About the Crystal part 2

Elin felt a little surprised at Jonas not asking about the 'others' she mentioned. Rather, instead he asked, "How many are there?"

She wasn't sure how to respond to that, since she hadn't really memorized just how many there were up until she found herself in there, but other than that, she had a feeling that the crystal could only hold up to twelve creatures, otherwise she'd have expected it to have a different name than 12-colored crystal.

While she wanted to say something in response, or maybe even explain what she knew about it, she could hear the issues Jonas had. Which was something that had bothered her for the weeks she'd been in the crystal. Or at least what had felt like weeks.

The fact that it had only been a day was still something she was struggling with getting over.

She reached out and touched Jonas' throat without saying anything and merely said, "Treat."

She doubted that there'd be anything really complicated about treating what she was assuming was a simple illness. If it required more, then she would use 'assess' even though it hardly seemed like it would be worth the effort to Elin. Not when she was more than confident that it was something that would have gone away on its own, no matter what she did. It just would take a little longer, which is why she thought she'd clear it up.

It would at least repay what she owed Jonas for helping take care of her when there wasn't a reason for him to have stuck with her so much when she had no clue as to who she was.

As the sensation of her MP draining out of her subsided, when she felt the most of that loss, Jonas brushed her hand away. Though, it wasn't fast enough to keep her from doing what she had intended to do.

"No need to waste time on that," Jonas merely replied. "There's other things that we should be more focused on."

"And how are we supposed to do that if you're not at your best?" Elin demanded, feeling a little surprised with herself. Usually she'd be more willing to go with the flow and be uncertain of her choice to have helped Jonas out like that, but now she was arguing with Jonas.

Which made her wonder, not only how much she'd changed, but when. When was it that had really caused her to become so self confident? It certainly wasn't when she didn't have her memories and she couldn't think of how it would have happened when she was by herself for so long in that single day she was in the crystal.

Jonas didn't say anything about the change she'd noticed in herself, but rather arched an eyebrow. "Regardless of the point you have, I'm not the target. Therefore, what my condition is, isn't important. What is important is what your condition is as well as what is necessary to get all the other creatures or whatever out of the crystal."

Elin looked upward. "Well, I think there might be seven other creatures in the pendant. Though, only three are like Ember. The others look different and I'm not entirely sure they're completely capable of talking with us. Though, I'm not sure how to get them out without entering it again and I can't say I know much else about the crystal," Elin said, considering all she knew about the crystal.

The first color was basically white, or essentially all the colors, with what she knew about how prisms would break up white light into a rainbow. That one also was empty and Elin suspected that was the case to keep others from realizing just how important the pendant was. The second color was red and contained a bird like Ember. The third color was blue and it contained another bird, though this bird felt somehow different. Not that Elin really knew how it was different. Although, part of it might have been from its plumage.

The fourth color was green, though rather than a bird, there was a serpent of some kind in there. Elin doubted this serpent was necessary for anything they'd have wanted, but it was still trapped in there, so she knew she'd want to free it at some point anyway.

The fifth color was yellow, which also contained another bird that seemed similar to Ember. The sixth color was orange, which contained another bird, though this some seemed maybe half the size of Ember, although it still felt like it might still be the same kind of bird. The seventh color as purple and contained what Elin thought might be an orc. Though, this orc seemed physically stronger than the ones who she and Elmo had massacred that one time and the kind she'd probably not want to encounter outside of a protective barrier like the crystal. Which was another piece she was pretty sure she would need to free anyway, regardless of her own feelings on the matter.

The eighth color was sea-blue. Inside was what Elin had once heard described as a harpy. A female creature that was supposed to try and kill almost anything it encountered. Though, as Elin looked at this one, it felt more sad and despondent than hostile and angry. So, while she didn't really want to do anything herself, she still felt like she should get this creature out, if only because of how she didn't want anything to look like that. Even if it was a creature so evil that it's entire being exuded just how foul of a creature it was.

When Elin finished explaining what she recalled of the creatures in the pendent, she had to take a breath. She felt a little surprised at how much there was to say, but she was also willing to bet that this was more than a simple matter of deciding which creatures to release and when.

With how many different kinds there were, Elin had a feeling that each were somehow important to Douglas. Even if that use wasn't as immediately apparent, though she worried that she'd need to release all of them before she'd be able to learn what it was exactly that had been so important about those creatures. Or at least what it was that Douglas found so important about them.

"So, would you want to get the other birds like Ember out first?" Jonas asked. "Or would you rather try for one of the other creatures?"

Elin couldn't say that she was sure herself. She wanted to get all of them out, including the orc, but she had a feeling that it would be better to not get all of them at once.

Besides, just because it felt like weeks to her when she was in there doesn't meant that the others would feel that way. Besides, even if they did, it was also possible that they wouldn't know at what point Elin had gotten the crystal and when she'd free them. Plus, they might not be aware of any other time frame than what they knew in the crystal.

Elin did recall that her memories couldn't say when it was that they'd appeared in the crystal. Just that they were there and it had felt like maybe a year or two before Elin showed up herself to recover them.

"Maybe we should wait until we can get Ember here," Elin suggested. "That way we can see what she thinks about it."

Jonas nodded. "Sounds reasonable, though I have a feeling her suggestions will be a little biased."

Elin shook her head. It didn't matter to her. As long as they had something to work with on which creatures to free first and all that. "So what if she'd biased?" Elin asked, genuinely curious. "Even if she only tells us things that we already know and all that, at least it'll be another voice offering an opinion on the issue."

Jonas nodded, though he still looked skeptical to Elin. She wasn't that worried about it, but that wasn't the problem for her. The problem was that neither of them knew how long it would be before Ember showed up. Or if she would.

"Any guesses on how long we'll have to wait?" Elin asked, already starting to feel rather impatient. She wanted to get started as soon as possible and didn't like needing to wait, even if it was necessary.

Jonas merely shook his head. "Not really, but she was supposed to come by today, so she should be here sooner or later, assuming Douglas didn't get to her, that is."

Elin sighed. "If she doesn't show up, I guess we'll need to figure out which one to pick in that case," she said, feeling annoyed by the mere idea.

"Well, if we need to, we can go back to the others before that," Jonas suggested. "You never know, something might have happened that will let us know which one will be better to select, even if we wouldn't choose that one until maybe the last."

Elin sighed. Jonas had a point and while she didn't like it, she couldn't argue against it. "Let's wait until sunset then," she said. "If Ember doesn't show up, we can make our way back to the others, okay?"

"What do you need to discuss with the others?" Ember asked, as the bird landed on a branch nearby.