

Wyatt looked up at her with puppy eyes a bit red from the silent crying. His ears down, he just straightened up and rubbed his face a bit.

Wyatt: "I wasn't crying okay "

Lauren: "yeah sure buddy, I didn't see anything"

Wyatt chuckled as they walked to the gates.

Wyatt: "Thanks Lauren..."

Lauren smiled and put her hands behind her back as she walked past him then turn to walk backwards while facing him.

Lauren: "yeah I know you love me, I love myself too"

Wyatt: "you dumb bitch (*chuckle*)"

Lauren: "Whore"

They laughed as they got in the car. Wyatt greeted Cassius and told him where to go and soon enough the car started moving.

Eastpave center town was know to be one of the places with the most diverse community in the state. Many big companies from around the world had settled a building here and there in one of the largest part of the city. There were so many advanced feature to this part of town.

One of which were the magnetic railways that pass through buildings and draw somekind of spider web above the city.

It wasn't much of a bother for lighting though, during day the railway are set on camouflage and are translucent, so aside from the few trains that pass by nothing really darken the sky. And during night it starts to glow with a warm palette of colors above the center town.

These railways were said to be the 12th wonders of the world. A great design of architecture and engineering. The buildings were not bad too, they were pretty nice equipped with latest technologies and yet the atmosphere here was still as cozy as that of a village. People gathered in few spots chanting and dancing. Some few youths doing vlogs or furtok trends. Elders also having their count having fairly big mob of artists playing music or whatsoever to entertain them.

It was quite lively, Cassius was driving through the not so jammed streets. His eyes looking through the mirror to look at Wyatt that seemed thoughtful looking through the window. Lauren was having some music playing in her ears as she spotted the shop and told Cassius about it.

He parked and turned off the engine. Wyatt was took out from his thoughts by Lauren playful nudge on his shoulder.

Lauren: "Hey bro, let's go shopping"

Wyatt: "oh we are here?"

Lauren knew he was probably still thinking about his father but this was not the time so she pinched his ears and he yelped.

Lauren: "Bitch fix your face. I don't want the potential oppa to think I hang out with a zombie"

Wyatt just rolled his eyes and got out of the car, Cassius said that he would be waiting in the car, unless he required further help. With that Lauren and him got before the shop. It was a nice little convenience store that happened to be mostly Korean by the looks of it. There was creative neon scripture above the entrance, it was in Korean but it could translated as "The Eastern paradise"

The fresh breeze from the AC sent chills down their spine as they crossed the door. The shop was fairly provided. Bunch of shelves and aisles with items that aren't common in this country. Lauren took Wyatt's wrist and started pacing fast through the aisles. There weren't much people to the please of Wyatt who didn't feel like walking through a more crowded place like the supermarket he went to with Matthew. Thinking of him now, he was probably having his practice right now. Lauren stopped abruptly and Wyatt almost fell on her getting him back to earth.

Lauren: "These are like one of the best I had. I'm not really fond of cakes on normal basis but these are an exception, you guys have to try it"

Wyatt took the box with a skeptical look on his face.

Wyatt: "green tea inside of a cake...I don't know, sounds weird"

Lauren: "ah ah. At least taste them before saying stuff tsk"

Wyatt shrugged and put it in the basket that Lauren took without him noticing.

Lauren: "and this is a honey based snack, it's like very crunchy and tasty"

Wyatt looked at the bag, it showed what the thing looks like. Didn't seem that bad looking but honey based was surely what made Wyatt reluctant and making a weird face.

Wyatt: "hm...I'm starting to think you want to kill us"

Lauren: "Bitch, shut the fuck up. We take these"

She grabbed two bags and put them in the basket as they kept roaming in the other aisles.






Matthew was changing in the dress room and had his swimming suit on. He sat on the bench in the cabin. He held his head a bit. He was feeling weird, his heart was beating fast. He thought he was having a panic attack but then again he was still conscious and lucid. This was not it, this was something he knew well, fear.

He looked at his phone that was on top of his closed practice bag. It was soon time for practice, yet...his mind was focused on something else. Later, just after practice he would have to deal with something. That be, something he might regret and was getting apprehensive of but had to was for the better for now.

A sudden knock on his cabin door made him flinch. "Hey man you alright in there? We're about to start with the warm ups."

Matthew recognized the voice, it was the captain, Kariuki Haufiku. He was a spotted hyena with a pretty tall feature for his species mostly because of swimming but also good genetics. He was pretty much just as tall as Matthew but not as buffy. He had really unique dark brown spots patterns on his body exception made for his chest and inner edge of limbs. He had some kind of longer sandy fur coating around his shoulders, back and neck up to his head. Haufiku talked again noticing Matthew didn't reply. Just as he was about to talk, the door of the cabin opened.

Matthew: "Sorry, it was a bit hard to pass my tail"

Haufiku smirked and leaned on the door frame a bit.

Haufiku: "you sure about that, man?"

Matthew just grunted and the hyena chuckled.

Haufiku: "fine, go join the others. And one more thing Matthew"

Matthew looked at the hyena as they walked a bit.

Haufiku: "Sorry again about those jerks...I was not aware that they had my phone..."

They hyena had an apologetic look and Matthew just scratched his neck.

Matthew: "it's fine. At least I won't see them in the pool...can't say that outside of it though"

Haufiku: "I doubt they look for trouble again, you sure did gave them a run for their money"

Matthew just looked away for a second not saying anything, Haufiku then slapped Matthew's back.

Haufiku: "Enough talking now, I want to see you swim. Go go go"

Matthew jolted at the sudden slap and sighed before walking towards the others for another session of their practice. The championship was said to be one of the most interesting event for a swimmer.

Other universities from around the states will participate in that tournament.

RASAC only won once, last year thanks to Haufiku extremely great performance during then. He was now a senior though, so he wouldn't be eligible to participate to the championship which of course made RASAC look for a replacement.

They proposed Haufiku to be the captain of the Swimming team this year so he could form the competitors for this edition. He agreed and was really enthusiastic to see if RASAC could win twice in a row and who will be this year champion.

As it was now, 3 of the 16 swimmers now reduced to 14 since 2 were involved in the latest incident with Matthew, were quite impressive in their overall performance. Swimming was not all about speed, it had other specs it was looking for.

Haufiku's personnal objective was to see if those three would be the ones they will send for the championship. There was a male otter, a female jaguar and Matthew. Haufiku had a confident smile as he watched his teammates training for one of the most thrilling experience of their life.








Cassius was parking the car next to the Fael's house. They did have to make a detour because Lauren had to take her stuff from her brother's apartment. She had that there the day before while her mother was out. Lauren had a really weird relationship with her mother, the latter always seeming to not agree with her daughter on most subjects including hangouts, sleepovers and so on. She didn't tell her mother she was going at a sleepover instead she agreed a plan with her brother to say she was to head to her sister's flat but the thing was the sister was not even in town, and the mother wasn't aware so she agreed blindly.

One thing that was great about her siblings, they always got her covered, they may have their different but they still knew how to team up. Lauren had 4 siblings, 3 brothers and a sister. One of her brothers was the youngest sibling and the other three were older than Lauren. Preston the one she had a deal with was the eldest, he was really a jackass sometimes with her messing just for fun, siblings be like. But nevertheless, he was quite a good dealer, he was her mother never-loudly-told-favorite. So it was easy for him to get what he wanted and to help Lauren when she needed to sneak out.

Her sister Cassandra aka Cassie was also a great ally in her everyday battle with her mother. That's why she knew even if her mother had suspicions and tried calling her, she would instantly catch the drift and save Lauren from whatever she might do.

After a wave and words of thank to Cassius, the latter took off leaving the duo in front of the house with some bags. They were ready for the sleepover, but it was less than an hour for the party so they had to get ready asap.










Practice was over for already 10 minutes now. Matthew had his stuff nicely packed again. He went to his bike and turned on the engine when a voice from behind made him look while he put his helmet. It was Haufiku, he looked different with clothes on. One couldn't know he was even fit beneath these, he looked nerdy especially with those glasses on. He seemed beaming as he approached.

Haufiku: "Hey man, nice bike"

Matthew: "oh it's you, Thanks"

Haufiku: "so I talked with Pr. Allen. He said that we will be having preselection in two weeks and I wanted you to be informed while I still had it in mind"

Matthew: "you got my number though, it would have been less efforts to text me"

Haufiku: "yeah but since I figured you might be skeptical if it was my number again that sends you texts (*looking nervously*) well I thought it would be better to say it in person"

Matthew: "I appreciate the concern but it's fine you know"

Haufiku: "okay man, so see you at the party I guess you will be there too"

Matthew: "yes, I will"

Matthew took off after a goodbye gesture of the hand and started speeding towards his next destination and the thing his mind was apprehensive. As he made it way on the roads and stopped at a traffic light, he sensed his phone vibrate some few times. He wanted to look at it but the light was green so he didn't. He was now driving in a part of town that was less populated and a bit darker.

Street lights were out in this part of town, for unknown reasons. Eastpave was rich enough for every part of the city to be under light but here it was not. Matthew was very reluctant at the idea of getting so far from the safer parts of town. The ratio of criminality although fairly low in Eastpave was still highly concentrated in this zone.

Buildings here were either from the mid 80's or older. Some were even empty by now. It made this look like a desert remnant of a fallen society. There were not really anyone at this time out, aside from some people outside their houses or peeking through their window at the sound of a motorbike rumbling in the street a bit slower.

Matthew was not serene, he looked around as he slowed down until he stopped completely the bike at a street crossroad. He could feel despite the absolute absence of people out, that he was watched. Some cars that were parked alongside the street started running, their lights flashing at Matthew as he was surrounded by few black cars.

People started getting out of them and Matthew tensed a bit, his eyes flying rapidly from one person to another analyzing the situation and observing each individual as they walk. His hand was tightly gripping at the handle bar. He was clearly nervous and the fact that those people coming out of black cars were all in black suits with white shirts and gloves as long as freaking assault riffles, was not helping.

The car in front of him was different, it was more prestigious. With the lights on it was difficult to see it properly but it was a fine car. Two people came out of it, one at the conductor side and one from the passenger one. The latter walked back to the seats behind and open the door as he got out of the way.

A figure slowly emerged from the car with a black suit and a crimson red shirt with one button opened. The figure was a male komodo dragon. His scales were coal black. He had quite the accessories on him, from a golden cross chain around his neck to a diamond and gold watch on his wrist. He had a cigar in his mouth as he walked almont playfully, his eyes dark as the night quickly terrifying when complemented by the white tattoos on his face that was drawing a skull mask. The komodo dragon hissed as he exhaled the poisonous smoke he inhaled from the cigar.

He chuckled and stopped a few meters from Matthew. "Well well well, you sure grew since last time mijo" he placed a hand in his pants pocket and the other was holding the cigar close to his mouth again.

Matthew gulped as he looked at the komodo dragon. The least we could say was that Matthew was clearly scared. He found the strenght to get off his bike and walked to him. His eyes not leaving him for even a second despite the clear sound of guns loading around him.

The people around were ready to shoot. He approached the lizard with caution and as he got before him it was clear that he was taller than the lizard yet it wasn't comforting.

Matthew: "Did you have to bring so much people, Boss?"

Boss: "Oh mijo, tsk tsk tsk (*inhaling the smoke then exhaling it slowly before smirking and getting closer to the alligator*)Just a precaution, I remember you having your way around guns"

Matthew: "Do you think I'm stupid enough to summon the Familia and try killing you?"

Matthew looked around at the armed people and they flinched a bit at his stare.

Matthew: "newbies?"

Boss: "They got to learn one day how to serve the Familia, don't they? Oh mijo, I'm so glad you still reach out to your family, it's been such a long time"

Matthew looked at the lizard and his tail slightly swayed in anxiety.

Matthew: "I wasn't sure you would have come in person..."

Boss: "Oh (*chuckling*) It's not everyday I get a call from a lost child of the Familia. You know how it works"

Matthew: "If I survived then it was fate, but my hands were washed from the Familia"

Boss: "yet you still reached out, tell me boy, what is so important that you called me out of all people? Is the police here incompetent ?(*laughing a bit*)"

Matthew: "People here value money over everything else...if you have money you have power"

Boss: "That's how the world runs mijo"

Matthew: "This city is making me anxious. I feel like I am not safe...people with money here can easily make the life of reptile a living hell."

Boss: "Oh (*laughing hard*) you want the protection of the Familia?"

Matthew gulped before looking down at the lizard then away. The komodo dragon mrfed and let his cigar fall before crushing it with his shoe. He snapped his fingers and the two guys that were with him in his car approached and went to Matthew's sides.

Boss: "Boy, I trusted you and let you in the Familia when your oldman died. You needed strenght, I trained you. Your family needed safety from people that wanted bad to your late father, and I protected you. Your family was hungry, I fed you and sheltered you when you had nothing left. When you were all wondering how you will survive after his death, I lend you a hand...(*turning back and looking at the sky then back at Matthew with a sad face*) I gave you everything and how did you thanked me"

He put his hand up at shoulder level and the guys kicked Matthew in the back of his knees forcing him to kneel. Those guys were the Boss closest guards, they were trained assassins and former friends of Matthew, one was a white wolf and the other was a raven. Matthew knew that resisting now would be likely resulting in an imminent death. He looked up at the komodo dragon that leaned forward and bent to grab Matthew by the jaw and getting closer.

His white skull tattoo was clearly a match for his dark scales and it made him appear frightening despite his smaller stature.

He was the godfather of one of the most powerful crime family know across the country, some echoes of him even reached overseas. His real identity was unknown by all except from his closest right arms.

He had a stern look in his eyes but Matthew didn't falter.

Boss: "Tell me mijo, why do you need the people you turned your back to?"

Matthew: "I have a deal"

The lizard burst in laughter and patted Matthew's cheek.

Boss: " A deal? What do you have to offer that could be so valuable to me?"

Matthew: "I can help you find the killer of your daughter"

Boss took out a gun from his suit pocket and pointed it at Matthew's head.

Boss: "Careful with what you say next unless you want your brain painting this really despicable place"

Matthew's heart was beating fast and he was tensed, his tail was swaying a bit and he closed his eyes.

Matthew: "I think I might have clues. He lives in this city...So I find your killer and bring him to you and in exchange you protect us again"

The lizard seemed ready to shoot but withdraw his gun and looked the alligator. He hissed and looked down at him.

Boss: "what are you so afraid of in this city to need protection from the Familia? There is a small crime family here but they are not as trained as you were, you can easily defend your family so why?"

Matthew: "I...I have a feeling...I started having nightmares again...of my father and each time I got those something horrible happens. Last time, your dau-...Josefina was assassinated..."

These words made the lizard tightening his grip on his gun before loosing it and scoff.

Boss: "so you put your life on the line on the assumption that something will happen? You might be crazier that I thought"

Matthew: "I know you wouldn't kill me...we are family"

Boss: "cocky of you. A family you left when it was at its weakest. After the loss of Josephina I was broken...I found strenght in my sweet sons. But unlike your brothers here, you left, your betrayed the Familia and you ended some strong members too. Josephina always told me about you, that you were the kindest boy she ever met. She was always so happy to talk about you and planned a future with you. It was silly, she was just a kid afterall but she was so enthusiastic. I felt you were even closest family to me at that point...but when she died, you vanished. You broke the Familia contract and left without a word. Do you know how much you hurt me Aaron ?"

The alligator looked down and sighed.

Matthew: "When she died I thought I lost everything again. It was like when I lost my father...I blamed myself for not have been with her at that protect her...I regret leaving you...but I couldn't look at you again in the eyes...I failed you"

Boss: " hm...(*snapping his finger*)"

The two guys helped Matthew getting up and the latter briefly exchanged eyes contact with them. They were trying their best to hide their joy to see him. The lizard started walking back and forth while gently patting his head with the gun muzzle.

Boss: "you were right about something, I wouldn't kill you...she would despise me from above. But how could you think I would blame you for that...(*sigh*) That story is behind us...forget about the killer...and you were bluffing (*smiling*) I did teach you how to bargain with the devil (*chuckling*) you talked me through this...hmph Okay boys, weapons down. Our Familia greet back again one of his lost son, Aaron Adams"

Matthew eyes widened.

Matthew: "I don't..."

Boss: "You are pacifist now I figured. You didn't try to defend yourself nor even bring a weapon. I don't know if I should be concerned or impressed. Mijo, the Familia opens its arms to you once again, I will protect you like I did...that's what she would want...but I am afraid I can't stay in this city for long. I should be gone by the end of next month. But rest assured, your brothers will stay here to guard you, the three of you like back in the days"

Matthew: " that...what you want (*turning to the wolf and the raven*)"

Both of them broke their stern faces and smiled a bit. The wolf's tail wagged a bit and the Raven simply nodded. The wolf used sign language as he was mute. Matthew had learned it to understand him when they were younger. "Jerk, we missed you" he expressed with his gestures and Matthew instantly jolt in a laugh as he patted his head. The wolf quickly brushed it off but his wagging tail betrayed his real feelings. He was happy to see his brother again.

Matthew: "I missed you too, Juan and Miguel"

The wolf, Juan used sign again to express his words.

Juan: "Fuck you asshole. We were worried for you"

The raven spoke too. His dark feathers quite beautifully glittering with the cars light.

Miguel: "Apologies for his bad hands. We were just so sad when you left without saying anything to us. And when we got a message from you after all this time, we were conflicted between joy and anger"

Matthew: "I'm so sorry I made you all live through this...forgive me"

Boss: "All is forgiven. We have to go now. Our presence has risen some stares"

The lizard tilted his head and looked at his left directly into the eyes of a young male doberman that was peeking through his window. The latter flinched and close the curtains upon meeting the death stare of the Boss.

Matthew: "Thank you again Boss...I mean it"

Boss: "Mijo, you are family. It's normal, but don't upset me again or I might really paint my tattoos a crimson red" (*laughing*)

Matthew scratched his neck.

Matthew: "I got it."

With that all the people entered their cars and the duo of brothers too. The Boss looked at Matthew again before getting in.

Boss: "Say hello to Grace and the kids and that delicious Abuelita (*biting his lip*)"

Matthew: "That's still gross"

He chuckled as the lizard got in the car. They took off leaving Matthew on the street as he exhaled. He was holding his breath all the while in fear. He was lying earlier, when he said he knew the Boss wouldn't kill was a risky bet but he was glad he got through it. Now he had to head to Wyatt's place to get clean and change to go.

He climbed on his bike and put on his helmet and took off far from this creepy place, thinking that maybe his friends are about go get to the party. Around a corner a tall figure was lurking at all the scene, a little ray of electricity came from it as it vanished again in the dark alley, while Matthew sped past this part of town still a bit far from Wyatt's home. He breathed knowing that at least he got back the protection of the Familia, he just hoped it wouldn't bring chaos...not again.