Do What Needs to be Done

'Did he just agree with me?' Noble had been forming her argument to combat her mother and husband's rebuttal. "Come again? Did you say 'we'?" 

Fort motioned toward their bedroom. "I got us suitcases earlier today and packed them with what I thought we would need. I would appreciate it if you looked through to make sure I didn't forget anything."

"I…you what?" Noble's mouth hung open.

"You said you wanted to go and help the evacuation efforts, didn't you? We have no time to waste." Fort looked at her seriously.

Lena gave her son-in-law a sharp look. "Alright, you have given her enough of a shock. It's time to explain." She patted her daughter's hand. "You asked how I knew about what is going on in Antarctica."

"Yes." Noble nodded, happy to have a starting point for the confusing conversation.

"I was brought in as a consultant a while back. Other than Lance, I saw more of what went right and wrong last time around than most anyone. The Chancellor thought my expertise might be useful in streamlining the process. It's not like I haven't done government work before."

While Noble had translated all of her father's documents, it seemed Lena had been brought on to interpret and help implement what they said. It was no wonder that Fort and Lena were talking even more than usual.

"While interesting, what does that have to do with me?" The professor still felt like she was missing a piece of the puzzle.

Lena winced. "Well, I was supposed to head to the closest port tomorrow to look over the civilian intake process. We need to have a plan for when the people of Antarctica arrive on our shores. Do you remember how I told you I was going to be unavailable for a couple of weeks? That was why. I was leaving town to help expedite that process."

"But you…aren't now." Noble noticed how her mother had spoken in the past tense about a future event.

"It seems my awkward rest on the couch last night has tweaked my back. After consulting my physician, he is of the opinion that I am not fit to travel." Lena touched the small of her back.

Noble clicked her tongue sharply. "Yet you had the ability to make so much food without a second thought?"

"It wore me out completely! Think about how much more effort will be required at the military installation!" Lena did look more ragged than usual, Noble noted.

There was at least some truth to her claim.

"I am sorry you are in pain. It is my fault." The professor had been the reason that Lena had needed to come and check on the children, and her late return just now meant that the older woman had to shoulder more of the cooking responsibilities.

"Don't blame yourself," Lena allowed a faint smile. "But I know you will anyway. This brings me to the favor I have asked of you and Fort. I would like you to go to the port in my place."

"I see." Noble looked at her husband. "And since my bag is already packed, I assume you have already agreed on my behalf."

Fort held up his hands quickly. "I agreed for myself only. Your answer is still pending."

It didn't take much to figure out that Fort and Lena had orchestrated this.

The professor chewed her lip. "Fort cannot go, he is supposed to be waiting for…someone…to contact him."

"That situation is well in hand. I am rather impressed with the resourcefulness of your librarian friend." Fort nodded. "Don't worry, I believe we have reached a mutually beneficial arrangement…"

Noble knew she could ask no more questions on the matter just then, so she steered back to the original issue.

Why did they need her to travel at all?

"Couldn't you just get someone who is already there to gather all the information you need?"

Lena considered her words. It was certainly an option. "The problem with that is I am not sure what I do and do not need to know. I have no idea what is there or how to best implement it. You are my daughter. If anyone knows how I think and what I would like to see, it is you. I can give you my notes and requests, but I think you will intuitively know what else needs to be recorded."

"And this change has already been approved? In less than a day?" The professor raised one eyebrow. 

'That is not how the government works!'

"This is a top priority. It was run up the chain very quickly," Fort explained.

'That is code for they called in a few favors.' Noble decided to keep the thought to herself.

"You are making a face: the one like you drank sour milk. Are you thinking you don't want to go?" The deputy director frowned.

Blinking, the professor brought her eyes back from their swirling to blue. "I wasn't meaning to make a face. I'm thinking. How long would we be gone?"

"With travel? Probably a week and a half. Maybe a little more." Fort gave a tight smile.

The plans were rather fluid if he was being honest. Until they had boots on the ground and looked at what was needing to be completed, an exact timeframe was impossible to give.

"What about the kids? What about my work at the Academy?" Noble could not just neglect her other responsibilities.

"I'll watch the kids while you are gone," Lena offered.

"But your back!" The only reason Noble was considering taking the trip at all was because her mother couldn't.

"The kids are old enough that they won't let me work myself too hard. And if I need anything, I can call your nice teacher friend, Julius, to help. He loves the kids and they love him, or so I'm told." Lena's eyes darted away.

"I…I don't even have time to unpack all the questions that I have from what you just said," Noble rubbed her forehead.

"As far as the Academy goes, I am sure the armory has some Memories you can look over for your research. We can use that to explain your absence. And it is still six months before the solstice, so you can take a week's break from classes while Bee Two runs the Memory chamber for you." Fort offered.

"Seems like you have already thought of everything…" The professor fell silent.

Glancing between her daughter and son-in-law, Lena cleared her throat. "I think one of the kids needs help with their homework. Coming! I'll be back in a bit," she excused herself before either of the others could say they hadn't heard anything.

Left alone, the couple looked at each other for a long time. 

"I know this is a ploy. You are hoping I will change my mind about wanting to go to Antarctica by sending me to the port instead."

Surely the Deputy Director hadn't forgotten what Noble said the night before. If Valor wasn't willing to do more, she would. 

Fort did not deny her accusation.

"My motive doesn't change the fact that this needs to be done. This is a job we can complete together. Do you not want to spend time with me while doing some good?" The man jutted out his lip slightly.

"Now you aren't playing fair," Noble pouted. "How am I supposed to fight against that?"

"Ideally, you won't." The man winked.

After grumbling for a moment, the professor crossed her arms. "Fine. I will go with you to the army installation. But I reserve the right to reopen the Antarctica discussion as soon as we get home."

"That is fair and reasonable. Who knows? By then one of us may have changed our minds." Fort looked innocently as his wife narrowed her gaze.

"Yes, hopefully one of us will…"