A Surprise Inspection

"You did this on purpose!" Noble clenched her fists and fought back tears. "We cannot replace Seb with another child. He is not a pair of worn-out shoes. He was our son. How could you even think of such a thing?" 

"I didn't! I swear I didn't know this was where we were going. I was just trying to get you out of the house." All the blood had drained from Fort's face. His hands shook as he turned around the datapad. "All I got was the address and the forms to fill out during the inspection. It did not even occur to me that orphanages were government facilities." 

If Noble could not feel the genuine fear and remorse radiating from her husband, she would have been tempted to call him a liar. It was exceptionally hard to be angry when her husband had genuinely been trying to pull her out of the dark place she was in.

While Fort's method may have been misguided, Noble had to admit that being on the train and around people had been the first time in months she did not feel like crawling in a hole and disappearing. She looked at the building, a new wave of anxiety washing over her. 

This was not Fort's fault. Some cruel twist of fate had brought them to this point. The man beside her seemed equally apprehensive about entering the building. 

Maybe even more so. 

Noble had been so overwhelmed with her own grief that she hadn't given much thought to how much pain Fort was experiencing. She thought about him now, and it filled her with guilt.

Fort had processed Seb's death in his own way but had spent a considerable amount of time caring for his wife at his own emotional expense. It was time for her to take that burden from him.

Interlacing her fingers with his, Noble smiled softly at her husband. "I believe you didn't know. If you want to leave, I will support you in that. If you want to finish this job, I will help you with that." 

Fort glanced over at the window. A child had evaded her caretakers and was staring out at the cloudy sky. For now, the acid rain was holding off, but there was no guarantee that would last. It would be safer to be inside. 

Spotting the couple, the girl ducked, disappearing from view like a frightened rabbit. The little one reminded Fort of his wife and how she had been avoiding everyone since their world fell apart. 

The man sighed. "I got you out of the house, and I am not about to let you go back just now…" Fort glanced down at the datapad resignedly. "I said I would do this job, and I shall. But I will do it as efficiently as I can. Then maybe…we could go see a movie or have lunch at our favorite spot?" 

Fort sounded even more nervous than the first time he had asked Noble on a date. The vulnerability in his voice made Noble's heart flutter. 

"A movie sounds good. Romance or action? I saw an ad on the train for a film on Saint Bloodwave's ascension." The woman offered with a faint smile. 

"Anything as long as it is with you." Fort was bolstered by the warmth of his wife's hand in his. He straightened his back. "Alright. I think I am ready. You?"

Noble's smile widened, "Not at all, but let's go anyway." 

"I love you." Fort pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it. 

"I love you too." Noble felt her cheeks flush.

Before the couple could say any more, the door to the orphanage creaked open and a woman with a tight braid peered out at them. She looked at the two well-dressed individuals, trying to gauge their intention over the top of her wide-rimmed glasses. 

"May I help you?" Her crisp tone was firm but not unfriendly. 

"My name is Fort, and I was sent in place of your assigned agent to conduct today's inspection," Fort dipped his head slightly as he held out the data pad showing his credentials. 

The woman's eyes opened with surprise. "I do hope nothing has happened to Vergil." She straightened her starched collar absentmindedly. 

"Just a bit of a cold, I think. Nothing to concern yourself with Ma'am. May we come in…?" Fort paused. 

"Opal. I am the Orphanage's facilitator." Opal opened the door farther, allowing the two visitors to enter and take asylum just as the first drops of rain fell to the ground. 

"It is nice to meet you. I am Awakened Noble." The woman offered her hand to the facilitator. 

Opal took it, releasing her wide skirt to reveal something that would have rather stayed hidden. 

"Oh! Hello!" Noble chirped as she bent down. 

The little girl ducked farther behind Opal but not before Noble recognized her.

"You were the one in the window a moment ago! Did you alert Miss Opal to our presence?" The couple had not yet knocked when the door was answered.

The facilitator blanched. 

"I promise we do not make a habit of letting children wander around unsupervised. This little one is a new arrival and hasn't learned all the rules yet. I will have someone get her and return her to the appropriate room." Opal pulled out a communicator from her jacket pocket. It was clear she knew that the incident would be counted against her, and she wanted to show that she did know how to run things.

Still bent down, Noble felt a sudden surge of fear hit her in the chest. The child was terrified. 

Pulled by a force greater than any call from a Nightmare Gate, Noble was compelled to act on behalf of this little child. "Can she not walk around with us? At least until we reach her room in the natural progression of things." 

Fort locked eyes with his wife and they exchanged a silent conversation. He hesitated but eventually shrugged. "That is fine with me as long as Miss Opal has no issue with it." 

Opal's face relaxed slightly. "Whatever works for you, Inspector Fort." 

"Is that alright with you, little one? Would you like to walk with us?" Noble looked at the child. She couldn't have been more than three.

"Oh, she hasn't spoken since she got here," Opal explained quickly lest Noble think the child was rude.

"Not spoken even a single word? Are you sure? Is it lack of will or ability?" Fort immediately wished he could take back his questions when the little girl looked at him.

She was so innocent, and his words could have been easily taken the wrong way. Fortunately, the child seemed more curious than hurt. 

"I do not have the cases of all the children memorized, but I believe she is just shy. Would you like me to check?" Opal again felt self-conscious about not being able to seem competent in front of the inspector.

"No need, I am sure it was just idle curiosity and not something Fort needs as part of his report." Noble waited for her husband to confirm. 

"Awakened Noble is correct. This is just a routine inspection. It would be unfair for the government to expect you to know every detail of every child." Fort continued to look at the little girl. "I am sure you are quite clever. You will speak when you are ready."

The child graced him with a sheepish smile and nodded slowly.

Noble held out her hand toward the tiny creature. "Do you want to walk with me? I've never been here before." 

The floating Awakened felt a myriad of emotions emanate from the dark-haired babe. Coming to a decision, the child reached out her bony fingers and placed them in the woman's palm. 

Everything was settled.

"Very good," Fort opened his datapad and brought up the list of tasks that he needed to complete. He pulled out a stylus to take notes more easily, then placed it expectantly onto the screen. "Shall we begin?"