Chapter 16, Orochimaru

"Tsunade, wins."

Senju Kaku announced the result of the match, Raijin's defeat was completely expected.

At the age of six, Tsunade is invincible among her peers.

On the one hand, it is the double bloodline enhancement of Senju and Uzumaki.

On the other hand, Tsunade herself focuses on Taijutsu.

And as everyone knows, the Taijutsu system forms very quickly in the early stage.

If Raijin could open Sharingan, it would be possible to erase the enhancement brought by Tsunade's bloodline.

But unfortunately, Raijin has not opened Sharingan now.

With the result appearing, Tsunade didn't make any peace sign with Raijin, she just stepped forward and pulled Raijin up.

She helped Raijin walk down.

So powerful.

Orochimaru watched Tsunade helping Raijin walk down, and thought to himself.

Tsunade doesn't need to say much, her strength and speed are rarely matched.

What really caught Orochimaru's eye was Raijin.

Being able to persist for such a long time with physical fitness much inferior to Tsunade's is really amazing.

Orochimaru remembered that his parents once said that Uchiha Raijin of the Uchiha family has now mastered five types of C-level Ninjutsu.

Orochimaru pursed his lips and wanted to spar with Raijin.

As for Tsunade...

Forget it, Orochimaru thinks he might not be Raijin's opponent, but sparring with Raijin is a knowledgeable thing.

At least it can hone his skills.

But sparring with Tsunade... it's better to do physical training directly for strength and so on.

The most important thing is that a Ninjutsu genius like Raijin should have an unusual understanding of Ninjutsu, right?

Jiraiya, on the other hand, gritted his teeth and looked at Tsunade's back, who was helping Raijin.

In the class, the prettiest little girl... just like that...

Jiraiya couldn't help but clench his fists.

Jiraiya watched this scene silently, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

He also wanted to be like Raijin, to knock down Tamura Yoshiyuki in one move.

He wanted even more to be like Tsunade, to have an almost irresistible power.

But he, probably can't even defeat Tamura Yoshiyuki, right?

Jiraiya put himself in the shoes of the situation and thought that he couldn't dodge Tamura Yoshiyuki's punch.

The contest was still going on in the field.

Down the field, Tsunade was resting with Raijin.

"What are we going to eat later?"

Tsunade turned her head and asked Raijin.

"How about getting a bowl of ramen and some fried skewers?"

Raijin asked Tsunade in response.


Tsunade nodded, you have to admit, Raijin is a good eater.

"I'll go buy the fried skewers."

Tsunade said to Raijin, and Raijin nodded in response.

"Get me a few more vegetarian skewers, add more sauce, no spicy."

"You're so demanding."

Tsunade glanced at Raijin disdainfully and said with a full face of disgust.

Finally, it was lunch break time, the contest had not ended yet, and it was estimated that it would continue in the afternoon.

As he stood up with Tsunade, Raijin was about to go to lunch with Tsunade when someone appeared in front of Raijin and Tsunade.

"Hello, Raijin-kun, Tsunade-hime, my name is Orochimaru."

"Is there anything you need?"

Raijin looked up in surprise, he didn't expect Orochimaru to take the initiative to get to know him and Tsunade.

In fact, according to Raijin's own thoughts, Raijin has no intention of actively getting to know Orochimaru or anyone else.

Raijin just wants to graduate honestly, then join the Konohagakure police force, and make a living.

What about peace in the ninja world, becoming Hokage and other ideals, they are too far away from Raijin.

Raijin has always felt that he is just a small person.

Small people are not qualified to think about such high-end things.

"I heard that Raijin-kun has mastered five types of Ninjutsu, so if it's convenient for you, I hope to exchange some insights on Ninjutsu with you."

Orochimaru said to Raijin, Orochimaru is never a person who waits to be passively accepted, he will take the initiative to attack when he is interested in people or things.

And not like a certain person hiding in the crowd, quietly, pretending not to care about Tsunade's Jiraiya.

"Actually, I don't have much experience. what I have mastered is nothing more than the lowest level C-level Ninjutsu."

Raijin pursed his lips, the existence of Motohide successfully shattered Raijin's plan to be a low-key person.

But fortunately, because of the existence of the Thunder Fruit, the strength that Raijin shows now is not even 20% of his real strength.

Perhaps it will still arouse the covetousness of others, but it can also cause people to misjudge at a critical moment.

After all, who can catch a bolt of lightning?

"But even so, it's enough to show Raijin-kun's talent, are you going to eat? Can I have the honor to join you two?"

Orochimaru keenly noticed the growing impatience on Tsunade's face.


Raijin looked at Tsunade, and Tsunade nodded lightly.

"The relationship between Raijin-kun and Tsunade-hime is really good."

Orochimaru sidestepped, the three of them walked towards the outside of the school together, Orochimaru praised with a smile on his face.

"Isn't it?"

Raijin laughed lightly when he heard the words, and casually responded.

When they reached the food street, Tsunade turned and went in one direction, while Raijin continued to walk forward.

Seeing this, Orochimaru was taken aback, but he didn't say anything, just continued to follow Raijin forward.

Orochimaru's target has always been Raijin, not Tsunade.

"Actually, I feel that there is no insight to speak of in learning Ninjutsu. For example, C-level Ninjutsu only requires chakra control to meet the standard, and then complete the hand seals in order, and it will be successful."

Raijin glanced at Orochimaru and said casually.

"Hmm, what Raijin-kun said is right, but it's such a simple problem, but few people can do it."

Orochimaru said with a light laugh upon hearing this.

"Boss, four bowls of ramen to go."


In the midst of the exchange, Orochimaru looked at Raijin in surprise.

Four bowls?!

I can't eat that much.

"Aren't you buying?"

Raijin glanced at the motionless Orochimaru and asked in confusion.

This can be considered a kind reminder, as for inviting Orochimaru to eat, Raijin has no such plan.

"Give me a bowl to go too."

Orochimaru was taken aback and subconsciously said to the boss.

"Actually, learning Ninjutsu is very simple, but there is no shortcut, it can only be achieved through constant practice. As long as the chakra control is enough, then it will naturally be learned."

Raijin said to Orochimaru, Raijin really didn't know what was good about Ninjutsu, it was nothing more than forming seals, and then releasing Ninjutsu.

"Indeed, after all, what we can touch now is only C-level Ninjutsu."

Orochimaru nodded upon hearing this, and after pondering for a moment, Orochimaru said to Raijin.

"Raijin-kun, I want to spar with you, is it convenient for you?"


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