Schoolhouse Rock

Noble pushed her way into the cafe. It was far busier than she had ever seen. A few people gave her dirty looks until they realized she was an Awakened. Most decided it was better to let her through and not make her angry.


All except one frustrated old woman. "I remember when there were no Awakened!" she shook her fist. "I don't care whether you are trying to save the world or not, you have to wait in line like the rest of us!"


Noble's eyes opened in surprise. "Oh no, I am not trying to cut in line. I just wanted to say hello to…"


"Noble! Over here!" A gorgeous redhead exited the kitchen and waved. Seeing the massive line, she gave a brief instruction to the cashier before her more placid demeanor resumed.


As the beautiful woman came around the corner of the counter, she was swarmed with people.


"Fireshing, can I have your autograph!"


"Fireshing, over here! Can I get a picture?"


"Fireshing, what was it like to fight Lord Mongrel!"


The questions all overlapped. Trying not to show her nervousness, the young woman squatted down beside a little girl, pulled out the notepad from her apron, and signed her name. 

She handed the paper to the child and then took Noble's hand. With an uncomfortable smile to the crowd, the redhead pulled her friend into the kitchen and shut the door. 

Startled, the new cake decorator looked up from her most recent work of art. Fireshing waved off the worker's obvious concern. "It's ok, Jolly. She's a friend." 


"A friend!" Noble fanned herself dramatically. "Oh, Sarai! How lucky I am to have such a celebrity like you consider me a friend!"


Sarai blushed heavily as her eyes darted away. "I'm the lucky one," she answered with a coy grin. The two women hugged. "I didn't expect to see you. I thought we weren't planning to meet up until this afternoon when I got off work."


"I know, but I was running ahead of schedule, and I thought I would come by and congratulate you on your success in your first tournament. Quite an achievement! It seems I am not the only one who thinks so." Noble could still hear the clamoring outside the door.


"I suppose you saw the sign outside. It was my manager's idea to increase business. I guess it worked because it's been insanely busy like this ever since the Battle Royale. By refusing to join up with Kim Saitoh against Mongrel, I have become a folk hero. Though not as much of a hero as Queen Bee or even Lady Morgan of Valor." Sarai was quick not to overplay her own prestige.


"But Queen Bee is nowhere to be found and I wouldn't go within two kilometers of Lady Morgan. She seems terrifying. So you get all my adoration. Fireshing, Fireshing!" Noble chanted softly.


"You are just trying to flatter me," Sarai feigned indignation, but her deep blush betrayed her. "If this is your way to get more free pastries, then keep it up!" The redhead broke into a big grin and added with full sincerity, "Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it. You know I couldn't have done it without you. Your sparring helped me immensely."


"I didn't do much, but I will when we train later!" Noble winked. "I'll let you get back to work. The boss's job is never done!"


Sarai took a pastry from the cooling rack and tossed it into Noble's waiting hands. "This one is on the house. Your daughter popped in on her way to school just a moment ago, and I thought she might buy out the whole store!"


Noble took a bite of the morsel in her hand and groaned in pleasure. "What can I say? We both know quality. She probably wants to bring some home as a surprise tonight."


"Is she in trouble?" Sarai furrowed her brow.


Swallowing another bite, Noble shook her head. "No, I just offered to help her, and she blew me off. My daughter is a good kid, and she'll want to make it up to me for hurting my feelings."


"Well, then you raised her right. Honey's sweet, just like her mum." Sarai's words of admiration made Noble suddenly self-conscious.


"She doesn't want to be called 'Honey' anymore." Noble looked away.


Sarai nodded knowingly as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Well, then I can call her whatever she prefers. Being a teen is hard work, after all."


"You are a wonderful friend," the brunette hugged the redhead firmly. "I really have to go. See you later!"


Munching on the doughy goodness in her hand, Noble was very glad that she had made the detour. She went from being early to ever-so-slightly late, but it was worth it.


'Another person who makes food better than me!'


A short while later, Noble changed out her walking shoes for her heels as she hurried toward the large compound where she worked. The Awakened Academy did not really have a dress code–no one wanted to tell a bunch of people with powers how they must be attired–but after years of going with her husband to government events, Noble knew the importance of appearances.


Walking up to the academy gates, Noble touched her heart and her head as she passed the candles and other relics left behind for the young woman lying in a pod inside the walls. Changing Star had a very loyal following.


'Fight well and come back to those who care for you.'


The grounds of the Academy were filled with people. Sleepers as well as staff–both Awakened and mundane were traveling to classes or other engagements. Additional Awakened, who were continuing their education or simply in need of the resources that the Academy had to offer, were also traversing between buildings.


Entering one of the main complexes, Noble passed a man—more like a giant–wearing a dark blue uniform. The Awakened's wide shoulders and athletic build would have intimidated most people, but Noble knew him well enough to feel quite comfortable in his presence. 

His eyes were calm and serious as he inclined his head at the lovely woman. "Awakened Noble." 

"Awakened Rock! Just the man I was hoping to see." Noble slowed her pace slightly when her colleague neared.


"Let me guess," Rock gave a small lopsided grin. "You want to use one of my training areas this afternoon."


"Only if it is free. I won't impede the education of the students, of course." Noble rested her hands comfortably on her satchel.


Instructor Rock stopped and eyed her carefully for a moment. Her thin frame belied her inner strength. The few times he had seen her spar, he had been impressed with her skill. "You are the most tenacious non-combatant I know," he admitted with a chuckle. "As always, you may use my facility any time you please."


 Noble gave a small bow. "And as always, I'll be happy to help you in return, Rock."


"You always do," Rock's face hardened as he saw two students misbehaving ahead of him. "If you'll excuse me."

Noble moved briskly away. As much of a teddy bear as the man could be around her, he was more of a real bear when someone was disrespecting the Academy grounds. It was not a scene she wanted to witness.


 Down a few more corridors, Noble finally arrived at her destination. It was a long walk, that is, if the woman had actually had to walk it.


She touched the top of the classroom door for good luck. Noble would need it. Every day teaching Sleepers was an adventure.


'I wonder what today will hold?'