
Noble's eyes began to swirl uncontrollably. Thankfully, with her head leaning on her mother's shoulder, Honey couldn't see her mother's face.

'Him?!' The Awakened's mind raced. Which 'him' could her daughter possibly be worried about? It certainly wasn't her father or brothers. 'When did my girl start thinking about boys?!'

There was that one young man at school whom Honey had mentioned once, but there hadn't seemed to be any particular attachment to him. 'What was his name?'

"Is this about Tyre?" Noble tried out the first name that came to mind. 

Honey pursed her lips. "What? You mean the kid in my class who got a stylus stuck in his nose?" She shuddered.

'Ah yes, that was the story. Whoops...'

"I, well, you said you were worried about someone, and if you push one of those far enough into your head it is sure to do brain damage." Noble hedged. 

Thankfully, the teen was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she didn't seem to be bothered by her mother's explanation.

Honey sighed, "I'm not worried about that fool." 

"Then tell me what worries you." The professor went back to stroking the girl's hair.

While they had fun together, it had been a long time since they had sat down and talked about life. It seemed that Honey had missed that time as well, for she relaxed and all but her deepest worry dissipated. 

"I am worried about my tutor." The teen caused a flurry of emotion in her mother.

'Thank goodness it isn't a boy!'

"Your combat tutor?" Noble wanted to clarify.

While Honey didn't have any other paid tutors, there were possibly free ones at school about which she wasn't aware.

"Yeah, him." Honey's sadness came back in full force. 

"Did something happen to him?" Noble tried to keep the unsettling feeling at bay until she had more information. A child worrying for an adult was cause for concern. 

"I don't know if anything happened. He went on a trip in the Dream Realm and hasn't returned yet. It just...it's been weeks!" Honey's voice cracked on the final works. 

Noble squeezed her arm. "Ah, so that is the problem," the professor relaxed. "Awakened often disappear for long periods without explanation. There is usually no reason to panic. I am sure he will return as soon as he desires. Depending on where he is, it is easy to lose track of time." 

The words did not settle the dark-haired teen. Noble felt a droplet of water fall onto her arm as Honey wiped away her tears. The child held in a silent sob. 

Hugging Honey tightly, Noble's heart ached. "Sweet girl! Why the tears? I am sure he is fine. I can even have your father check in on your tutor's status and put out my own inquiries if you are this worried." 

"Will you disappear like he did?" Honey's innocent eyes suddenly pulled back to look her mother full in the face. 

Noble stopped the swirling of her irises just in time. "Have I ever done that?" the woman turned the question back on her daughter. 

"No," Honey admitted. 

"I am not the adventuring type, and I have no interest in the Dream Realm's pull. I spend only the amount of time I have to in the other world and not a moment longer. This life with you, your brothers and your father," the last word brought a smile to Noble's face. "This is the life I choose. There is nothing that could tempt me into changing my mind." 

"What if someone offered you a large sum to do a dangerous mission in the Dream Realm?" Honey persisted. 

"Who needs money when I can help you with your..." Noble peeked over to the datapad, "...History homework?" The professor's smile faded when she saw Honey's earnest expression. "As much as it is in my control, I will be here in this world with you. Always." 

"I love you," Honey reached up and wrapped her arms around her mother's neck. 

"I love you too." Noble held her daughter. They sat on the bed like that for a long time. Tears streamed down both faces. 

Finally, Honey pulled away and wiped at her face. "I feel better," she said. 

"I don't," Noble looked seriously at her child. "You have been weeks without a combat trainer and didn't bother to tell me!" 

The teen could see a hint of playfulness in her mother's expression. "I was afraid you would find me a new tutor while I waited," she answered sheepishly. 

Noble waved her pointer finger. "You bet I will! You don't want to lose all your skills while your regular tutor is out lollygagging on vacation! You need to hone them so that when the lazy bum returns, you can beat his Awakened rear into next Tuesday!" 

"Mom!" Honey took her pillow and buried her face in it. 

"Too much? It was the rear part that got me, wasn't it?" The professor cocked her head to one side. 

The girl shook her head. Her mother really tried too hard sometimes. 

Noble pulled the pillow from her daughter's face and tossed it back to the head of the bed. "I was serious about the trainer part. If you don't want me to hire one then I could--" 

"No, no. I don't want to take up your valuable time, Mom. Uh yeah, if we have the money, we can hire another tutor just to fill the gap. I rather like the idea of gaining a new trick or two in my arsenal for the future." 

Noble nodded. The floating Awakened had pulled from many different styles herself. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise. "I'll look for someone suitable in the morning." 

"Thanks, Mom." Honey hugged her mother once more. "For everything. But especially for being here."

"Anything for you, baby. Truly." Noble would go to the end of the world—two worlds—for her family.

"And…" Honey hesitated, "I appreciate you not using your Ability on me. I know you said it isn't easy to see me sad. Most parents can't do anything about their kids' emotions but you can."

It did take a great amount of restraint by Noble not to manage her children's feelings for them. It would have been convenient but not healthy.

"I would not intentionally do that without your permission. Now, I know you turned me down for combat training, but would you like any homework help?"

Honey reached for her datapad. "I don't know that I need any help, but I wouldn't mind the company." There was a fragility in the girl's voice that melted Noble's heart.

"You want me to sit here and watch you do your work?"

"Yes," Honey chewed her lip. "Is that alright?"

Noble patted the girl's shoulder gently. "Let me get us both some tea, and I'll be here as long as you need."


Fort turned off the news when he saw his wife come out of the hall. "I was beginning to think you'd never return," he said with a small smile.

"I waited with her until she fell asleep. Sometimes she acts so mature that I forget she needs me. Her tutor's absence got her worrying about abandonment." Noble explained as she took a spot next to her spouse.

"Heavy topic," Fort wasn't sure how else to respond. "I'm glad you were there for her."

"Me too. How are the boys?" Noble realized she hadn't kissed them goodnight.

"Sleeping soundly. I told them you would read them two bedtime stories tomorrow night." Fort winked.

"Thanks," the lady relaxed a little. Then she sighed.

Leaning over to the edge of the couch, Noble grabbed her satchel.

When she opened it, Forts eyes opened wide. "What are you doing with that?!"