
He laid in desolate place. The dust of the warm, dry sand blew and rested upon his face as he laid unconscious. Around him was a broken, rundown city and living things could not be seen… except, for them. The people who fought against them called them The SOUL THIEVES. Creatures or rather beings, which seemed to have come out of nowhere, that began decreasing the human populace. They looked and sounded like humans, but the one attribute they couldn't hide, were their tongues. Their tongues were black and had odd, disturbing marks on them. Their killing methods were simple, but, when put through an autopsy, the cause of death could not be found. Hence the name, Soul Thieves.


They crept around in their true forms, searching for any survivors, as one stumbled upon this unconscious boy. The beast licked its lips as its saliva dripped onto the boy's face, yet no reaction from him. The beast grumbled and growled as it opened its jaw, stretching as wide as half of the boy's body. Its teeth looked like knifes in the pattern of chainsaw blades and they were sharper than the sharpest sword. The beast let out a large roar, preparing for its meal… and as it was about to take a bite of the boy, a slicing sound echoed against the surrounding buildings, the beast's head slipping off from its body, dropping the beast to the ground.


A female, average height, and her face covered with a scarf, takes the boy's hands, and begins to drag him out of harm's way. "Come on, we don't have much time." She said as she enters some sort of building and calls an elevator with a special passcode. Although unconscious, the code somehow echoes within the boy's head: 980289. The elevator arrives as they enter. She carries him with his left arm hanging around her neck and her hand around his waist as his feet were dragging. The elevator does not take long to arrive at its destination, an underground, vibrant city. A city where life thrives and peace exists, a city where the Soul Thieves cannot enter and a city… where the boy doesn't belong.


-Prologue End-