Surprise Attack part 4

Jonas felt like he should know what it is that he had plunged his daggers into and was holding onto for dear life, but it wasn't like he was an expert on what the resistance every creature had to blades sinking into their flesh felt like. Nor had the creature become visible from his blades and Kim's biting into it. Maybe he might have been able to rule some creatures out if he had bare feet, but that wasn't something he was that worried about.

While he would have fallen off if his daggers hadn't pierced the skin of this creature, he was at least happy that he had his feet under him. Which also allowed him to have some of his weight allocated to his feet, which allowed his arms a little more freedom of movement. Just, it felt like he had attached himself to maybe a leg of the creature, where he could climb higher on the creature, but not really walk up.

So, looking around, Jonas estimated which direction he would need to go to get to the 'back' of this creature. Then he carefully pulled out one of his daggers and stabbed the creature further towards where he was certain he needed to go in order to get to the part of this creature he wanted reach.

As Jonas pulled out his other dagger, he suddenly felt something hit the creature, almost throwing him off the creature entirely. Jonas quickly looked around, hoping that the creature wasn't trying to discard himself and Kim. However, he couldn't help but feel surprised for some reason to find that Elmo was targeting the creature with his magic.

Somehow he felt like he should have realized Elmo would do that when he was off of the bridge. However, since he didn't, he could only try to take that into account as he recalculated what he could do.

Because he wasn't paying attention when Elmo's first spell had struck, Jonas wasn't sure what spell it was. All he could be certain of was that he and Kim were only affected by it because the creature was clearly hit heavily by the spell.

When the second volley came, Jonas was ready and able to ride the creature's sudden reaction to the Brimstone Flare striking it. As the creature's movements settled again, Jonas started to climb again, wondering what this creature was thinking now that Elmo and Elin were safer on the side of the canyon and Jonas and Kim were hanging on the creature itself.

Jonas had a brief thought about moving over to Kim to help her move up as well, but quickly dismissed the idea. If he tried that, he couldn't guarantee that he or Kim wouldn't get thrown off the creature by the time he could reach Kim. Not to mention that he couldn't say that having both of them together wouldn't make it easier to get both Kim and Jonas off of it.

As Jonas climbed on the creature, he did what he could to move with the creature's reactions to Elmo's spells and hoped that he'd still be able to at least get it so they could see what this creature was. However, after he'd climbed about 7 feet up, or what he estimated was 7 feet, he found he couldn't go further. Not because he ran into anything completely obstructing his momentum, but rather because he found that he was close enough to one of the wings of the creature that he couldn't push in the same direction he'd been going.

The wing wasn't creating a draft that made it difficult for him to move or hold on, but part of it did seem to be moving towards the front and back of the creature as well as up and down. Much like a rower moves the oars to move a boat. Moving in a semblance of an ovular pattern.

The hardest part was that Jonas couldn't see it, so it wasn't like he could just plan a way around it. Nor could he be certain that the wing itself didn't connect by the neck of the creature, although he suspected that this wasn't a bird, so he doubted that would be the case. Nor did he think that the wings of a bird would move in such a way as these seemed to move.

While he couldn't be sure what the effect would be, he pulled out one of his knives and out of the creature and timed his next move for when the wind had its downward motion. One his third attempt, he felt his dagger hit home, where he pulled on that dagger, creating a tear in the wing.

For a brief moment after that strike, he could see what appeared to be a blue-green scaled body. He wasn't sure what it was or what it might mean, but he did hear a roar of pain as the body of the creature disappeared again.

While Jonas hadn't completed what he'd have like to have accomplished, as in creating a rent in the wing so it wouldn't be usable, he could at least see that if had a similar effect. Which was that the creature was startling to slowly descend. Jonas couldn't be sure that this was a permanent effect, but at least it would get them to where it would be a little easier to deal with.

Especially with how the creature's shadow would be along the ground, where the creature was. Which would keep from having to estimate where to strike. Jonas was confident that they could at least deal with the creature in a final sort of way.

Another volley of Elmo's magic struck the creature as Jonas could see about where the creature seemed to plan on landing, eliciting another roar of pain. The destination was on the same side of the river as Elmo, but down lower, on a shelf around 20 to 30 feet above the river. Jonas had a feeling that the angle of where the creature planned on landing was going to be at an angle to where Elmo was launching his spells from.

Jonas couldn't say how much time he or Kim would have to try and jump before the creature landed, just that they would be likely at a disadvantage if they were still holding onto the creature.

As the creature neared the shelf on the canyon wall that it had apparently set its sights on, Jonas decided to let the creature land, then jump off before it could turn its attention to him. He figured that Kim would have an idea of what to do for herself, since they hadn't been communicating since they leapt to try their luck at landing on the creature.

However, as the creature was about to land, Jonas briefly saw Kim fall. She didn't have her sword with her and Jonas suspected that she either had decided to let go of her sword, or the volley of Elmo's magic that struck the creature hit it before it could get out of Elmo's direct line of sight.

A moment later, Jonas felt the creature land and once he felt his own balance was stabilized enough, he pulled his daggers out and pushed away from the creature with his feet, making a small jump, alert to any attack from the creature that it might make while he was possibly too close to dodge effectively.

However, another volley of Elmo's magic struck at that moment, surprising Jonas, and he was pretty sure the creature was surprised as well. Especially as it seemed to flicker a couple times, where Jonas could see that it's head was looking up towards where Elmo was before turning back to look at Jonas. Although, he wasn't able to clearly make out what it was.

Jonas risked a glance up towards where Elmo had been and saw him hanging a little off the edge of his shelf holding onto something, and Jonas suspected that Elin was aiding Elmo in the matter. However, he didn't launch another spell, but rather moved back away from the edge and out of Jonas' sight.

When the creature stopped flickering, it completely disappeared again, though Jonas could see the blood flowing out of it as well as Kim's sword in what looked like the middle point on one of its forelegs.

While Jonas tried to think of what to do next, he saw Kim dart forward before grabbing hold of the hilt of her sword and pulling it out in one fluid motion. Though, a moment later Kim was knocked away, clearly hit by something. Jonas hadn't been able to see exactly, but he suspected it was with the foreleg the sword had been in.

Kim flew at an angle along the shelf, towards the river, but skidded to a stop just before she would have started to fall off. The most of her hanging off, being merely her feet. Jonas couldn't say how relieved he was about that fact.

For one thing, he didn't care to face whatever this creature was by himself. Not from what little he knew about the creature.

Jonas couldn't say if it was from the air pressure, or maybe there was a whistling in the air that he subconsciously caught, but he jumped out of the way, feeling a slight cut along his side from his armpit to his hip. He recognized that if he hadn't moved he probably would be as good as dead if he didn't get killed from that outright.

Jonas didn't know what the best move would be, so he merely charged in, hoping that the creature wouldn't expect him to attack. He hoped that the creature would have thought he'd be more defensive in his approach. If that turned out to be the case, then he would have an advantage in that the creature would likely be caught off guard.

All Jonas had to identify where the creature was, was the blood flowing out of it, as the shadow the creature cast was larger than he had expected. Or rather longer. It had to have been a large creature to break apart the natural stone bridges, but he had thought that it wouldn't be as long as it turned out to be.

As Jonas felt his daggers bite into the creature, he pulled downward, as if he was trying to climb with the daggers, but instead slicing more of the creature open. While it looked rather gory, Jonas suspected he was only able to do superficial damage at the moment. As he couldn't be sure where the vital areas of the creature actually was.