A Very Special Chair

In the end, Noble decided that she was robbing herself of a well-earned victory. No one in the media had mentioned anything about Unorganized Laundry throwing the match.

She would wear the title of champion with pride. 

'I named myself Queen Bee. I should act like it!'

And she did. The next months flew by. Bee continued to train with Fireshing in the Dreamscape.

Additionally, she made a triumphant return to the individual arena. Her bout with Nickel had reminded her of the importance of stamina.

If Noble wasn't going to go out and practice inside the Dream Realm, she would need to work extra hard in the Dreamscape to make up for it. 

The year ended in what felt like a blink of an eye. And with it, another batch of Sleepers went and returned to the waking world. 

A few weeks had passed since the solstice, and school was already back in session. Most of the students at the Academy currently were the freshly christened Awakened. 

Education did not stop once people were no longer Sleepers. Those who wanted to continue could learn as much as they liked. This time of year, most of Noble's work involved helping new Awakened identify memories that they recently earned in the Dream Realm. It gave her a plethora of material for papers. 

All in all, it was probably her favorite part of the season. 

"Professor Noble?" Someone called her name as she entered the front gate of the Academy that morning. 

Noble smiled broadly as an old man with bushy eyebrows beckoned her over. "Teacher Julius! How good to see you!"

Walking over, the professor hugged her mentor and dipped her head toward the shadowy figure beside him. "Hello!"

Julius clasped his hands excitedly.

"You have impeccable timing as always, Professor Noble. I was wondering if you might do me a favor? I have a meeting that I am late for on the other side of the campus, and I need someone to show Master Sunless here to his classroom." Julius looked at her apologetically. "I don't suppose you would be willing to escort him?" 

Noble looked at Sunless. He seemed mildly uncomfortable but did not deny that he needed the help.

The professor nodded with a bright smile. "I would be honored. Master Sunless, what class are you taking?" 

"Uh," the young man coughed. "I'm not going to a lecture. I am giving one."

"Forgive me!" Noble's ears burned. "I am sorry for assuming. I did not realize you had been brought on staff here." 

Julius chuckled softly as he patted Sunless on the shoulder. "You cannot blame her too much, my boy. You do look a bit young to be running a classroom." 

"I am sure you will do splendidly," Noble tried to recover from her mistake. "It's not like this is your first time teaching someone."

One corner of Sunless's mouth tilted upward. "No, just the first time in a classroom."

"Well, you are Teacher Julius's most accomplished protege. And Julius is truly the best teacher to have ever existed." 

"I don't know about that. I did have two of the best students to have ever attended the Academy though. You've both turned out better than any teacher could have hoped." Julius beamed with pride. 

Sunless's gaze narrowed slightly. "Aren't you late for a meeting?" 

The old man's eyes opened wide. "Ah, yes. Thank you. As you can see, I would much rather be here. Sunless is teaching in the lecture hall where Teacher Geo used to be. Do you know how to get the key?" 

Noble nodded. "I can handle it from here." 

Julius wiggled his bushy eyebrows excitedly. "I look forward to hearing about your rousing success, my boy. Maybe the three of us can celebrate afterward?" 

Thankfully, the old teacher was in too much of a hurry to wait for an answer. Noble was not sure what the appropriate response would have been. 

"If you'll come with me, I will get you that key and help you find the room," she offered to the pale young man. 

Sunless nodded and fell in step beside her. The cool air around them made them move across the compound at a brisk pace. 

"So, you go by Professor Noble?" the Master asked tentatively. 

The floating Awakened smiled. "That is what people call me here, yes. You do not have to, of course. I suppose they will call you Master Sunless?" 

"I suppose they will. We will see," the man answered noncommittally. 

"What course are you teaching?" Noble wondered what topic would entice a Master to lecture at the Academy. 

"Resource Management During Prolonged Expeditions and Intercitadel Travel." Sunless shrugged. 

'That's a mouthful.' Her smile remained in place. "How interesting! Are you excited?" Noble felt the man's emotion spike. 

It intensified until he finally answered. "I think so."

"It is normal to be nervous on your first day. Just have fun with it." Noble enjoyed classes more when she was able to relax and speak openly with her students.

"Fun? What kind of fun?" Sunless was suddenly very attentive to what she was saying.

"I try to convey my love for the topic in fun and interesting ways. It keeps students engaged." The professor nodded. 

"I see." The young man seemed less than convinced. 

"I'll give you an example. I teach courses on Memories, and I often have students show me ones that they don't know how to use. About half the time the Memory ends up being dangerous and I have to intervene. Thank goodness for my chamber that can contain blasts! It has saved us all more than once." 

"So you prank your students to get them to pay attention? That's brilliant!" Sunless internalized the information.

Noble winced. "I prefer to think of it as an object lesson…" 

Sunless eyed her seriously. "But it works? Students listen?"

"Most of the time," the professor answered honestly. Of course, no plan was fool-proof.

"Julius said you would have useful advice." The Master commented, reserving his own judgment. "He said you were one of the best."

"Julius is much quicker to see my strengths than my flaws," Noble deferred. 

"He does like to see the best in people." Sunless gave a small smile. 

Coming to the door, Noble pulled out the key and opened the lecture hall. "Teacher Geo used to complain about the door sticking, so if the key doesn't work right away, I recommend giving the door a light shove with your shoulder. A very light shove! The janitors aren't too happy when they have to replace things because an Awakened overestimated their strength." 

Noble reddened slightly, remembering her last run-in with the maintenance staff. How was she supposed to know that the wastebasket was so flimsy? At least nothing caught fire that time! 

Lost in her thoughts, she almost missed the young Master's bow as he turned to head down the hall. "Good to know. Thank you for your help." 

The professor furrowed her brow. "Where are you going?" 

"To get ready for my 'object lesson,' of course!" Sunless smirked. 

The Master's excitement only further piqued his colleague's curiosity. 

"And what, may I ask, is this object?" 

"Only one of the most necessary objects one could possess while traveling across the Dream Realm, of course!" Sunless's dark eyes twinkled. 

'Water? A food supply? Shelter?' Noble's mind raced as she tried to think of all the possibilities. "And what object is that?"

"What else? A chair!" The Master answered seriously. 

The professor blinked at him a couple of times. "I see. Good luck with the lecture."

Sunless nodded. Noble could almost swear his shadow gave her a thumbs-up as she turned to leave. Great, now she was hallucinating in addition to being confused!

She shook her head to clear it. 

'I guess I should be glad that he is no longer nervous. That must really be some chair!'